
Chapter 204 - A Party You Say? (Part Two)

Marg and Elsa both were wearing nice dresses. I was just wearing my typical clothes: a chocolate shirt and a pair of black pants. I had a pair of sunglasses on, for once.

Marg in particular though was wearing something really nice like a noble or something. It was a blue one-piece dress and though at times I felt like I was looking at an angel. I tried to keep my composure but I often found my hand near her hair and ears.

Oh wait, she \'was\' a noble: I kept forgetting that for some reason.

Compared to her, Elsa\'s red dress looked kind of dull. She did look good but I guess it was high time, she needed a proper party dress. Then again, she was a growing girl and we were currently going broke.

And I wanted to sigh already.

"Alright, behave yourself." Marg looked at her brother. 

I actually didn\'t get time to lecture the kid: oftentimes I forgot about his existence altogether. Maybe instead of procrastinating, I should have just done that. Though I had a feeling this kid was a lot smarter than I assumed. So he probably knew what I didn\'t like. And so far he was acting pretty good. 

"I will. Take care." He was awfully humble too. 

If only a certain blonde bunny girl was like that. Sigh. 

Marg smiled and held my hand. And with that that three of us teleported and arrived in front of the clubhouse- maybe about fifteen meters away. 


The building was lit up and the windows let out warm orange light. Nothing was out of the ordinary though. And there wasn\'t anyone outside either. There was no noise or the sound of music. 

I did hear insects buzz. This place was a bit secluded from the rest of the academy, so it was only natural there\'d be grass and insects. It only made me feel faint as I kind of squeezed Marg\'s hand tight. Yeah, I definitely didn\'t want to deal with those critters.

\'Is there really a party here?\'

As long as I got the chocolate though, I kind of didn\'t care. I did care about getting out of this insect-filled min- I mean grass field, so I walked fast.

"You and your fear or bugs," Elsa mumbled with a sigh. I proceeded to ignore that.

Incidentally, tomorrow was going to be very special too. I\'d have all the chocolate- okay, maybe I was getting ahead of myself. 

I walked so fast, that before I knew it, I was right in front of the door.

I was almost out of breath but controlled myself. 

"Let\'s go in?" Marg asked, squeezing my hands gently. 

She actually didn\'t complain. Elsa however was staring at me with dull eyes.


I knocked on the door and it opened. 

I went in and well-

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Stuff popped all around us. Yup, this definitely was a party.

Looks like Merin was right. And he was in the crowd too. 

There were roughly forty or so students here and maybe three or four teachers. The whole place was decorated nicely- nothing extravagant. 

The headmaster was in the back drinking red wine while ogling as younger girls. Just how laid back was this guy? His wife wasn\'t here so he was kind of going overboard. 

"For a second there I thought you wouldn\'t be coming and started to panic you know." Merin chuckled and came forward. 

Apparently, this was a member\'s only party with some special guests here and there. It didn\'t take a genius to figure out that the special guests had some kind of connection to me.

"Then maybe next time, try to give me a bit more of a better invitation." I could already picture Merin taking charge of this whole party and making this a surprise. 

The guy was an introvert, there was no doubt about it. But he knew how to party and how to organize a good one. Maybe he wasn\'t the best, but he sure knew his stuff. 

So, instead of complaining, I smiled and- "Thanks." Complaining now wasn\'t going to get me anywhere anyway.


There was music, there was booze and above all, there was chocolate syrup and cakes. 

There was also broccoli juice, which I stayed far away from. 

I didn\'t touch the cake as tomorrow I\'d get to eat plenty: booze was forbidden. Instead, I grabbed a glass and poured a whole glass of syrup. I didn\'t even bat an eye at the bread, biscuits, and other stuff.

Everything else was irrelevant!

"Won\'t you get sick?" Elsa whispered. 

She almost startled me. But I composed myself. "No, not really." 

Yeah, definitely. 

Anyway, I took a sip. \'Good stuff.\'

It tasted a bit burnt though. 

Oh well. 

Though this was my party- or rather a party in my honor, no one actually talked with me. 

The senior members were saying a praise or two from time to time, but the rest of the club treated me as usual. Okay, maybe a bit more distant than usual. 

Didn\'t really bother me though. 

There were some of my friends around too. But they were too busy getting drunk. 

Some of the other members were often trying to get near Elsa but- since I was right there, glaring back, no one came near her. Okay, wait, was this the reason no one came near me? Hmmm?

Eve and Artemis- or rather Amie, in particular, were dancing, hand in hand. Yeah, those two were really drunk. The music was kind of pop-jazz mix, so the dance was kind of weird too. They\'d attracted a crowd though.

Apparently, the booze- fruit juice had 3% alcohol. So, how much did they drink again?

Kind of reminded me of that first party. These two had a fight back then. Obviously, Eve won without even batting an eyelash but yeah- memories. That was also the day when I met Blaze and kind of lost my temper. 

And my troublemaker sister was right next to me this time. 

"What, something on my face?" Elsa said, blushing slightly. 

I flicked her forehead. "No, just your face." Why did this moron always bring trouble for me?

She frowned the very next second. 


Marg was to my right, while Elsa to my left. 

Both were going through the sweets. I didn\'t like sweets in general. Chocolate was a different story though. 

So, with another sip of the syrup, I glared at all the wannabees who tried coming this way. No, one would be able to hit on my little sister while I was here. MUAHAHAH-!

"Helio?" Looks like Clyde was here too. "I was just about to leave but glad to see you here."

He came and gave me a handshake. 

"Hey, how\'s it going? We just got here."

"Goo-" Clyde\'s eye took a very abrupt turn to my left. "WOW." He spoke the word very slowly and as though he was thunderstruck, he slowly moved forward, got on his knees, and spread his arms in the air. "Mine own mistress, might thee enlighten this ign\'rant sir with thy nameth and blesseth me?"

Come again?

Elsa looked just as confused as me. She handled the situation pretty maturely though. "I\'m Elsa Romswell. A pleasure to meet you." 

Yeah, she had no idea what this moron just said. And honestly, I didn\'t either. Did he even speak the same English? 

I read some Shakespearean novels but even I was confused here and there. 

"Romswell?" Clyde gave me a look and stood up. "Oh, you two must be brother and sister?" He turned his gaze back upon my sister- wait, why the hell was I mimicking him now!? "Prithee, sayeth thou art!!" He almost begged. 

What else would we be? And why the hell was he speaking Shakespearean halfway?

"Yes, we are, actually," Elsa answered, looking uncomfortable. 

"Oh, thanketh the heavens and the seven flotes." He looked very relieved for some reason. He next turned to me and looked very serious as he came very close to me. "Helio, no, brother! I think I might have fallen for your sister." A hushed whisper!

The music stopped and there were a lot of onlookers looking this way. 


"But Clyde, your condition…" My mouth was moving on its own as I thought about what I\'d do next.

My hands were itching and my cheeks were twitching. 

"Oh, you see." Clyde smiled like a newlywed bride and came closer. "I can actually get it on now and with two more weeks of treatment I\'ll be fully cured," He whispered. 

A smile crept up on my face, as I unsheathed my saber. "Alright, I\'ll end your suffering right now!" I was definitely not going crazy.

Before I could even attempt to move my saber though- three girls grabbed onto me and pulled me along. 

Marg grabbed my right arm, Elsa grabbed my left while Enira grabbed my chest from behind.

"Where the hell did you come from?"

Enira did not say a word. She was wearing a purple party dress. 

"Sorry, Clyde- was it?" Elsa spoke a bit loud. "He has a siscom, so yeah, don\'t let it bother you. Let\'s chat later."

"No, I do not!" I definitely didn\'t! "And no chatting!"

Yeah, no one was listening to me. And why the hell were the people around us nodding like this was obvious!?

"Aye, of course, mine own wild floweth\'r! Ah, I wilt thanketh the goddess of loveth f\'r this wond\'rful meeting!" And with that Clyde walked out of the building. "\'Till we meet again!"

"Seriously, what the hell is wrong with that dude? Was he always like that?"

I was still being dragged around by the girls by the way. And the onlookers went about their way and the music resumed. People pretended like nothing ever happened.

"No, lately he started that routine. This was the first time he proposed like that though." Robert showed up from nowhere and started to explain. "But I didn\'t know you had a sister complex of all things." He chuckled. 

"Which part of \'I don\'t\', don\'t you get?" I sighed. "And let go of me. I\'ve to drink chocolate!"

"You\'ve already drunk enough," Enira whispered. 

"You know what tomorrow is, right?" Elsa smirked. 

"They\'re right you know," Marg giggled. 

"Unfortunately I can\'t forget it even if I wanted to."

They did let me go though. 

Next time I saw Clyde- if he still acted like this- I\'d be sure to renew his condition. 

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