
Chapter 1631: Born Anew, Evil Good Queen!!

“Oh, you came to see her? She’s the Divine Totem Maiden’s little sister Yu Suo. I heard that terrifying war against the Heaven Devils was caused by her. She truly is unforgivable.” The young guard said.

The guard’s words seemed to have shocked Yu Suo like electricity. She turned around abruptly and glared with bloodshot eyes at the guard.....

“You.... what did you say, what is she called??”

“I called her Yu Suo, what’s wrong??” The guard was frightened by Yu Suo’s appearance.

Chu Mu and Princess Jin Rou was still stuck in the shock and anger of Yu Qie dying. The guard’s words were like a flash of thunder that struck them both!!

At this moment, both of them understood.

They understood why Human Mother didn’t ever let Yu Suo and Yu Qie see again, even in their last breaths.

They also finally realized why, including the Human Mother, no one ever called her by the name Yu Suo anymore. They also understood now that telling Yu Suo to take the position was simply a replacement of identities.

They had identical appearances. When dressed the same, other than Human Mother, no one could distinguish between the two.


Seeing this, Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou no longer could describe their emotions.

The Heaven Palace was cruel and almost emotionless. However, when they saw Yu Suo run towards the needle seemingly having lost her soul and hug Yu Qie’s shriveled body, Bai Jinrou couldn’t help but choke up too.....

After a very long time, Yu Suo’s voice was hoarse from crying and her tears had run dry....

They were merely a few minutes apart in birth, but she was always like the kid that could never grow up while her sister Yu Qie was forever the patient mother......


Human Mother found Yu Qie finally. She took slow steps towards her.

“Why, why did they treat her like this.” Yu Suo was already frail from crying. She opened her bloodshot eyes and questioned Human Mother.

“Someone has to take the burden of wrongdoings. Without laws, Heaven Palace can’t possibly stand for this long. You should know. None of the laws within Heaven Palace are in place because of some outdated or stubborn reason. They’re all laws forged in the blood of countless people’s mistakes. The young generation will never understand because they haven’t experienced anything. They haven’t felt the true fear of death, of seeing the cruelty and danger of devils. They only focus on their own carnal desires. Once something becomes boring, they start acting rebellious.” Human Mother remained her calm self.

“Opposing, Betraying, Rebelling, who doesn’t know how to do that as long as they’re tired of the current state of things? However, just how much of the heart wrenching pain behind these boring and lonely roles do they see?”

“Every rebellious thing you did? Your sister took the price for you. This time, the price was her entire self, to trade for your current state. She isn’t fitted to be the Totem Divine Maiden, do you know why?”

Yu Suo shook her head.

Divine Totem maiden was decided by Human Mother. Since she said she was a bad fit, then it was true. However, who else other than Yu Qie could be a better fit?

“She was perfect in every way. She has the determination and calm of a divine maiden. She was elegant, composed, wise, and logical. She was benevolent but could ony hold back her small desires for mercy in exchange for the greater picture..... Very sadly, and truly, unfortunately, she had one thing she couldn’t let down in her heart. That thing was you. For you, she could throw everything I just mentioned away. That is the greatest taboo of a qualified Totem Divine Maiden.”

“And under her protection, you will become the perfect choice. You have no restraints. This experience will mature you and give you wisdom. This painful experience will cause you to be unwavering.”

Human Mother said a lot of things after, but Yu Suo merely hugged her knees like a child without any sense of safety......

She heard everything that Human Mother had said.

However, both Chu Mu and Princess Jin Rou saw something in Yu Suo’s eyes that was far scarier than any of Human Mother’s teachings.

It was a seed of fire, filled with anger, resentment, and hatred. It burned brightly, but was buried deep into her heart before the Human Mother could notice.

“Stay with her for a while longer. Once you leave here, remember; you are no longer Yu Suo. You are Yu Qie.” Human Mother turned to leave.

Yu Suo still sat there. This moment of helplessness and sadness was only something Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou, who had seen the entire process, could understand.

They wanted very much to go comfort her, but they were but shadows in this memory. Yu Suo couldn’t see them.

After an immeasurable amount of time, Yu Suo finally stood up tiredly.

At this moment, Chu Mu saw Yu Suo walk over to the dried corpse and, with shaking hands, she took off the purple pendant around the corpse’s neck.

The necklaces came in a pair. When Yu Suo was attacked, the Heaven Devil had already shattered hers.

After she took the pendant off, she wore it on her own neck.

The energy within the pendant was incredibly weak already and it also had cracks. It must have used most of its powers in the fight between Yu Qie and the Heaven Devil Ancestor.

The moment Yu Suo put the necklace on, Chu Mu suddenly felt disgusted with himself.

This necklace was the last thing that commemorated her sister Yu Qie. Yet, in the battle of Wanxiang City, this pendant was shattered by him. It was also that moment that she had become the Evil Good Queen filled with evil energy!


To the public, Human Mother announced that the Totem Divine Maiden had recovered completely after a long time of nurturing and will take over the Totem Palace again.

However, no one knew that the Divine Maiden was switched from Yu Qie to Yu Suo.

They had identical appearances but two completely different hearts.

Human Mother misjudged Yu Suo. She thought that, after Yu Suo went through this experience, she would become the perfect Totem Divine Maiden.

This heart-wrenching memory didn’t allow her to truly accept everything. Instead, it caused her to view the Heaven Palace is the most despicable entity. In her heart, every person within Heaven Palace was responsible for her sister’s death.

As she calmly accepted every responsibility of a Totem Divine Maiden on the surface, she showed no difference from her elegant sister. However, she was planning like frenzy to take her revenge on the Heaven palace.

Yet, before she could completely execute her plan, one person saw through her identity.

This person was also the main reason why Yu Qie had died; Yu Tian!

“It’s him again. I really want to tie him to the axle needle and torture him too!” Princess Jin Rou said angrily.

Chu Mu saw one level deeper.

He was wondering how a member of Guardian Palace could set down such a trap to even kill the Divine Totem Maiden.

This identity swap was also seen through by Yu Tian.

Just where does this person’s loyalties lay? And who was behind him? He was like a spy that wore the guise of a Heaven Palace member but wanted to destroy the delicate balance within the palace!

The Guardian Palace and Wheel Palace couldn’t allow such a fake Totem Divine Maiden to control the palace even if Human Mother allowed this switch.

That day, they threw Yu Qie’s corpse to the demons. Unable to hold back anymore, Yu Suo used a killing formation to kill a thousand guards of Wheel Palace.

That was just a small part of her revenge because her mission was to destroy everything.

Yet, she couldn’t hold back. People found that she used the Totem Palace to set up the killing formations and her powers were all taken away.

She was exiled by ten thousand guards from Totem Palace, Guardian Palace, and Wheel Palace. She was pushed onto the land field with Heaven Devil blood, pushing her towards the dark cliff.

Under the dark cliff was filled with heaven Devil blood. It was filled with countless ancestral demons. Heaven Palace didn’t know when this endless cliff became the nest of so many monsters.

However, in their eyes, the Yu Suo plotting to overthrow the Heaven Palace was just as despicable as these monsters. Only throwing her down there could calm their anger.



Dark and strange winds blew towards her, messing her purple hair.

Yu Suo stood at the cliffside. At this moment, she was still only fifteen years old. In the human world, she was a young girl that hadn’t even matured.

Behind her were ten thousand angry faces clad in dignified white armor.....

In her eyes, these white-clad Heaven Palace Imperial Guard were even scarier than the demons that had welled forth last time. At least then, her sister Yu Qie was aside her.

“Chu Mu.....” Bai Jinrou grabbed onto Chu Mu’s arm tightly.

This was the first time she had seen this scene. Having gone through all of Yu Suo’s memories, Princess Jin Rou felt terrible when seeing her left with only the option to jump off the cliff.

This dark cliff was the end of Heaven Palace and felt like the end of the world. Now, she was lonely, helpless, and truly devoid of anywhere else to go.

Underneath her were countless monsters that could swallow her whole without leaving a trace.

This scene was something Chu Mu had seen countless times.

She jumps down, embracing her death.

As she fell, massive python like vines covered the entire region.

More monsters pounced towards her, but the frightening Devil Flower Ancestor was the first to devour her.

The Heaven Palace’s people all saw this chilling scene. From what they saw, it felt like the worst punishment.

However, no one knew that the Devil Flower Ancestor didn’t eat her but instead protected her.

The Devil Flower Ancestor was fed by Yu Suo using many years of God Dew.

The Devil Flower Ancestor devoured Yu Suo’s past and created a new life from her past painful struggles.

She wasn’t embracing a flower devil; she was embracing her other side.

She was no longer Yu Suo, wasn’t Totem Divine Maiden, wasn’t dispensable, and would not live for anyone else. She was herself. From the moment she leaped off the cliff, she was the mixture of love and hate, Evil Good Queen!

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