
Chapter 81 - The Starting Bid

Auction Day...

The main Hall of Edgar castle was filing up quickly as all waited eagerly for when the Auction for the Holger Estate would begin.

Most of those inside the Hall were merely there to spectate and to have firsthand information on who the winner was.

Of course majority of them were Plebeians and those directly below them on the social ladder, in essence, those who could truly have a say in such high profile events, albeit a small and oppressed say.

As such, this group was well aware that this Auction went beyond simply winning the Estate.

It was really about winning the territory that used to belong to the Holgers.

Winning meant an Expansion of territory and automatically provided the winner an increase in influence in regards to the things that go on in the city.

As much as the Plebeians would love to justify wanting to win the Estate as a way to preserve the property of a fellow Plebeian, the truth remained simpler. Which was, they want to have the territory so the Greats do not.

This was a battle between the Plebeians and the Greats. A Battle before a Battle.

And this was why no external party was really interested in bidding for the Estate, because that was very well a blatant way of \'Throwing your Hat into the ring\' and announcing your interest in joining the tug-of-war of power that was going on. While winning would put that person in a limelight of attention and guarantee they are not totally overlooked, it would also pull them into the politics and they would have to pick a stand.

Join the Greats.

Join the Plebeians.

Or stay on your own.

Of all three choices, staying on their own was the most suicidal, they could not possibly survive without support so it was a guarantee that they would choose one of the others. Right?.

The most \'Reasonable\' would have been to join the Greats who have ruled the Salmon city for as long as anyone could remember, unfortunately thanks to certain rumors that now circulated the city (Thank you Marked Brethren!), the Hegomony of the Great families was now shaky.

On the other hand, no one was entirely sure the Plebeians would win all the same, so all in all, it was a fifty percent chance either way.

It could also be sixty to forty in favor of the Greats as long as Hector was still alive and remained strongest in the city.

Many believed this was what the Plebeians were waiting for but again, they could not know for sure.

The main Hall was soon filled with the spectators and the ones truly involved in the Auction began to arrive in form of the main Plebeian leaders who arrived together and would bid as one.

San Fidwud, Bale and Tod walked into the Hall and even though they arrived together it was clear there was no love lost between Fidwud and the other two, However...

Their solidarity remained strong. At least for now.

Together they took their spot in the best area of the Hall, reserved for the \'VIPs\'. Their posture making it very clear they had no respect for the Hall of the ruling family in the city today.

Next was the Arrival of Gregory Payne who was -as he always was since his son\'s death- bad-tempered . with a permanent scowl on his face. By his side was his Butler and the one man he could trust blindly, Burt.

There was complete disregard for the seated Plebeians, as he sat in his spot away from the trio. Any relationship he might have had with them, ended with the death of Corban Holger and well aware of this, San and the other two sought no comraderie from him.

The way Gregory saw it, he had already lost his son, and from how Lilian was now entirely focused on cultivation, he had practically lost her too, so he would be damned if he lost the opportunity of ever becoming Mayor just because some Plebeians are unsatisfied their lot.

"Gregory. You\'re early" said a voice a few minutes later, turning attention towards the latest arrival in the form of a tall Man with Brown hair.

"You\'re Early" Gregory retorted

Ford Horst had arrived, arm in arm with the Beautiful Emily.

Needless to say, Emily instantly garnered attention as murmurs and whispers broke out, most of them groaning at how lucky the Horst family Head was.

As a Cosmic Armament Realm cultivator, Ford\'s senses were strong enough to pick up most of the comments and he swelled with pride. He was quite lucky indeed. He cast a sideways glance at Emily and as expected, her smile was... Indifferent.

He sighed. He had not given up. He would win her heart. After all. It had been twenty years, he was bound to be wearing her down.

The thought that some boy that was born within that twenty years was actually stupid enough to think he could succeed where he, Ford Horst had failed made him chuckle.

That \'son-in-law\' of his was too proud for his own good.

"Well, well, well, isn\'t this a party" said smiling voice from behind Ford who turned to come face to face with Pitch black eyed, Edvard Krast.

Edvard\'s face was a picture of ease with a brilliant smile on his handsome face. Despite the notorious rumors surrounding him, ladies in the crowd still cooed at his appearance. Of the Great family heads, he was youngest, most talented and Handsome looking, so of course he was popular with the ladies.

He had not come alone. By his side was his cousin Ciel and an attractive lady with wild eyes that the other Great family heads failed to recognize.

Edvard looked Emily up and down and clicked his tongue in appreciation. Ford narrowed his eye but said nothing as he expected Emily to react, Alas...

"Good to see you Edvard"

... Emily became the first to acknowledge him.

Edvard looked at Emily\'s obviously fake smile, but was satisfied all the same. She had acknowledged him, that was all that mattered.

Of course the truth was that, his gaze might have been a tad bit inappropriate but it was not yet lecherous, so though Emily did not care for him, she acknowledged him all the same.

A gentle squeeze to Ford\'s arm and the Horst patriarch led her towards their seat but, suddenly a scent wafted into the Hall.

To the males it seemed merely a sweet scent. Kind of how you perceive another man\'s cologne except many times better.

To the females however, it was so much more and weaker ladies could already feel their thighs moistening.

As one, all Attention turned towards the scent and through the door came a young man, closely followed by four beauties.

Two of them were easily recognizable as workers of the now closed Pleasure inn; Camilla and Irina.

The one closest to the young man was not easily recognized by Gregory and it took a while for him to look past her enhanced beauty at what she used to look like. The thought did not bring him the slightest bit of satisfaction.

Hal looked up and locked eyes with Gregory before his mouth split into a wide smile

"Hey Dad. It\'s been a while"

Gregory gripped his seat hard but gave no other sign he had heard Hal delivering pleasantries.

The Gathered spectators looked at him closely...

"Is that Hal Payne?"

"He\'s so Handsome"

"That\'s an understatement"

This was the loudest of the murmurs but some also went this way...

"He\'s a demon"

"I heard he killed his brother without batting an eye"

"Damn it. He looks so young"

Ignoring such pointless drivel Hal turned to the Horst couple.

"Father-in-law. Mother-in-law. So nice to see you" He said with a respectful smile both Ford and Emily knew was fake.

Once again Hal ignored the conversations that broke out over this piece of news. It was after all to most general knowledge that Alexander Edgar and Amelia Horst were together.

"Same" Emily smiled in reply and Edvard narrowed his eyes at it\'s genuineness.

Ford simply snorted "\'Father-in-law\' is disputable. What are you doing here?"

"Is it not obvious? I\'m here to bid"

And with that, Hal took the seat that should have been the Masker lady\'s. With Camilla by his side, he wasn\'t given any trouble.

Hector Edgar arrived along with his sons, Darryl and Marlon as,well as his trusty guard, Karon, whether due to respect or simple impatience for the auction to finally begin, silence descended upon the Hall.

Marlon stood at center stage to address the Audience while he held up the deeds of the Holger Estate

"So, I believe everyone knows why we\'re here so let\'s not dwell on ceremonies. Get your fortune ready people, \'cause the Estate is valued at 10 million Gold coins at the very least so the auction will begin at.... 20 million gold coins"

Not to mention the crowd, even Hector had no idea what was going on.

The only one who did was the Sapphire eyed youth who lounged on his seat with his cheek resting on his right fist and a relaxed smile on his face.

Marlon on the other hand was crying deep in his heart \'This is so cruel. I have to act like a bad ass while throwing my own money away\' he wailed.

His facial expression remained Stoic though.

San gritted his teeth at this injustice of multiplying the Estate\'s value by the two from the very start, however he sucked it up and decided to place his bid however the moment he opened his mouth to speak...

"25 million gold coins"

...a voice called out. A voice belonging to a very, very angry man.

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