
Chapter 160 - Like Uncle, Like Nephew

 One could say it\'s just one more year, it\'s no big deal but to Rui Fei, it was like dangling an apple in front of a donkey.

How was he supposed to control himself for that long? Even then there was no guarantee that Ji Yao would agree to be with him. Feeling rather disappointed he gathered himself up and strode out of the cabin.

Like uncle like nephew, he also jumped into the sea intending to stir up shit underwater to vent his pent up feelings. While Rui Fei was picking a fight with sharks in the murky waters, Huishe Yue brought Lan Wu ashore after being taken for an unpleasant tour of the sea.

As soon as Lan Wu was set free, he began a cursing match with Huishe Yue like a chihuahua after taking a sip of red bull. "You are such a @%#^@%@&@#, a @^#%#^@@% bully with a small #^#%@&^#!%. Just because you are @^@[email protected]&@^# it doesn\'t mean you should @^@[email protected]^^@%# treat me like @^#%@^^@%," barked the angry chihuahua drenched in water from head to toe. From the language alone one could tell he was pretty pissed. He even cursed out his \'bully\' with strong vulgar language. That\'s how angry he was.


But the screaming match abruptly ended when Huishe Yue fell forward right into his arms. Lan Wu\'s heart stopped as worry set in. Thinking the guy had passed out he decided to lay him down and figure out if it was serious or not when he heard an inaudible sniffle.

\'Fuck,\' swore Lan Wu internally when he realised the guy was crying. Forgive this inexperienced fellow in the emotions department. He didn\'t know what to do or where to place his hands. Huishe Yue\'s shoulders trembled slightly causing Lan Wu\'s heart to sink. He just stood there frozen like a statue not sure what to do.

It was Huishe Yue who embraced him tightly to the point of suffocation. Lan Wu could barely breathe. At first, he thought he could use this later as payment for his owed debt but the lengthier the embrace the more pity he had on Huishe Yue.

Everything about the hug was normal up until the part Huishe Yue sniffed his neck like a dog. Okay, now he was weirded out but what was he supposed to do? Push him away? Wouldn\'t that be even more embarrassing? What he didn\'t realise was that his face was becoming as red as a tomato the more Huishe Yue sniffed his neck.

This lovely scene was the one, Rui Fei who had swum a few laps in the sea, walked into. He was looking for his uncle to pick a fight so they could both vent out their anger but who would have thought he would catch his uncle in the embrace of a man sniffing his neck like a pervert.

Rui Fei would normally mind his own business but he was in a very bad mood so he did the most childish thing. He picked up a sea shell and threw it right at the back of Huishe Yue\'s head.

"Ah..... fuck... who?" he said letting go of Lan Wu a little but when Lan Wu saw Rui Fei\'s head peeking out of the water he shoved Huishe Yue really hard before acting like what happened a second ago never happened.

Huishe Yue, "..."

He fell to the ground with a look of disbelief written all over his face. He had saved Lan Wu barely twenty-four hours ago and now when he needed a shoulder to lean on he was pushed away. How grateful of him.

He looked up to Lan Wu while rubbing the back of his head with a puzzled expression. It was then Lan Wu figured he had been misunderstood so he pointed at Rui Fei while clearing his throat.

Huishe Yue looked at his nephew in confusion. He glanced back at Lan Wu and asked, "So?... What is there to be shy about? We weren\'t doing anything shameful."

Lan Wu, "...."

Okay, maybe he had overreacted a little. He was acting like high school sweethearts caught under the bleachers..... kissing.

"You have a wife..... now leave him alone and come fight me. I am upset," replied Rui Fei before his head slowly vanished underwater.

Huishe Yue hurried over in large strides saying, "Soon to be ex-wife and what does that have to do with me seeking comfort from another man? Huishe men aren\'t afraid to open up to others..." He dove into the water vanishing without a trace.

That\'s when Lan Wu realised that they had left him on this stupid shore with no way of getting back. "Fuck," he swore kicking a poor rock that had nothing to do with this, "great! Just great!"

His sarcastic remark quickly ended when he heard noises coming from the sand dunes nearby. About fifteen pairs of eyes stared at him in the dark and he realised who these people were. It was the scavengers from earlier and their eyes conveyed a message that they meant serious business.

Lan Wu who couldn\'t get into the sea fast enough was dragged deep into the desert like a lamb ready for slaughter. The whole way he didn\'t forget to curse Huishe Yue and his entire ancestry.

Meanwhile, Lady Ching Sei was lying on top of Zhang Li with a befuddled look on her face. Zhang Li\'s nose was deep in her cleavage like it was meant to be there.

Feeling embarrassed beyond measure she hurriedly got up and didn\'t forget to blame him for all of this. She jumped over his body and ordered, "If you fuckin dare breathe a word of this I will chop of your balls and feed them to you."

Zhang Li, \'QAQ\'

He was in seventh heaven just a moment ago only to be roughly pulled back down to earth. Now even his balls were on the line for a crime he didn\'t even commit on purpose. He got up and dazedly watched Lady Ching Sei walking away.

While watching his sweetheart walk away his view was suddenly blocked. Raising his head he found Zhang Ci standing there like an idiot. He had grounded him in his cabin for the remainder of the trip but someone must have let him out.

As though to prove his idiocy he said, "Can I see Ji Yao now? If you can see her then why can\'t I see Yao-ge?"

Zhang Li was the least bit polite cursing out his son with no reservations. "Piss off... and who is your Yao-ge?" he said as he got up from the ground.

"It\'s as though the word \'no\' isn\'t in your vocabulary. Who did you even take after," he mumbled as he walked away.

Zhang Ci narrowed his eyes and said, "Uh..... you," resulting in an unforeseen eruption occurring. Zhang Li took it all out on his son till Zhang Ci began to question his paternity.

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