
Chapter 450 - Get With The Program...

Emily and Amelia\'s joint residence...

Hal had just stepped out of the room with Rita and Karmen by his sides as he took a deep breath of outside world air with a smile on his face.

He would leave the Doxon Duchy today.

In truth, he actually still had one week, according to Devon Dane (Melinda\'s father and his reluctant future father-in-law) before the Expedition but he might as well head there early.

There were those he would like to spend time with in the Silva Duchy before the Expedition.

Emily and Amelia were planning to remain in the Doxon Duchy which Hal did not mind. After all, thanks to the Harem space, he had been able to spend five months with them.

He would make sure to return as soon as he could though.


He was standing in the courtyard mulling over some things when a presence got close to his wide range Astral perception which he had let out to alert him in case of trouble.

However, before he could even make to turn or react to the presence, he was already snatched off the ground and soaring through the afternoon clouds much faster than his brain and eye could comprehend.

And then as fast as it had started, when Hal was preparing to wrench himself from the presence by any means necessary, he stopped moving.

When his eye adjusted to the sudden stop, he was standing on a tall mountain completely out of the boundary of the Doxon Duchy capital.

How did Hal know?

Well, it was pretty easy when he could see the whole of the Doxon Duchy capital!

Actually, the Duchy capital was so wide that even as high as they were, he could still not see it all.

But he could definitely see the Duchy palace as well as the Sensual Palace that was not too far away from it.

And then someone said, 

"Beautiful, isn\'t it?" 

The voice caused Hal to turn and come face to face with Kirill Doxon who was looking right ahead at the view, 

"I love this spot. It\'s not the tallest mountain in the Doxon Duchy but among the tallest mountains, it\'s the closest to the Duchy capital. 

When I was a Duke, I came here many times. Here, I feel closest to the deceased rulers of this region. Especially the one the mountain is named after, Harold Doxon.

This is really surprising since we have little in common. I am not a Runemaster like he was. It\'s an ability that tends to sometimes skip one or two generations in the Doxon family. Not helped by me not birthing Lana with a Runemaster or at least someone from a Runemastering ancestry..."

"Is there a point to all this?" Hal interrupted with impatience.

Kirill kept looking ahead but said, 

"It\'s rude to interrupt elders when they are speaking"

Hal rolled his eyes, 

"No, it\'s rude to drone on and on and on to someone you just kidnapped and could not care less about any of this crap" 

This time, Kirill faced Hal as he said, 

"You lack manners"

Hal shrugged, 

"I never had a mother to teach me"

Kirill paused, 

"Fair point, but you could have taught yourself"

Hal shrugged again, 

"Too much of a hassle" he said.

Kirill sneered, 

"Well, since you are a cultivator and one who has traversed from the Silva Duchy to the Doxon Duchy, you should know when to keep your mouth shut so you don\'t anger someone who can crush you without even trying" 

As he said this, the Ex-Duke\'s eyes narrowed menacingly and he released an oppressive pressure which he kept radiating around himself and did not use to oppress Hal directly... Yet.

Even as Hal felt that pressure which was causing the very mountain top to vibrate as though it would shatter from any further oppression, Hal rolled his eyes and chuckled, 

"Oh please. Save your intimidations for someone who cares. I think I can tell quite well when someone wants me dead" he said and waved off Kirill\'s attempt at intimidation.

"You can tell? Boy, are you stupid?" Kirill asked and the pressure got even more oppressive but was now slowly targeting Hal directly but Hal smiled, 

"It\'s all a bluff and if it\'s not, go ahead and try killing me" he said and spread his arms in what looked to be surrender, but mockingly so.

Kirill paused and stepped closer to Hal who began to sweat from the pressure but held his ground and refused to cower, 

"You are betting on Lana, aren\'t you? Betting on her interference." The ex-duke noted.

Hal sneered, 

"Having a mother has to be good for something right?" He said.

And there was a pause before Kirill burst into laughter as he rescinded his pleasure,

"Hahahahaha kid, you are quite something. A Doxon through and through. Your guts are a telltale of the Doxon blood flowing through your veins" he said.

Hal who was quite relieved with the pressure being rescinded rolled his eyes at the Ex-Duke\'s words.

Meanwhile, Kirill continued, 

"You are right though, she is sure to be watching you like a hawk. The range of her perception is truly frightening" 

The Doxon patron took the time to shiver slightly before he said, 

"Now Boy, are you ready to accept your place as a Doxon? To be awarded the respect and honor it garners. To finally replace the two idiots strutting about the Duchy like princes as your mother\'s heir and successor of her power as leader of the Doxon family and ruler of the Duchy?"

Hal shook his head, 

"Hard pass"

Kirill raised a brow at how quickly that negative reply had come, 

"Excuse me what?" He asked.

"Are you deaf, old man? I said Hard pass. Get straddled with the responsibility of leading a family that means shit to me? No, thank you"

Then he added, 

"Besides, you forget, I am not a Doxon"

Kirill now turned his attention back to the view of the Doxon Duchy capital, 

"Boy, if I say you will do it, then you will. Deny all you want but Doxon blood flows through your veins."

\'Actually, it does not\' Hal thought and of course referred to how the only blood that flowed in his body right now was that of the Primeval Devil queen.

"Now, while you may have my stamp of approval, there will be opposition. Namely, your uncles and their sons..." Kirill continued and Hal was quick to interfere, 

"Man, are you going senile?" He asked but Kirill acted as though he had not heard him as he continued, 

"Of course the Elders are mostly in their favor since there were no alternatives. But once they hear of you, I am sure there will be many ready to jump on your bandwagon. A lot of them owe me favors..."

"Dude, I already said I was not interested. I will not lead the Doxon family and I will not be Duke" Hal said.

This time, Kirill looked at him directly and a nasty grin spread over his face, 

"Well, you and I both know of your disinterest but my stupid sons and grandsons don\'t." He said.

Hal narrowed his eyes, 

"So, I\'ll clear up the misconception" he said.

Kirill sneered, 

"Oh really? You will walk up to them and announce you have no interest even when, I, the Doxon Patron has endorsed your candidacy. 

As long as I say I want you to be the next Duke and Patriarch, the whole of the Doxon family will become divided. Your stand won\'t mean jack.

Many who have been seeking a banner under which they can oppose my two idiot sons will naturally rally behind you.

Ever heard of a reluctant ruler? Well, that\'s exactly what you will be"

Hal swelled and for the first time since this chat began, he looked to be swelling in anger and losing his cool, 

"You old bastard" he snarled as he could see the ex-Duke had backed him into a corner.

Kirill took great joy in Hal\'s enraged expression as he laughed, 

"Haha, it\'s just politics boy and if you want to survive, you best get with the program."

Hal took a deep breath to calm himself before he said with a frown, 

"You can\'t force me to do what you want"

Kirill grinned, 

"Force you? Now, why would I do that? You are free to do whatever you want.

But you should know though that there are many dangers if you do decide to leave the Duchy as I and your mother will be unable to protect you" he said.

"Oh? When have you ever protected me?" Hal asked. 

Kirill shrugged, 

"Fair point. But now I am actually interested in protecting you... As long as you remain here. In the Doxon Duchy. Once you leave I can not, no, I will not protect you.

And trust me, you will need it.

Many will seek your life.

As the poster boy of a faction in the family, your death would return hope for unification."

Suddenly Hal who had been clenching and unclenching his fists in anger froze as he thought of something, 

"You... You already did it, didn\'t you? You\'ve endorsed me already."

Kirill looked mildly impressed, 

"Right you are. Even at this moment, the Doxon family has begun taking sides while your idiot uncles are working to get more support, their main point being that your father is a Silva but that does not really hold any ground when your talent is taken into consideration.

So, Hal, everything has been set in motion. Whether you like it or not.

So don\'t fight it. 

Accept it. 

Come on Boy, what do you say?"

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