
Chapter 211 Little Mandron Soldier 34

Yang Zhi took a step back before focusing on the hologram before him. "What is this nons-" He paused and his eyes widened. He held Yang Liqin\'s arm and pulled her forward to get a clearer view of the hologram and then his heart stopped for the third time that day.

Wasn\'t... wasn\'t that Yang Teng?! The entire world turned upside down in Yang Zhi\'s eyes, his heartbeat shot up like a rocket and he felt faint. No. He was just seeing things. Yang Teng would absolutely never... He took three steps back and held the wall to support himself.

It was at this moment that a worried Yang Teng rushed into the ER section. "How\'s Yang Liu? How did this happen?!"

Yang Zhi was too angry for words so he simply grabbed his son by the collar and pulled him forward.


Yang Teng\'s eyes widened in shock but then Yang Zhi lowered his eyes and caught sight of the red marks littering his son\'s neck. Veins popped on his forehead.




Yang Teng finally managed to free himself from his father\'s grasp with one half of his face swollen. "What did I even do?!"

"You\'re asking me?!" Yang Zhi heaved. "Liqin, show him exactly what he did!"

"With pleasure~" Yang Liqin sang with a smirk as she clicked play on the trending video and increased the volume for extra measure.

"Aaaah~ slo... wer~ Ngh!"


Yang Teng looked over with his hand on his face and a confused frown. He immediately felt his heart stop when he saw the content of the video. He quickly closed his eyes. No... No.... No, this wasn\'t real... This wasn\'t happening.

Yang Zhi scowled. "Open your eyes you fool! Do you think it would magically disappear if you close your eyes?!"

Yang Liqin, on the other hand, felt satisfaction bloom in her heart when she saw Yang Teng\'s terrified state. Her smile increased. "Wow, brother Teng. You look to be really enjoying yourself. Who knew such an act between two men would look like this? Did it feel good?"

"SHUT UP!" Yang Teng raged with red eyes.

"You shut up!" Yang Zhi scolded. "How could you be involved in such an abominable act?!"

"It\'s not abominable!" Yang Teng shouted with tears on his eyes. "I like him!" And then his eyes widened. That had slipped out.

Yang Zhi felt the blood drain from his face. He rushed forward to give his idiot son another resounding slap but Yang Teng was wiser this time and immediately jumped back. "HAVE YOU GONE INSANE?!"

Yang Teng wiped his face and sniffed. He couldn\'t take it back anyways so he might as well throw caution to the wind. "I... I really like him. Why is this such a big deal?" He swallowed. "You.. you supported Yang Xue..."

Yang Zhi felt light headed. "That\'s Yang Xue! How are the two of you the same?! Yang Xue is a mandron so of course I do not expect offsprings from him. Rather than be useless, it was better if he managed to grab General Ding instead. You are my only son. Why would I support such nonsense?!"

Yang Xiang came in then. She had immediately taken a beauty rest after uploading the video and had woken up to her father\'s message about Yang Liu. Looking at her angry father and Yang Teng\'s swollen face, she could guess that they had seen the video.

She smiled and cast Yang Teng a mocking smirk. He dared to steal Jin Yusheng from her? He had to check if he could handle the consequences first!

After taking a few deep breaths, Yang Zhi managed to curb his anger a little. He eyed his son. "Tell me the truth, did President Jin force you?"

Yang Xiang frowned. President Jin? "How do you know it was President Jin?"

Yang Liqin noticed Yang Xiang then. She giggled happily. "Oh dearest sister~ It\'s all over the news. The fruit you have been carefully watering for so long has been plucked by a passerby!" She bent over and held her stomach as she laughed her guts out.

Yang Xiang lowered her head to her bracelet and quickly logged onto the Federation Network. She turned pale soon after finding the video. In her anger that morning, she had forgotten to blur out Jin Yusheng\'s image before uploading the video!

She rushed over to Yang Teng and tried to scratch his face out with a hateful glare. "This is all you fault!"

"My fault?!" Yang Teng asked as he held up Yang Xiang\'s wrists to protect his face. "You\'re the one who had drugged the wine in the first place!"

Yang Zhi and Yang Liqin exchanged confused looks. Unbeknownst to them, the commotion was already beginning to gather onlookers.

Yang Xiang, on the other hand, froze. Yang Teng had hooked up with Jin Yusheng that night? Her mind exploded. That was supposed to be her chance and this slut had stolen it from her! "So what if I drugged the wine?! When did Earth run out of women? You\'re just weakly grasping for excuses to cover up the fact that you\'re a shameless man snatching whore!"

"You-" Yang Teng was cut short when someone cleared their throat behind him.

It was a female human doctor who had just come out of the emergency room with two nurses. Her face was dotted with sweat and she had an impatient frown on her face as she said, "I would really appreciate it if you all took this debacle outside. This is a hospital and your screams are disturbing the rest of the patients!"

The Yangs finally took in the small crowd their family affair had gathered and Yang Zhi grit his teeth in shame. He also remembered, at that moment, why they were at the hospital in the first place. He stepped forward anxiously. "Sorry for the disturbance doctor. How is my daughter?"

The doctor sighed. "The good news is, she was saved in time and all her physical injuries are not much of a problem. They would probably heal completely in a month or two. The bad news is..." She clasped her hand behind her back. "The lady\'s brain had received the brunt of the damage. This could possibly lead to a downgrade in her ability to process thoughts."

The eyes of the other members of the Yang family widened in shock. Yang Liqin gulped. "So in simpler terms... Yang Liu is now a fool?"

"Li.qin!" Yang Zhi scolded with red eyes.

The doctor waved. "We can\'t say for sure until she regains consciousness." And then she walked away with her nurses.

Yang Zhi lowered his face to his palms. This was not happening. Yang Liu couldn\'t become a fool. She was his most sensible child! He lifted his head to speak but at that moment, two men in black suits walked up to them.

One of them stepped forward, "Colonel Yang?"

Yang Teng was too absorbed in his thoughts to notice, Yang Xiang was silently fuming, Yang Liqin had a curious look in her eyes whilst Yang Zhi frowned. "That\'s me."

The man nodded and flashed a digital card. "We\'re from the Mandron Affairs Association and we would like to invite you for questioning regarding the creation of fake identity documents and forced detainment of Miss Wei Xiaoqing."

This effectively caught the attention of the three Yang siblings. Fake identification documents? False abduction? Of Wei Xiaoqing??

Yang Zhi\'s eyes narrowed. He didn\'t believe the MAA would be able to find concrete evidence against him. He covered his tracks up very well. As for Wei Xiaoqing... He was only just realizing that he hadn\'t set eyes on her for the past five days. He grit his teeth.

She had run over to the MAA? Tsk. He was going to show her just what a person could face for daring to cross him!

"I\'ve heard." He said with a wave. "Set a different date." He was a Twelve_army Coalition officer after all. An organization like the MAA could not arbitrarily detain him without a warrant from the Twelve-army Coalition.

The men in black nodded and were about to leave when three people in the uniform of the Fed police showed up.

Yang Zhi\'s heart skipped a beat and Yang Liqin slowly began backing away.

One of the members of the Fed police stepped forward and flashed her digital ID. "Fed police. Here to carry out the arrest of Colonel Yang and Miss Yang Liqin for the peddling, possession of harmful drugs and also the attempted application of said harmful drug on a non-consenting party. Miss Yang Liu is also required to come in for questioning."

"No!" Yang Zhi stepped back with wide horrified eyes. "Y- You can\'t arrest me. The Ding family gave me their word and my eldest child is already in this state!"

The Fed member waved impatiently. "Now I have no idea what you just spewed but yes, we can indeed arrest you and..." She clicked on her bracelet and a hologram appeared. "We have a warrant from the Third army of the Twelve-army Coalition."

"I can\'t go back there!" Yang Liqin screamed as she turned around to sprint.

Another member of the Fed police made a move then and a screaming Yang Liqin was tackled to the ground. Yang Zhi also tried to make a break for it but was quickly held by the other too, cuffed and pulled away.

"LET ME GO!" Yang Liqin screamed as she was dragged by that one Fed police. When her eyes trailed to Yang Xiang, they reddened. It wasn\'t fair! She quickly dived and grabbed Yang Xiang\'s left leg. "YOU HAVE TO ARREST HER TOO!


Yang Xiang\'s heart skipped a beat. She ruthlessly kicked Yang Liqin away and stomped on her for extra measure. "You liar! I have no idea what you\'re talking about!" Next, she turned and ran away before anyone could react.

The hall was soon cleared out and Yang Teng was left behind to stare into an empty spot in absolute bewilderment. What just happened? He looked from the Emergency room to the door. What was he supposed to do?

His mind flashed with the video circulating on the Federation Network and he felt dread pool in his heart. Had Jin Yusheng seen it yet? What would be the man\'s reaction. He looked down at his bracelet and made a motion to call but quickly changed his mind.

Jin Yusheng would definitely hate him for this. His eyes reddened and he slowly slid to the ground against the wall and cupped his face with his hands.

Somewhere in Cladis...

He Yuan looked down at his bracelet with a surprised expression. Just eight days and the Yang family had managed to efficiently make such a mess of themselves? Wow. He had really given them too much credit before.

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