
Chapter 111: Save the saviour (17)

Chapter 111: Save the saviour (17)

The zombies charged fiercely, causing the already anxious group to scream and scatter in panic. One comforting aspect was that these zombies seemed to have a fixed target: they directly charged at the bespectacled man who held the black stone. The leading big man, who initially intended to snatch the stone, saw this and immediately turned around in fear, running away.

Unfortunately, the bespectacled man wasn’t foolish. Without hesitation, he threw the stone towards the big man. By sheer coincidence, the stone ended up in the backpack the big man was carrying. The zombies, who were about to attack the bespectacled man, suddenly shifted their focus and charged towards the big man.

Thinking he was safe after running a distance, the big man turned his head, only to be petrified. Why were the zombies collectively chasing after him?! Weren’t they supposed to go after the bespectacled man first? In an instant, Zhang Biao’s expression turned grim. He quickly started running in circles, realizing the reason as he ran. Then, with a ferocious expression, he charged toward the bespectacled man.

“You damn traitor! How dare you harm me! I’ll make sure to kill you before the zombies get me! You won’t enjoy the satisfaction of seeing me get bitten by zombies!”

The bespectacled man, who had initially breathed a sigh of relief, hadn’t expected to provoke such a vengeful nemesis. He opened his mouth as if to explain, but seeing Zhang Biao’s expression, he could only turn and flee, shouting as he ran, “How is this my fault? Didn’t you want that stone? I gave it to you, and you’re still not satisfied?”

Feeling the zombies closing in behind him, Zhang Biao’s face twisted in anger. “Shut up! It was you who first doubted Master Ren! You’re just a glory-seeking guy!”

By now, everyone else had cautiously gathered around Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao. Somehow, they seemed to have discovered that the zombies were reluctant to approach this area. Perhaps Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao possessed some unique abilities or techniques. Those who had questioned them before were now desperately trying to hide, making themselves invisible to anyone’s notice.

Only after Zhang Biao and the bespectacled man had lost their energy and were frantically begging for mercy did Lei Long awkwardly look at Ren Zhu and start, “Um…”

Ren Zhu smiled and said, “Tell him to throw the backpack over.”

Zhang Biao’s companion immediately shouted. Zhang Biao hesitated for a moment; after all, he had many valuable things in the backpack. If not for the fear of zombies grabbing his things, he wouldn’t have run in circles while carrying it. However, valuable as the backpack might be, it wasn’t as important as his life. He had a horde of zombies right behind him! So Zhang Biao quickly tossed the backpack in front of Ren Zhu. Ren Zhu crouched down and retrieved the black stone from the backpack.

As Zhang Biao threw the backpack, the zombies were already charging towards it with howls. However, when Zombie King Yi Xiao released his intimidating aura, the zombies seemed frozen, as if a pause button had been pressed. They stopped abruptly and cautiously retreated a few steps. Seeing that Yi Xiao didn’t react further, they suddenly turned and dashed forward, behaving like regular humans while Zhang Biao seemed like the zombie chasing them.

Everyone: “…”

It seemed like they were witnessing something highly unscientific. They wanted to ask but didn’t have the courage. It was Xiao Mao and Xiao Gou who dared to speak up, relying on their status as trusted members: “Damn! Boss, does the leader of this base know about this?”

Ren Zhu gave the two a glance. “Shut up and get ready to leave. The mission is completed; let’s return and report.”

Lei Long quickly chimed in, “Yeah, let’s go quickly while the situation is good.”

So, everyone quickly got on the bus. When boarding, they all unconsciously let Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao get on first, as if their safety would be guaranteed as long as they were on the bus. After Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao boarded, the seats around them were instantly filled.

The journey was theoretically uneventful and safe. Yi Xiao didn’t maintain his aura the entire time, or else they wouldn’t have encountered any issues or zombies along the way. Returning to the base, they were welcomed warmly due to the relatively successful completion of the mission. As Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao were the main participants and problem solvers of the incident, it was only natural for them to join Lei Long in meeting the five original base leaders and researchers.

“Ah! This stone! This stone! This isn’t just a stone! Isn’t this the extraterrestrial meteorite?!” The mechanical elite researcher, Da Huan, excitedly looked at the black stone in Ren Zhu’s hand, almost jumping around. If it weren’t for being in front of so many people, he might have tried to grab it. The expressions of the other researchers were also excited. Suddenly, a bespectacled elite researcher spoke up, “Have you been holding this stone the whole time without wearing gloves?”

This sentence stiffened the entire atmosphere in the conference hall. The bodyguards around the five original base leaders immediately surrounded them, and the researchers took a few steps back. Even Da Huan was pulled away.

Ren Zhu looked at the stone in his hand. “Wouldn’t I have been infected by now if not wearing gloves caused infection?”

The bespectacled elite researcher fell silent for a moment. “This is just our speculation. We haven’t thoroughly studied its properties yet.”

Ren Zhu pondered. “If I hand over the stone to you now, can you ‘voluntarily’ study it? Will the same situation happen again?”

Before Bai could respond, Da Huan, the mechanical elite, shouted, “I’ve developed an advanced remote mechanical controller specifically for studying this! It allows us to research the stone safely without being affected! We couldn’t find the stone before, but now that you’ve brought it, if we still can’t figure out anything, I’ll swallow the machine and commit suicide!”

Bai pushed up his glasses. “It killed our best partner and destroyed the world. We’ve learned our lesson; how could we allow a second time?”

Watching these six determined and fierce elite researchers, Ren Zhu suddenly felt that they might be six of the saviors he was searching for. Before he could fully consider this, he heard the long-unheard system notification sound.

“Ding. Current task completion: 30%. Host, keep up the good work!” Ren Zhu chuckled. This system was always frustratingly slow with its feedback, but it did provide him with some direction.

“Well then, I’ll leave it to all of you. If there are any other needs in the future, please don’t hesitate to ask. Yi Xiao and I will do our best to assist you.” With that, Ren Zhu took out a small white jade box from his pocket, placed the stone inside, and handed the box to Bai, the researcher.

The five base leaders were relieved to see this scene. “Alright, alright, you two have worked hard on this trip. Rest well. Xiao Bai and his team will study the stone thoroughly. As for the psychic zombies, Xiao Huan and Xiao Hei should quickly work together to create a psychic defense helmet or barrier to prevent those psychic zombies from attacking us here.”

The six leading elite researchers all understood the difficulty of the task and didn’t say much more. They quickly left after a brief exchange. Once they were gone, Old Meng smiled at Ren Zhu, “Well, Ren, my boy…”

Ren Zhu had a feeling that this old man was up to something mischievous again.

“How about you stand guard at the entrance of the base until we’ve developed the psychic barrier? We promise you’ll have meat for every meal.”

Ren Zhu: “…”

“Well, there are tens of thousands of people in our base. In case anything happens, it could be catastrophic. There are many children, elderly, and many promising candidates who are about to become supernatural beings. If something goes wrong…”

“Just shut up. Can’t you just ask me without all this? Fine, I agree, but I’ll only do it for a month. If that researcher Da Huan hasn’t come up with a psychic barrier within a month…”

“… helmet or something, I don’t care anymore.”

Old Meng burst into laughter, “Alright, alright, no problem. I’ll make sure Xiao Tu pushes them hard!”

So, on the second day of their return to the base, Ren Zhu took on the role of a doorman.

Of course, doormen always came in pairs. Yi Xiao, however, expressed that Old Meng and the others were getting quite the advantage by having him stand guard. According to him, it was as if his face had grown huge like a basin.

Sitting on top of the base wall’s watchtower, Ren Zhu began his third day as a doorman. From this vantage point, he could oversee the entire original base city. From here, the outside and the inside of the city seemed like two different worlds. Outside the city was a scene of desolation and hopelessness, with countless unconscious zombies occupying the land. Occasionally, they chased survivors who were heading towards the original base city. Inside the city, even though the buildings were somewhat dilapidated, people of all ages—children, adults, and the elderly—were going about their tasks. From the simplest tasks of cleaning streets, planting food, and raising animals, to the organized training and zombie clearing, each person had a look of determination and hope for survival on their faces.

Letting out a sigh, Ren Zhu thought that he should indeed put in some effort for a base like this, so it could endure a bit longer in desperate times, or even hold out until the end.

Yi Xiao glanced at his partner, who seemed to be quite moved by something. He thought to himself that his partner might be getting all worked up about the welfare of the country and its people again. Fortunately, the food delivery had arrived, and Yi Xiao was very pleased to see braised pork ribs in his meal box. He thought for a moment and picked out some ribs from his own bowl, transferring them to Ren Zhu’s bowl before handing over the meal box.

The delivery person was already desperate with these two lovebirds who were showing off their affection. They thought if they could beat the. up, they would definitely take revenge for their sore eyes.

Ren Zhu received the meal box with a smile, squatted on the wall, and began eating. While eating and observing the people outside the city queuing to enter, he suddenly saw a large cloud of dust rising in the distance. It seemed that something big was approaching.

Other guards on the city wall also saw this scene and everyone became nervous. They used high-powered binoculars to observe the situation. Ren Zhu listened carefully and overheard their conversation:

“It seems like more than a dozen vehicles are coming together, but there’s a large horde of zombies following them. Notify the supernaturals team to prepare to clear and assist outside the city. Guards, get ready for long-range shooting!”



Ren Zhu glanced at Yi Xiao and quickly put the meal box into his spatial bracelet. He then took out a silver-white metallic megaphone that emitted a bright light.

This was specially made for him by researcher Da Huan. It was a high-decibel, wide-frequency sound wave amplifier. Combined with his skill, this artifact could be called a mass destruction tool. Although he had tried it out with the supernatural team before, he hadn’t tested it on the zombies yet. He decided that now would be a good time to give it a try.

So, as the people from Xuanwu Base, along with their supernaturals and survivors, dashed towards them, the first thing they saw was the squad of supernatural beings from the original base city coming to assist. The leader of the supernaturals from Xuanwu Base was finally relieved when he saw this. He knew that he had brought a horde of zombies with him, so now was not the right time to enter the city. With a wave of his hand, he instructed his team to continue under the cover of the original base city’s team and start counterattacking.

The thousands of zombies that followed them were met with around five hundred people at most. In his heart, Takeda Takeshi felt a bit sad. He was afraid that not all of his people would make it into the city alive. He was just about to make a decision to fight to protect the survivors when he suddenly heard a voice.

“Um… Cough, hey?”

Takeda Takeshi: What the hell is this?!

“Listen up, zombies in front! Starting now, you’ll stand in time-out for five minutes!!!”

All the people from Xuanwu Base: “…What idiot is this?!”

However, in the next moment, they witnessed an unforgettable scene—thousands of zombies that had been charging towards them stopped dead in their tracks after that crazy-sounding announcement. Each one stood still like a pole, not moving at all!

“Why are you just standing there like idiots?! Don’t hesitate, charge!!”

Onlookers: It’s like seeing a god!

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