
Chapter 87 Starting A Business Part 2

Oh? This is truly a good idea.” Thurul seemed quite impressed with my ideas.

“Yes, the limited edition pens will allow me to sell them for fifty gold or more. Nobles like to have their fancy things, after all. Once I introduce the pens to the public, and they become popular, I only need to announce the limited edition pens. We can do one each month, and then they will become something like a collectible. But before I can even sell them, though, I need to get a patent from the king. Right now, I am just looking for a prototype.” I had a good marketing scheme ready to be played out, but all of this relied on getting in contact with Adel. Sei already said she would pass the message on, so I am only waiting for Adel’s reply. 

“Alright. it shouldn’t take long to have a perfect prototype for you.” Thurul nodded and stuck out his hand. “Here is to a lasting partnership. “

“Yes, to a lasting partnership.” I could tell Thurul was not going to back down anytime soon. Even he saw the money in this ‘invention’ of mine. I really could not wait to see it all come together. After this, there would be more and more things to create and sell. I really can not wait.

After a long trip back to the inn, Sophie and I went right to bed. She was still sleeping in my bed even though her room was done. It seemed to be a kind of therapy for her.-.

It was the next morning when the door to the bedroom was slammed open, and a figure sailed through the air and dived on top of me that I was rudely awoken, and poor Sophie was tossed to the side. “My Faith! Oh, how I have missed you!” 

“Adel, where is your princess like manners?” I could only helplessly smile as I patted her head, but I was starting to get creeped out with how she was taking deep breaths with her head pushed into my chest. 

I had to wait for what Adel called her Faith energy bar to be filled up before she finally released me and sat up, still sitting on top of me. I watched as her eyes flowed over to a certain fox girl who was trying to make herself look small. “This is Sophie, I presume?”

“Yes, the one I wrote about in my message.” I replied while nodding my head.

“She is indeed cute. I can see why that sick bastard of a count would like her. Since you have taken her in and explained to me the situation, I talked to father, and he okayed me to allow her asylum under your name. Father has given her your last name and announced that she would be joining you at the academy during the meeting last night. Count Freedman was not happy. Father said his face turned many different colors before storming out of the hall after the meeting was over. But he did ask me to tell you to refrain from flying within the city unless it is an emergency. You set off quite a few defensive magic systems, you know!” Adel reached over and flicked my forehead. 

“Well, I had no choice. I was not sure if the knights would trust my word of the counts. So as soon as I had Sophie, I rushed out of the house and flew away. Speaking of knights, the one your brother has keeping an eye on me, sleeps all day long, eats, and drinks. He hasn’t left his room since I have arrived.” I, of course, would tattle on the incompetent fool. At first, I thought he was loyal to his job, but in one night! One night his attitude changed, and he became a fatso who sits around all day doing nothing! If he had a computer, I am sure he would be sitting in front of it looking things up and giggling weirdly. 

“Don’t worry, Sir Randford is teaching him a lesson as we speak. You will have a few knights as well. I will introduce you to them before we head out. I need to meet with Thurul myself and make sure he signs a separate contract with the kingdom to never speak of your designs to anyone. But for now!” I was once again embraced. I have no idea why Adel was so fond of skinship. But at least now, things were settled quite easily. Sophie was now Sophie Cyrilia which gave her protection as my family member, so none of the nobles could do anything to her without repercussions. This would not stop any deeper schemes, but it also gave me the right to step in legally and protect her. In other words, I am now her legal guardian, and without me agreeing to it, no one can take Sophie away. 

While this was all good news, I am sure the count is probably planning something stupid behind the scenes. But with Adel backing me up, I can at least deal with the situation. It’s just I do wonder when Adel plans to get off me. I need to use the powder room! 

After finally getting to powder my nose, I walked into the living area to see Adel happily chatting with a very shy Sophie, who was slowly nodding her head with red cheeks while fiddling with her fingers. It seems she did not know how to act around Adel. “So, what do I need to sign?” I asked as I walked over and sat down in the chair next to the table.

Adel smiled and picked up a few papers from the table and put them in front of me. “You will need to sign here and here. The first one is specifically for you, which gives you full market domination over your invention. No one will be able to copy your design or sell it. If they do, they will be arrested and fined for reparations of one hundred gold per product they sold.” 

I couldn’t help but widen my eyes at this counteract. “Isn’t this a little too good? How did this even get approved!?” I may not know all the laws yet of the kingdom, but even I know this contract seemed to be way over the top.

“Hehe… do not underestimate the power of the only daughter!” Adel answered proudly with her nose in the air. “I just so happened to have one of the people who were in charge of doing patents to just so happen to make a contract that was much too good to be true, and I just so happened to go to Father and ask him to let me play with the royal seal.”

I facepalmed. Adel was too much! She snuck it past her old man! Won’t he get railed by the merchants guild!? But I really had to hand it to her. Adel was going above and beyond for me. “Adel, I owe you big time.”

“Hehe! Nothing is too much for my Faith.” Adel gave me a bright smile before pointing to the next document. “This one is for both you and Thurul. It will bind the two of you together. I added the percentage amount that Thurul will be getting from sales. This contract is binding and can only be broken if both parties agree, just like you wanted. Each one of these are magic contracts, so they can not be altered after they are signed, so, please make sure everything is to your liking.” 

I nodded and began reading them over. Adel did not stay quiet as she began continuing her conversation with Sophie. I took a few peeks at them and found Sophie was stuttering over her words, but Adel did not seem bothered by it in the slightest. Adel really is a kind person. I am glad I have become her friend. 

It took me almost thirty minutes to read the contract. I made sure to read it quite a few times to make sure I missed nothing. My business tycoon skill kicked in big time as soon as I started reading. No one interrupted me either. But the contracts were just what I asked for. The patent was simply amazing. I basically have a lifetime patent that I could own the ballpoint pen industry for the rest of my life or at least for as long as this kingdom lasted. 

With everything set, I signed the documents feeling very satisfied. With that done, I passed the patent document back to Adel and put the other in my inventory for use tomorrow afternoon when we took a trip to Thurul’s shop again. He still needed to sign the contract as well. “Adel, you are staying here tonight?”

“That I am!” Adel said without hesitation. “I only have today and tomorrow before I need to head back, so I want to spend as much time as I can with you.”

“Okay, then we will have a big feast tonight and then….” I looked over at Sophie, who seemed absent minded, and smiled slyly: “We can take turns brushing Sophie’s tail.”

“Fuwah!?” Sophie’s strange noise and surprised face caused both me and Adel to burst out laughing. She was indeed cute.

“I was just kidding.” To be honest, I still planned to fluff the fluff. 

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