
Chapter 115 114. Everyone Is Villain

"I am getting old for this."

Bhishma was strolling in the royal garden thinking about the event of yesterday evening, He even till now could not decide how to react to these revelations.

First, he found out that Vidur had made up the prophecy about Duryodhana, Then he saw how a child was able to trick the most intelligent mind in this kingdom and the behaviour of Gandhari couldn\'t be even more clear. She hates having a relationship with them.

And then there is new news that Suyodhana changed his name to Duryodhan, which was very weird as just before yesterday that name was enough to boil his blood in rage.

Bhishma also saw how deep enmity these cousins share, It was not a child\'s game as he thought before which will go away with time, This is a very serious matter, Both groups hate each other to the core.

Thinking about what was going to happen with his family and lineage, Bhishma could not help but think he was getting older. At this age normal old people spend time with their family, not thinking of the ways to prevent one family member from killing another.

"Thankfully, That little devil will be gone soon. Maybe after that troublemaker is gone, I can put both Pandavas and Kauravas together. It will definitely decrease hate between each other."

Well, Just like every married couple who stopped loving each other, Bhishma didn\'t want to admit that his family was falling apart, And so he put all the blame on the simple innocent faultless-

*Ahem* He put all the blame on Karna, Who well…very handsome, As for other things said above just ignore it as even the almighty narrator has a limit on how much they can lie.

So Bhishma after thinking, figured out the solution and is now in search of a teacher for both Pandava and Kurvasa. This way he can send them to that teacher by putting them together.

Which in his mind will resolve the issue between them, To some degree he is right, The only problem is that this only works when both parties have slight respect for each other.

Or very least not have urges to slit each other\'s throats, Putting these two groups together in this condition is a disaster waiting to happen.

"Kripa should know about the teach-"

"Hey, O\'Great Mahamahim Bhishma! I wanted to cash in one of the favours you owe me."

Bhishma was very relaxed. He was thinking about going to a royal teacher and get a recommendation for the two groups of children in the palace, But he was so relaxed that he didn\'t monitor his surroundings properly and because of that trouble came knocking on his door.

Here trouble means Karna if it\'s not clear.

"AngaRaj, What are you doing here, Wait! Forget that, Tell me what you want?"

Bhishma was startled seeing Karna jump out from behind, He was surprised. Really surprised that this child was able to seek this close to him without him detecting.

No matter how relaxed he was, He is still a mighty warrior of Maharathi rank, Even the fallen leaf from the tree can\'t get away from his surveillance, And yet he somehow had not detected a growing, walking, breathing child, Who didn\'t start any training yet.

But who was Bhishma? A hardened warrior who at one time flows the blood of enemies so much that it looks like a Sanzu river, The river of blood and death.

So he quickly recovers and directly comes to the point, He knows someone like Karna will not shy away from using the three promises he has given to him, Which he of course turned into favours as it gives high moral ground to him and make it felt like Karna was doing him a favour for asking to do this and not other way around.

And yet, Bhishma allows it, Anyway what worse could happen? This is still a child, Seeing how quick he is to use the promises, It should be something silly-

"I want you to be my permanent bodyguard, You can still protect Hastinapur as a side job, So there will be no contradiction with your oath, O\'Great Mahamahim Bhishma."

Karna had a wide grin on his face when he innocently put forward what he wanted.

He actually wanted to go home and eat something but he didn\'t know why he didn\'t feel like going home now, So he came here to give a heads-up to Mahamahim Bhishma.

As for why this request? Because he was not stupid, This is a promise from the strongest warrior rank on earth and the man can even beat Deva\'s. He will not go and waste one of his promises to ask Bhishma to protect him for a day on his journey in the Matura.

It will be a stupid and brain-dead move. You have the words of a warrior like Bhishma to do any unconditional things for you as long as it does not interfere with the well-being of Hastinapur, It\'s best to ask this as your first request.

".....You are the villain, You are doing this on purpose to make a feud between brothers for your own gain, Try to be a good person Putra. It will earn you some Karma."

Bhishma was not prepared for this at all, All the thoughts of Karna being a child, what worse he can do was thrown out of the window never to be seen again.

He now understands how deep water this child\'s mind is. Yesterday was not some fluke. This child planned all that out from beginning to finish, He led them by the nose right in his trap.I think you should take a look at

So Vidur was right before, He did warn him multiple times to get rid of this child but Bhishma never listened. He in his pride or ignorance or just pity and care towards the innocent life did not want to believe it.

But now the proof is in front of him, It\'s indeed this Suta child who wanted to take advantage of troubled water, That is the reason why he asked him to be his bodyguard.

This way Karna can take him away in critical times in the family to prevent things from escalating further. This child is indeed evil and because of his promise, he can\'t even do anything.

This child in a single day takes care of the two most feared members of Hastinapur court, Making this child the most fearsome opponent he encounters till now.

"No matter how good a person you are, We are all bad guys in someone\'s story, O\'Great Mahamhim, So enjoy your role and at least be a memorable villain."

Karna sees through that Bhishma has misunderstood him but he decides to make this a teaching moment and so he quotes these famous words, He who reads the fanfic about the epic has some broken understanding of these characters.

In which he knows that what Mahamahim Bhishma suffers from is that he is always trying to do a good thing but while doing that, he ignores who and how many people he hurt as a result of his self-righteousness.

Princess Amba is an example, And so are her other two sisters which people often forget he was also kidnapped. There is Gandhari but worse damage he did was to the thing he was always trying to protect, Hastinapur.

If not for his unyielding oath, the war would have never happened. He was by law heir to the throne, If only for the greater good he had broken his oath, His lineage would have not ceased to exist.

He does earn the name, honoured and respected for keeping his oath but is also partially blamed for the destruction of all around.

"What- What are you talking about?"

Bhishma was taken aback by the sudden change in the tone of Karna, Before it was easy going evergreen hard to resist childish sweet voice but now it has become deep and full of profound meaning that he could not warp his head around.

But he might get an idea of what he was trying to say. It\'s just Bhishma didn\'t want to admit it, If he did then what he did all this time will be meaningless, No it will be worse than meaningless.

He will be the culprit for all the disasters headed towards his family. He really can\'t accept the fact that he who is trying to save his family is the reason why it was falling apart.

"Nothing, Also you misunderstood me O\'Great Mahamahim Bhishma, I am not planning that deep, It\'s useless to take you away, You can\'t do anything even if the conflict was escalating right in front of you.

Also, I guarantee you that I will not harm Kauravas, And will do my best to avoid having trouble with Pandavas but If they want to cause trouble, They will end up worse than Bheema, That is Radheya\'s words.

And the reason I want you as my bodyguard for is nothing special, I wanted to go on a short trip to Mathura and wanted protection, That\'s all."

Karna once again changed his tone back to his usual self, He did this on purpose. This didn\'t seem much but he highlighted what was important in this conversation.

Not right now but soon Bhishma also understands why he can\'t do anything to stop what is now inevitable conflict between cousins.

\'I was wrong? He didn\'t seem to have ill intent towards Kuruvansh. At least not to Kuravas, That\'s something.\'

Bhishma became silent upon hearing Karna, He didn\'t know what to say, As for why he could not be able to avoid the conflict thing ignored by him, He didn\'t want to pay attention to that fearing Karna might just say it.

"Okay, I accept your request, I will be your bodyguard and will protect you as long as you are not standing against Hastinapur or trying to harm my family."

So not knowing what to say, Bhishma without even knowing the more about trip to Karna agreed in guilt, Which also careful thinking of the little devil.

"Oh, Cool, We will be leaving a little after noon, So be fully prepared with your best arsenal O\'Great Mahamahim Bhishma, You might have to fight the whole kingdom\'s army of Mathura."

Karna, after hearing what Bhishma said, spoke up very quickly and rapidly before he made a run for it. While Bhishma stands there trying to understand what he did to deserve to encounter this child.

He had it enough. He wanted to go after Karna and directly ask him what he meant but when he turned around to his horror he could not find Karna at all. Even when he spread his Yogic power all around the garden and the palace, There is no sign of Karna.

This deeply confused Bhishma, So much so, He decided to go and talk to his mother this troublemaker.

(A/N : Tried something new, Do you like it?

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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