
Chapter 157 - The Heavy Price Of A Lie

"You think I would believe that? Do I look like an idiot?" asked Qilin Kai with a mocking smile as he sat on the floor with one of his legs languidly bent at the knee with his arm resting on it.

Huishe Yue had no words to say. He never thought his integrity would be questioned in such a way. He had been upright and honest his entire life. Granted, he had a few screws loose but he would never intentionally cause harm to others.

Him being accused of forcing Wei Wei struck his heart leaving behind an excruciating stabbing pain in his chest. "That\'s a fuckin lie. Before you accuse someone of such things check your facts," he said but Qilin Kai\'s response rocked him to the core.

"Why would I fact check when she told me herself," responded Qilin Kai shedding some light on the source of the precarious accusations.

Huishe Yue\'s eyes widened and he almost laughed in his stupor. He couldn\'t believe his sweet Wei Wei with golden eyes and lovely dimples would actually lie about this to an outsider.. I think at this point Huishe Yue hadn\'t grasped the \'love of my life\' words spoken by Qilin Kai.

Not only had she lied but she had had a full-blown affair with the enemy. "Well, I don\'t know whether you are speaking the truth or not but I never forced her to marry me. She pursued me for years and I finally agreed to it. She also proposed to me and as soon as I awakened I agreed. With my father\'s blessing, we got married. No one was forced into anything especially a Huishe female."

Qilin Kai\'s face froze looking at Huishe Yue with a puzzled expression. With his chest heaving in anger, he said, "What Huishe? She is of the Pixiu clan. You can\'t even differentiate when you claim this marriage wasn\'t forced?"

The confusion could be understood because the females of the Pixiu clan had golden eyes and rarely transformed like the men but the Huishe women were distinct, they never transformed. Qilin Kai had met her near the Pixiu clan and she never refuted her identity as a Pixiu nocru so he went on believing she was.

"No, you are the one who can\'t fuckin differentiate. Her maternal side is Pixiu and her paternal side is Huishe. When her aether awakened she was full Huishe... She lied to you and had an affair with you while we were engaged. She fuckin played us both," he said before punching the bulkhead beside him creating a hole in the wall.

Ji Yao, "..."

His father was absolutely going to kill him. He had the remaining crew repair the hull while he was hunting down the culprit and now Huishe Yue was busy punching holes into the walls. As expected women are high maintenance. A woman who had nothing to do with him had caused a huge hole in his wall.

The two men fighting over a woman who had probably moved on a long time ago fell silent. Huishe Yue had taken the biggest hit of the two. He had not only found out that gorgeous smile on their wedding day was concealing a dark secret.

When he recalled how she gave him a radiant smile while rubbing his arm affectionately he felt goosebumps all over his body.

With that same mouth, she declared her love for him she had tarnished his reputation and accused him of forcing her into marriage. That same hand that was touching him had touched Qilin Kai probably telling him how much she loved him.

Feeling rather upset he just walked out without saying a word. He had thought Huishe Yue locking him up was because of the tension between their clans only to find out fifty years of his life were spent paying for a lie Wei Wei told Qilin Kai which indirectly resulted in his sister\'s death.

He absentmindedly got on the main deck his expression blank. His entire body was numb and devoid of feelings as he jumped into the sea without warning.

Lan Wu who had been waiting for Ji Yao witnessed this. Seeing that Huishe Yue\'s expression wasn\'t right he jumped after him forgetting his hate for water. And who could blame him? Huishe Yue looked like a person who was ready to end it all. It was because of this that Lan Wu jumped in without thinking.

As expected, he couldn\'t handle the water so well. He dove underwater in search of Huishe Yue but he was nowhere in sight. He began calling out his name searching around but Huishe Yue was nowhere to be seen. Because it was already dark he couldn\'t see anything in the inky waters.

Onboard, the rest of the crew were on the railing calling him to come back. Who didn\'t know about Captain Lan\'s aquaphobia? "The weather is not good for skinny dipping! How about you try tomorrow in the afternoon!" yelled Xunshi Zhe while Big Hei threw over a life belt to him. They hadn\'t seen Huishe Yue jump in because he was silent about it but when Lan Wu jumped overboard he was especially noisy. Even his splash in the water sounded like a belly flop dive. That is how he managed to interrupt a game of mahjong.

"It actually is a perfect night for skinny dipping because no one wants to see all of that naked," said Old Du pointing down at Lan Wu who looked like a wet poodle struggling to swim.

"I would... He looks skinny but I assure you he is packing underneath those clothes," replied Xunshi Zhe with a serious expression.

Big Hei, "...."

"Packing where... exactly?" asked Big Hei with a look of scrutiny on his face. Xunshi Zhe who had somehow been slapped with a pervert card on his forehead hurried to explain.

"Muscles..... I meant you know biceps..... triceps. What do you think I was talking about?" replied Xunshi Zhe desperately trying to fish Big Hei\'s mind out of the gutter.

While these two were stuck in the gutter, Lan Wu was stuck in the water. Since he couldn\'t find Huishe Yue he decided to take the life belt and get back on board but as he grabbed it something tugged at his leg.

Thinking nothing of it he shook off his leg and held on to the life belt. He swam like a little ducky all the way to the hull of the ship when his leg was tugged again but this time he was pulled underwater.

He held his breath uncertain of what to expect. After being pulled underwater for about a minute, a massive force swept by him and before he knew it his leg was free. He didn\'t waste any time swimming up to the surface when a shadowy figure appeared in front of him. He could see an outline of a serpentine body gently gliding in the water. Before he could even say anything Huishe Yue swiftly swept past him with the powerful waves pushing Lan Wu away.

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