
Chapter 2126 - Four Evil Eyes

Chapter 2126 Four Evil Eyes

Lone Bamboo did not say a word. Silently, he reached for his jade sword.

No one would have expected Evil Eye to have been reborn as one of the Sky, and no one would have expected him to don a disguise in order to infiltrate Sky Palace.

Lone Bamboo would never have expected an encounter with Evil Eye at his home, of all places they could meet. He didn’t have a single security camera installed in his home, and that was because there was usually no need. He couldn’t think of a single person daring enough to sneak into Sky Palace other than the man who now stood before him—Evil Eye himself.

Even a deified elite shouldn’t have been able to force his way into Sky Palace.

When the bamboo door opened, Lone Bamboo felt as if his options had suddenly vanished. He felt as if he had nowhere else to go, and the only way forward would be to fight the man that had approached him.

Given what Lone Bamboo was sensing from Evil Eye, it probably wouldn’t have mattered if he had security cameras. Even if some had been installed, he doubted that they would have been able to pick up Evil Eye.

But this was Sky Palace. If they fought, regardless of whether Lone Bamboo won or lost, the authorities of Sky Palace would be alerted to the commotion. How Evil Eye expected to escape from Sky Palace after a fight was beyond Lone Bamboo’s imagination.

Evil Eye was just a Marquise now. Even if his mind was deified, it’d be impossible for him to escape Sky Palace without being noticed. This was especially true when considering that he had a little girl with him.

Lone Bamboo could barely believe that Evil Eye was this tenacious. This was too much. There was no way he would come into Sky Palace simply to duel Lone Bamboo, without thinking of the consequences.

Of course, Lone Bamboo had no way of knowing for sure what Evil Eye wanted. That was okay, though. If he could defeat Evil Eye in battle, then whatever he wished to understand would be elucidated.

Lone Bamboo did not use the jade sword for practice. It gave off no shiny lights or sword airs, but the pressure it released was enough to bring a calm energy to Evil Eye.

Evil Eye simply stood where he was, unmoving. He looked into Lone Bamboo’s eyes and did not spare his sword a glance.

They didn’t move, and there was no visible battle between them. The two just looked at each other, with no further exchange.

Time went by, and the entire bamboo forest looked to have been frozen in time. Evil Eye and Lone Bamboo stood silently, as stoic as a pair of mountains. Not even the largest of storms would prompt them to move.

They studied each other keenly, waiting for the slightest opening. But despite that, they each felt that neither of them could be defeated by the other. It felt as if once they unleashed their first strike, it would be their last. There’d be no opportunity for a second chance.

So, neither of them moved. Neither of them found the opportunity they were looking for.

“Evil Eye, I am hungry. I wish to eat some food.” The little girl next to Evil Eye rubbed her belly. Her pink face looked directly into Evil Eye’s face as she tugged at his arm.

After that tug, though, the frozen situation changed.

Evil Eye and Lone Bamboo’s fight would be so close, and any mistake that either of them made would lead to a guaranteed defeat.

The little girl pulled on Evil Eye, but Evil Eye made sure not to allow himself to be disturbed. But unfortunately for him, it created a minuscule fluctuation in his lifeforce. Lone Bamboo lifted his jade sword and teleported in front of Evil Eye.

It was a sword that left no trace. Evil Eye had made a mistake, and he knew he couldn’t avoid the incoming strike.

Doing that would have been impossible, so he was going to lose and there was nothing he could do to avoid that dismaying result.

But in the next second, Evil Eye moved his hand. He pulled the little girl in front of Lone Bamboo’s sword.

It was a pointless gesture. Lone Bamboo’s sword could slice through the little girl without even slowing down before it cut into Evil Eye. The little girl’s body could not block the strike for Evil Eye.

But even so, Lone Bamboo’s sword froze. He did not use the sword to cut through the little girl. He merely pulled it back and grabbed the little girl.

At that moment, Evil Eye rushed directly toward Lone Bamboo to grab his heart.

Lone Bamboo had made a mistake by holding back, just as Evil Eye had done. With their places reversed, there was an incoming strike he could not deflect. He was now the one on the losing end of the stick.

Lone Bamboo didn’t move, though. His eyes merely cleared. The Sky eye on his forehead opened, and it glowed red. Lone Bamboo’s strength surged, and his power climbed to an unbearable level.

“Have you forgotten that I am one of the Sky, too?” Evil Eye smiled with a demented smile. His third eye opened, too, but inside his Sky eye there were four purple pupils. They were like little flowers, but they were as creepy as they were beautiful.

When Evil Eye became stronger, Lone Bamboo did not move. All he did was lift his jade sword.

But at that moment, the little girl Lone Bamboo had grabbed raised her arms. Her hands turned red, and she threw her open palm against Lone Bamboo’s chest. At the same time this was occurring, Evil Eye’s four evil eyes shone purple.

Lone Bamboo threw the little girl away and used his jade sword to block Evil Eye’s hand. But Evil Eye’s other hand had already come up to touch Lone Bamboo on the head. That power surged into Lone Bamboo’s brain like thunder.

Lone Bamboo’s turned his chilling gaze on his opponent. But Evil Eye’s four evil eyes pressed back against Lone Bamboo’s stare. The four flower-looking purple eyes started to spin. The purple evil eye powers were demonic, and they drilled right into Lone Bamboo’s Sky eye.

“Even after experiencing the nightmares, you still never learned to be cruel. You are begging to be beaten.” Evil Eye smiled evilly, as Lone Bamboo’s red eye began to swell. But under the purple light, it was turning purple. The red eye became four purple eyes.


Evil Eye’s body dropped to the ground, squelching like mud. Only Lone Bamboo remained standing, but his Sky eye now possessed those four flower-looking purple pupils.

Lone Bamboo closed his Sky eyes and looked at Evil Eye’s body. Evil Eye’s chest had a sword mark. He coldly said, “It is a shame. He is so strong, and yet despite that, he was tricked by something as simple as emotion.”

“He could have killed me. Why did he just toss me aside instead of killing me?” The little girl looked at Lone Bamboo with confusion.

“That is just one of the reasons why he is stupid,” Evil Eye said coldly.

A few hours later, lights came down from the skies above. A Sky Palace King class elite had come to the island, bringing a few other King class elites with him.

“Lone Bamboo, what happened here?” The King looked at the body before turning to Lone Bamboo.

“A man came here and tried to assassinate me,” Lone Bamboo said coldly.

Not long after, the King and his people took Evil Eye’s body. And the next day, Lone Bamboo, who was now Evil Eye, took the little girl and left Sky Palace.

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