
Chapter 98 A Killer on The Loose

Arthur did not know anyone named Lucy, which meant she was a new student. She disappeared on the first day of school, which was weird.

If the dungeon was still around, then maybe Lucy could be in danger, but it wasn’t. The island was completely safe, as no beasts lived in it.

The only magical beast that could be aggressive was Sully, but he wouldn’t attack a student, and Arthur was sure a wyvern would not kidnap either.

“I hope she is okay.” Arthur thought, using his fire wings to fly and have a better view. Sully was also helping, yet they couldn’t find her.

They looked inside every cave, behind every bush, and even underwater. Lucy was nowhere to be found.

There were only 4 ships in the village’s port. One was from the school, and the rest were fishermen on ships.

Lucy wasn’t inside the island, but also did not leave by ship. The only explanation was that she could somehow fly, or travel, by water.

“That, or she is somewhere on the island. I don’t know…”

After hours of searching with no results, Arthur returned to the school and called all students in front of the mansion..

It was already dark, and the students had fearful faces, especially the two that had seen Lucy.

“I have an important announcement, everyone.” Arthur said in a tone that everyone could hear.

He looked at all students and noticed their faces of curiosity and fear.

“A student went missing today.”

The whisperings started.

“Who’s missing?”

“I don’t know, but the culprit must be one of the school members, right?”

Arthur stopped all the murmuring with a thundery voice, “silence!”

“We still don’t know what happened, but I, the other teachers and my beast pet will continue to look for the student every day,”

“For the meantime, I ask that all of you don’t go wandering in the woods alone. If you want a place to practice outside of the academy grounds, please leave with your friends. If I see anyone walking outside of the school perimeter alone, that person will be punished.”

“Another thing. All students must be inside the dorm at 8 pm. I’ll scan the area, and you bet I’ll find you if you try something funny.”

“This is a measure of your own safety until we found the missing student and the person behind it. Now, all of you, return to your rooms.”

The word coming from the president was an order, and all students returned to their dorms. The atmosphere inside the school changed. Students were apprehensive, fearful that something would happen to them, just like what happened to Lucy.

Arthur would try his best to find her to give his students a peace of mind. He returned to his office, changed his clothing, appearance and returned to his dorm as Drakian.

A blue circle formed around Arthur, and he vanished from his office, appearing behind a bush close to the dorm.

All students were already inside, murmuring in the hall and rooms about what happened.

Philip was also there, and he said, “Drakian? Come, fast, the president already told all of us to stay inside the dorm.”

“I’m going.”

Arthur wasn’t concerned about getting caught by the president…


“Are you enjoying the classes here? Man, I only wished there were more practical stuff, but it is understandable considering we know nothing about magic.” Philip said, laying down on the bed.

Arthur was doing something for them to eat.

“I talked with one of the older students, and they said it will be a week of theory before something practical. Waiting a week is nothing compared to the time we spent inside that ship to arrive here.”

“Facts, bro. And look at you, socializing with older students. Was it a pretty girl?”

“Shut up, Philip. Come here and grab your food.” Arthur said.

Philip got up from the bed with a smile, presumably because of the food Arthur made for them.

It was a stew using the meat from beasts Sully hunted.

“I want to go to the library tomorrow to borrow a book. Wanna join?”

“Sure, why not?”

Arthur wanted to use his time to go out and look for Lucy, but he couldn’t act as a weird student, or else they would suspect him. They could even suspect he had something to do with the kidnapping.

“I actually borrowed a book on my first day. Want to practice? There is a beginner spell called candlelight. It doesn’t seem that hard.”

“Really? Of course. Why did you borrow a book on the first day? Are you those freaks that study 24 hours a day? You don’t seem like it.” Philip said, mocking him.

It was funny, because Philip also had the face of someone that studied 24 hours a day, and was already speaking of going to the library the next day.

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ Was he projecting himself on Arthur?

The stew was tasty, and not even a drop of it remained. Arthur took out one book from his magical pouch when Philip used the bathroom.

Most of the books Arthur got were from the library were about time-space magic, but he also got a general book that had most of the spells all mages could use, no matter their element.

“It is a beginner’s spell that creates an orb of light. Good to use when exploring dark places, such as ruins, dungeons or caves.”

Arthur explained the spell usage to Philip, who was just beside him, reading the same page.

Honestly, it did not matter the type of spell for Philip. He just wanted to practice some stuff.

They were about to begin their practice when Sully’s voice echoed inside Arthur’s mind.

“Arthur, I think I found the student you were looking for. She is… dead.”

The excitement of learning something vanished, and Arthur had to think of an excuse to leave.

“Philip, I’ll be right back. You can use the book for now.” Arthur said and left the dorm in a hurry.

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