
Chapter 27 - Hosu Incident (& Aftermath)

I removed the wall and the iron pillars I used to block Stain\'s escape. Now that I think of Stain was only so dangerous in the canon because his bloodlust and his assasin type techiniques. I lifted up Stain\'s body and walked out of the dark alley.

It was complete chaos outside the alley. I think I heard Izuku\'s scream coming from above. Nah... the creepy midget stalker can\'t fly... while thinking this I looked up and found Izuku was being carried away by the Nomu with wings. Damn...!! He didn\'t even fight Stain this time, how the fuck did he get caught? ​​

Even if I don\'t like that creepy stalker, I still don\'t want him to be killed or severely injured. I immediately used my power and brought out the iron pillars I left back in the alley. I morphed one one pillar into several iron threads & bound Stain with electric pole. No that he could escape even if he becomes concious.

As soon as binding Stain was done, I immediately took flight. This time I didn\'t wait to make a board from iron sand. I couldn\'t afford losing sight of Izuku. I took the remaining iron pillars with me. I could use them to bind the Nomu until police can take care of them. Izuku immediately noticed me flying towards him, when I got into a comfortable distance I launched the iron pillars towards the Nomu. The pillars implaed it\'s body, the Nomu screamed in pain and during that it let go off Izuku.

As I saw Izuku falling I rushed towards him and caught him. As soon as he started falling he had closed his eyes in fear. But as soon as I caught him he opened his eyes and saw me. "Th-Thank you for saa-saving me" Izuku somehow stuttered out. Both of us immediately landed on the nearest building. I looked at the Nomu which had dropped on the ground due to those pillars now in his body. After I used the pillars to snake into its body and used them to pin it on the ground.

(A/N: Just like Magneto pinned down Wolverine at the end of X-Men, days of future past)

"Are you fine?" I asked Izuku.

"Y-yes... you saved me before it could even harm me". Izuku said looking grateful towards me.

I grabbed Izuku by his hero costume and took flight again but this time with my board and I also gathered all the iron sand that was scattered around. When I landed where I tied up Stain, the place was filled with police and pro-heroes. Rumi, Gran Torino, and Endeavor were also there. The rest of students like Todoroki & Ilda and other minor heroes were also there.

The police were questioning about who was responsible for Stain\'s condition. Even though I could have done with less popularity but I didn\'t want anyone else to take responsibility for this. This could be a problem if later it comes out in open. So, I immediately went forward after I let down Izuku.

The questioning was being done by Kenji Tsuragamae, the police with dog face. "I am responsible for this" I said and this made every single person turn around towards me.

"What are you doing here, kid?" the dog police asked me.

"Where have you been? I have been looking for you around the building I left you" Rumi spoke before I could even answer. Well looks like it would work out even more nicely with Rumi\'s help.

"You brought him here? So he is your intern & didn\'t you tell tell him about carelessly using his Quirk" Kenji asked Rumi. I found that this was my time to speak up.

"Yes, I was waiting on the building where she left me but he attacked me thinking that I was some pro-hero and end up like that. I was taking him to the police when I saw Izuku was being kidnapped by that flying creature. So I bound him here and went to save Izuku" I told the Kenji. Rumi didn\'t look that much concerned, but the others immediately turned towards Izuku. Who just nodded that I was the one who saved him.

Kenji then asked me to take them to the nomu I pinned on the ground. Stain was immediately taken in to police custody. I then took them to the place where the Nomu was. The police worked very fast and took it into custody too.

"As you not a hero you can\'t take credit for this, right?" The dog faced police asked me.

"I know that". I said. I didn\'t mind that very much. I just wanted to fight Hero Killer and the Nomu was just a bonus.

"But since you were here with Rumi, she can take the credit" Kenji told me.

"I am not that desperate that I would take my own intern\'s credit. Do whatever you want with it. Me and my intern will be leaving of the investigation is over" Rumi said and she looked really really bored. Well I can\'t blame her, the action was all fine but investigations are boring.

The police chief nodded and I made a board, both me and Rumi climbed on it and flew away from there. "Fly faster... this is awesome" Rumi said from behind me and grabbed my waist so that she won\'t fall. Even without holding me she won\'t fall because of the iron straps around her feet. I immediately increased the speed and blastes off towards Rumi\'s house.

We soon reached her house and we had already decided to call this a day. I changed back into my regular clothes and came out of her house.

"You are good... I never bothered with that Hero Killer but from what I heard he was very dangerous" Rumi said to me.

"Yes, he was pretty fast and had great endurance, I was only able to stop him after I crushed his legs" I told Rumi, she seemed to think for a few moments before nodding her head.

After that we just said farewell to each other and I walked away. When I entered my home I found that Momo was there. She was already back because Ryuko was called in Hosu so she let her go early today.

"You were there weren\'t you?" Momo asked me but that didn\'t seem much like a question but a statement.

I looked towards the kitchen and found that even though my mom seemed to work on food but she was much more interested in our conversation.

"Yes, I was there. Rumi received a message about the attack so she took me with her" I said. My mom immediately turned towards me and looked at me worriedly.

"Don\'t worry noting happened, other interns were there too. We just saw everything from far while the pro-heroes took care of the villians and those monsters" I told them. I didn\'t like to lie to either my mom or Momo but for mom I did that. I will tell the truth to Momo later, she will understand that there was risk and danger in our job of hero but my mom wouldn\'t understand that.

From the news I came to know that Endeavor took the credit for defeating Hero Killer Stain along with the Nomu with wings. Today, Momo stayed at our home for dinner. After dinner I sneakinly sneaked into her room and told her the truth. Like I had thought, she understood the whole matter. Even though she didn\'t like that I had to lie but she agreed that my mom would be needlessly worried. Becoming a hero comes with additional risks.

The next day, I went to Rumi\'s house to train, it was already 4th day of the internship. Honestly, I have come to enjoy training with Rumi in just these three days. We spent our whole time learning more moves about hand-to-hand combat. We also worked out together, to say it was quite enjoyable.

Two more days just passed like that, learning about hand to hand combat from Rumi and physically train with her. I improved a lot in just these 6 days. I was really going to miss spending time with her. She wasn\'t like anything I had imagined. Yes, she was a battle maniac but she didn\'t show it until and unless in a fight. She was a training junkie and because of training I was able to improve that much. I am really glad that I took internship with her.

So, I was finally on the way to Rumi\'s house for the final and last day of internship. So, today the life story, origin and idealogies of Stain would go viral and would inspire a new wave of villians to join the league of villians. I didn\'t even care about them, for now my aim was All For One and if I decide to stay for some more time in this world then Overhaul... yes... him. I don\'t have a mission about him but he is pretty dangerous and insane. Well, I will think about him later when time comes...

I finally reached Rumi\'s house and found her sitting in front of her house on the ground cross-legged. After noticing my arrival, she opened her eyes and looked at me intensely. Something is different about her today...

"You are finally here... today we will do something different..." Rumi spoke in a distant voice and rose up from the ground...

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