
Chapter 93 - Tete-a-Tete With Queen Sariel's Will Part 1

A beautiful Meadow lit brightly by the sun overhead. Flowers of different kinds, lilies, Lilacs, sunflowers, and even roses spread over its terrain. The flowers and grasses swayed to the effect of the wind that blew gently.

A figure lay within the bushes, Her eyes were closed and while she seemed peaceful, the slight purse of her lips suggested otherwise. As though she was offended by the situation she was in.

As the breeze blew over the beautiful lady (For she was beautiful) it seemed to whisper, 

"Wake up Baby girl..."

The moment the sleeping beauty heard the voice, her pursed lips curved into an enchanting smile that lit up her face with joy. A joy that sprung from a fulfilled expectation.

Her eyelids opened to reveal warm browns behind as she sat up in the field and stretched her muscles.

Of course, Melinda did not feel any strain, the stretching was more due to habit rather than ache.

She looked around and was at first slightly disappointed he was not next to her until she reminded herself that this was a mere representation of her mental state and health.

A meadow signifying the grudging peace she had felt from her slumber. Grudging because she would rather not have to be unconscious.

She shifted her position to a cross-legged one and assessed her Mental health, it was during her assessment that she felt another intrusion from another will.

"Why am I always dealing with wills. Show yourself, gods damn it" She grumbled and rose to her feet to look around.

There seemed to be no one else around other than her at least until...

"Didn\'t mean to offend you"

... a voice sounded behind her and caused her to turn and come face to face with the most glorious looking woman she had ever seen.

All of the woman\'s features were perfect and impeccable. Including her Golden eyes, in which there were no whites.

Her smiling lips were lenient but also cautious, her white gold colored back length hair seemed to catch the light and move animatedly on its own.

No matter how you look at her, she seemed angelic. One could even say the only thing missing was large wings to complete the look.

Melinda did not see her as an angel or any other pure being, she saw as an intruder, one to be careful around.

"You\'re not my Father," She said with a slight smile

The lady chuckled "No I\'m not. My name is Sariel but you can just call me virtue" Sariel said with a smile.

Melinda\'s eyes narrowed and she took a deep breath. A short silence followed before, 

"Do you mean Sariel as in the Primeval Virtue?" She asked slowly and Sariel\'s eyes widened at the full mention of her title.

"You know me? I never thought someone in a neglected world could know who I am" 

Sarie said with wonder, the second part after the question had been said quietly and mostly to herself. Melinda had heard it but decided to ignore it. For now.

"My Grandmother told me our Progenitor was Sariel the Primeval Virtue, Also known as the Holy Maiden but any power higher than a Cosmic Lord is regarded as a myth in this world. Not an unbelievable myth, of course, just one of such magnitude that it\'s much too great for us Mortals to speak of" 

Melinda Explained as she took her seat in the Meadow again. Talking about her Grandmother brought to mind how much she missed that looney old woman.

"*Sigh* Do you believe I am your Progenitor?" Sariel asked looking down at Melinda from her standing vantage point.

"Are you?" Melinda replied with a question.

"I am," Sariel said

"Okay" was Melinda\'s only response.

Sariel narrowed her eyes, 

"You believe me? Just like that?" She was stunned. She expected a refute.

"You say you produced the Danes and I say \'Okay, no problem\' cause it does not matter to me. They are all still dicks. The way I see it, the fact that you are a Holy Maiden did not change that..." Melinda sighed and lied in the grass before she continued, 

"Nothing matters. Nothing changes that fact so why should I care, That\'s why I think we should skip that and move on to why exactly you\'re here or better still; How you are here?"

Sariel frowned and the Gold in her eyes was dangerous as she looked down at Melinda but her voice remained perfectly controlled when she spoke again, 

"Your Bloodline is a variation of one of the Bloodlines I have dominion over. How your ancestor arrived on this world is not important, what\'s important is that he bore my will with him and passed it down through procreation"

"What if the carrier of this Will died without passing it on?" Melinda asked

"In that case, My \'Will\' will disperse," Sariel said with a shrug

"You mean you will disperse," Melinda said with a pointed look

"Yes, I will disperse, but I serve the purpose of my originator, that\'s all that matters" 

"What exactly is that purpose?" Melinda asked

"To support your ancestor during his Holy mission but he was able to put me into hibernation. I only woke up now because I was jolted by your lifting of the suppression of your Bloodline" 

Sariel went silent and Melinda broke it with a question born of genuine curiosity, 

"What Mission?"

"None of your business!" Sariel cut off sharply

Melinda did not even flinch, on the contrary, she smiled widely, 

"Nice, finally we are getting past the Creepy Grandmother smile. How does it feel to show genuine emotion and not deceitful ones?" She chuckled

Sariel clenched her fists and turned to look at Melinda who returned the look with confidence, 

"I am not the enemy, Your Ancestor should have also understood that"

"If the first thing you do after \'waking up\' is to possess my body then I\'m afraid I disagree. And you are most likely the enemy." 

How could someone possess her body and she would not know about it once her consciousness was awake. Even at that moment, everything that happened was being fed back to her through what could only be explained as muscle memory.

Sariel turned away.

"I don\'t want the whole truth but the least you can give me is bits of it," Melinda said

Instead of replying, Sariel turned slightly aggressive, 

"I possessed you because I sensed the presence of a Devil near you. Not just any Devil, the Bloodline I felt, although weak was very similar to that of The Primeval Devil Queen"

Melinda sat up from her lying position and looked up at Sariel, 

"A Devil?" She asked.

Maybe she heard wrong and Sariel had said something else.

"Yes, a Devil" Sariel repeated and showed her imagery of the events that occurred including Hal\'s eye color change.

While Melinda had seen him use his Bloodline abilities, she had never known what it was exactly. Accepting that it was merely of a much higher status than unique but to find out he was a Devil was...

"You see that? Do you see it? He almost touched you. Now tell me what is your relationship with this Devil"

Having no access to Melinda\'s memories because she was a Bloodline imprint and not a mind Imprint like Melinda\'s father\'s, Sariel did not know for sure how deep the relationship between the two was but she was certain Melinda could not have known his true identity and she had been right. So of course, now that Melinda knew, she should understand the Magnitude of such a revelation. After all, even in this part of the Cosmic Realm, the general notion was;

Devil... Bad!

So Melinda should be easy to convince.


"It\'s None of your Business"

... She had gravely underestimated their bond.

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