
Chapter 149 - The Alchemist

Because of the rarity of Di-Astral sense, also known as Spiritual sense, no one had it in Salmon city. Or more accurately, no one had discovered it in Salmon City.

After all, it takes certain special conditions for someone to unlock the ability to use Spiritual sense. So it was quite possible that there was someone in Salmon city who possessed the rare ability but lacked the (even rarer) opportunity to unlock it.

That said, there were alchemists from neighboring cities who took trips and for a steep price, would be prepared to refine pills for clients.

However, since they had been having such visits from alchemists and also made trips themselves to neighboring cuties to purchase those pills, they had never met an Alchemist as talented and obviously high ranked as the one that had eluded them all this while.

This particular alchemist loved to make regular trips to the city and it was even believed that they loved the city\'s atmosphere enough to reside in it, even though there was no evidence to support this claim.

They would never dare to spy on the Alchemist\'s home for fear of losing their favor.

All the Great family heads had worked hard to rope the Alchemist into their party.

It was the first sign that there was never true cooperation among them. Because even when the Confluence still stood, they all worked in secret towards their own ends.

Hector Himself knew that while it was his habit to say he was only doing so for the protection of his family and those he would leave behind when he died, the truth was that he did not want to lose the power he now held. At least not until he was dead and could no longer lead.

There was nervousness and uncertainty as he began to read the letter and he could not possibly be blamed. After all, this was someone that had denied him audience all this while, where was the guarantee that this was not to shut him down again.

Although, if that was so, then that Alchemist must have a cruel sense of humor;

\'Oh I have ignored you all this while and I have now decided to contact you and shut you down in writing\'

Hector shivered. That would be sick!


The letter read;

Lord Edgar,

I was wondering if you would please visit my home this afternoon. I believe we have much to discuss and I sincerely apologize for snubbing you all this while.

I will have an explanation for you should you decide to honor my invitation although I am not sure you would find it reasonable or pleasing.

Below is my address, I look forward to meeting you.


Below really was the Alchemist\'s address and as Hector read it, his excitement grew even more than before. Surely, this was it. This was his opportunity.

Finally, things were looking up!

"Um, My lord, you look excited, may I inquire why?"

Hector stretched the letter to his right-hand man who read through it and frowned lightly, 

"My lord, I don\'t think you should go"

Hector looked up at him, 

"Why not?" He asked.

Karon cleared his throat, 

"Well, I feel like this is an insult to you" he said.

"An insult? What do you mean?" Hector asked as he turned towards the window that looked out of the castle.

"Well, pardon me for saying my lord, but this \'Alchemist\' has ignored you all this while. Every message you have sent, politely, to request audience has fallen on deaf ears and it is clear that whoever this is, has no respect for you.

And now, this letter was delivered, not personally. The messenger did not even have the courtesy to hand it to you in person and merely left it with the guard outside.

This letter itself seems another insult. Even though it\'s polite, it\'s obvious that the writer has no respect for you at all. Even calling you, the Mayor of this city, out to their home. To their turf.

I think if they were truly sorry for their misconduct, they should at least give you the honor you are due and politely pay you a visit"

Karon ended his words with a bow, worried that he had crossed a line.

Hector sighed, 

"Do you think I don\'t know all that? Do you think I haven\'t thought about it?"

Hector took a deep breath as he surveyed the city from his Castle tower vantage, 

"All you have said is right and the gods know that I have thought of the same things. However, I am the one who requires something from The Alchemist and as such, I am the one who must request and make compromises.

It is the reality of this world.

Besides, because the Alchemist resides in this city, of which I am still doubtful, does not mean that I govern them. Not everyone is as humble and respectful as Master Swanson."

When Karon had been making his points, there was a lot Hector had planned to say in reply but he felt it was better to keep them kept away. 

That the Alchemist had sent him this letter and scheduled a meeting (even if Hector would have to go to their home turf) was something he believed to be a huge honor.

And he would gladly let go of his pride for what he wants.

"I\'m sorry I spoke out of line, My Lord" Karon bowed deeply.

"Hahahaha, No you did not. Now prepare for our departure" Hector said.


At noon, Hector entered into a carriage and Karon sat next to him inside as they were driven towards the Alchemist\'s home.

They left guards behind because Hector did not want to display hostility to the one who could prove to be his salvation.

Darryl watched the Carriage pull away and sighed. His father was so diligent in pursuit of his goals and the protection of the Edgar Family. He truly hoped he could pull through in the upcoming war.


The Edgar carriage arrived at the front of the Alchemist home that turned out to be a Mansion. One of the largest in the City and was known to belong to a Plebeian family.

This did not raise a red flag for him, because as Mayor, he knew that the Plebeians were the best to go to in regards to real estate in this city.

What did raise a red flag of awareness for him was when he noticed that his carriage was far from being the only one in front of the Mansion\'s large and closed gate. He could easily spot the carriages of the other Great families; Krast, Horst, and Payne.

Just as he was surprised to find them there, the other Great family heads inside the carriages were surprised by the arrival and eventual completion of their Great family set

"What the Hell?" Hector could not help but swear.

Was this not the end of any wish to ally with the Alchemist in secret?

Were they going to have to bid for the Alchemist\'s products?

Or even more implausible,

Were they going to have to bid on the Alchemist themselves?

Looking at their Great Family colleagues, confusion was not the only thing on their faces. There was anger. Anger that they had been tricked.

Suddenly, the gates opened and out of it walked out someone who looked to be a servant at the house and must have been the one who delivered the messages or at least one of the messengers if they were more than one, which there were bound to be.

He waved them in and the carriages moved at a slow pace and into the Mansion\'s large compound.

There were a lot of servants at work in the compound and it was quickly obvious that the Mansion was only recently put into use. All the servants had a sense of duty but that was where it ended.

There was no strong sense of loyalty, at least not as far as any of the Family heads had seen.

It would seem that the Alchemist simply bought or rented the Mansion and employed help which meant they were most likely alone.

At first, this made a few of them confident in being able to sway opinion in their favor by displaying dominating strength but they all soon came to the thought that if the Alchemist could come to this city on their own, then they must be very capable.

Even the strongest among them, Hector, did not have any thoughts of bullying whoever this Alchemist was.

They disembarked from their carriages and followed the servants to the room that must have been prepared beforehand for all of them and yet there was an extra seat.

The chairs were six so the Family heads sat and whoever came with them stood behind their back.

For Gregory, it was Burt. For Edvard, it was Karmen and for Ford, it was Fidel.

"The Alchemist will be with you in a while" said one of the servants and left while another offered snacks which they all declined as they were already filled with anticipation for the elusive Alchemist. 

And so...

An hour went by...

And then another...

And then another...

After three hours, the Great Family heads were beginning to regret turning down the snacks not because they were hungry, but because it would have been a welcome change to the boredom they were feeling at the moment.

And then...


From a chamber out of sight, an explosive sound echoed and reached the ears of the Family heads who leaped up in alertness when...

*Click* *Clack* *Click* *Clack*

...a woman walked in with a violet fog clinging to her form-fitting black dress.

The woman was tall, quite like a model but her assets which were accentuated by her tight dress were quite ample and as she walked into the room, they jiggled lightly.

The lady whose body was smelling of pill fragrance (most likely caused by the violet fog) sat in the chair at the head of the table and faced them fully with her back-length black hair and bangs that covered her left eye.

She smiled sweetly, 

"Sorry, for keeping you waiting, I was refining a pill. I hope you understand. I would hate to spend so much time apologizing since as I already stated in my letter,

We have much to discuss"

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