
Chapter 52: Bone Army

Chapter 52: Bone Army

20 minutes earlier.

Within a wide field of land. Darkness and Light are mixed together.

"Who knew that this boss will continue summoning these skeleton soldiers." A voice sounded in the middle of the fight, it came from the one holding a crossbow.

"You should just do your things, I`m having a hard time here too, their HP is going down like hot iron slicing down on a pancake!" Dartz rebuked.

DontDie chuckles as he can clearly see what he means, Ruthless is getting surrounded by bones while he\'s killing all of the skeletons approaching Lu Fan, providing him with cover. making Lu Fan have a few breaths of rest.

"I`ve already killed a couple hundred of them, but they kept respawning, it\'s extremely annoying!"

Ruthless couldn\'t bother to reply, he\'s getting extremely ganged up by the enemies in all directions.

Lu Fan looked at DontDie from afar and asked: "What are the characteristics of your hidden class?"

"Characteristics?" DontDie asked in surprise.

Lu Fan chuckles as he replied: "There\'s a new window after you receive your hidden..." Pausing for a bit as he dodges multiple attacks from the enemies before continuing.

"It will show after you receive your hidden class, just like other windows, its titled "Hidden Class Characteristics."

After speaking, Lu Fan continued to engage the boss while dodging the minions.

DontDie nodded as he opened up the window, after reading it, he spoke in the party chat.

"It says, -Shadow Walker, one of the legends that curved a path through the blood of his enemies, specializes in using crossbow and darts, assassinating his target in the closest range possible.

-Plays in the shadow as he kills the enemies unnoticed.

-Player will deal damage the closer he is to the enemy the higher.

-Holy Knight\'s arch enemy.

-Specializes in close combat with minimum range.

-Shadow walker also has a Title, Darkness Slayer.

What the hell? everything here is illogical! I mean, I`m from an Evil Faction, why do I have kill "

Lu Fan chuckles as he replied: "That only means one thing, you are not supposed to stand there so far away from the enemies, you are supposed to be here with us."

Sweat started to appear all over DontDie\'s body as he heard Lu Fan\'s words.

"I need to be there?! I don\'t want to die! I`m still a virgin!"

All of them laughed at DontDie\'s words, they are having a good time despite them having to deal with their slight predicament.

DontDie sighs as he gritted his teeth and charges to the bones soldiers as he shot with normal hits.

-1,480 HP!

-1,882 HP!

-2,320 HP!

-3,850 HP!

-4,150 HP!

-7,333 HP!!

-4,098 HP!

"This...!" DontDie was astounded, as soon as he closed the distance between him and the enemies, his damage is increased and only halts at 4,000 damage per hit!

Such a leap, his damage is more than doubled! but his surprise wasn\'t stopped there, a window appeared in front of him.


=Player has approached the enemy, would you like to change your weapon?

-Shadow Art Stance: Double Sleeves Crossbow & Wrist Darts (Close Combat)

-Legion Stance: Arbalest (Average Distance)

-Eagle Eye Stance: Ballista (Sniping)


-Note: The weapon you posses can only change three times, after the 3rd time and you still changed your stance, your weapon will be fully destroyed.

Seeing the displayed window, DontDie\'s eyes were wide opened.

"Holy Sh*t!!! Hahahahaha! Shadow Art Stance!"

After speaking, DontDie\'s crossbow changes into two miniature crossbows morphing into his hands together with the brace that has a lot of holes, covering the whole of his arms. DontDie immediately tried his damage to the closest enemy he can see, the Death Knight.

-1,980 HP!

-183 HP!

-176 HP!

-122 HP!

-2,120 HP!

-197 HP!

-142 HP!

-98 HP!

Eight simultaneous damage appeared just right after he used the weapons on his arms.

"Hahahaha! I`m not going to be a dead weight now!" After shouting excitedly, DontDie tried to do it again.


=Each arm can only shoot once every 4 seconds!


=Each arm can only shoot once every 4 seconds!

"This! you are giving me a cheat and now you\'re nerfing me!?" DontDie sighed, then the Death Knight approaches him wielding the rusty sword in his hands.

"Okay, I`m dead..." But after DontDie spoke, another window appeared.


=You are inside the shadow, movement speed has been increased by 30% once you use the skill "Shadow Walk" your movement speed will increase by 100%

DontDie smiled, his class is really Over Powered! he immediately dodged and dealt damages towards the Death Knight as he continued his way towards the field boss.

DontDie looked at Lu Fan as he spoke: "Boss, let me help you!"

Hearing his words, Lu Fan nodded: "Great, then just be sure not to drag me down!"

"No Problem!"

After replying, DontDie immediately teamed up with Lu Fan as the both of them struck the boss and minions alternately.

Ruthless on the other hand is getting pampered by Dartz\'s healing skills, he\'s soloing an area, luring the mobs away, directing the agro to him.

"We\'re almost there!" Lu Fan shouted as he saw the boss\'s hp, about 35% is left!

"Titanic Smash!"

-72,924 HP!!

"A critical hit!" Lu Fan exclaimed with joy, that\'s a very great deal of damage towards a boss, but his excitement vanished immediately as the boss\'s red eyes exuded a bright light glaring towards them


=Warning! Warning! The boss has entered a berserk state.

+4,000,000 MP!

Dralkuzur (Dark Conjurer-Legendary)

Level: 72

HP: 380,991/824,710

MP: 4,689,124/1,024,812

After the announcement, Dralkuzur continued summoning skeleton soldiers, in just about a single minute, the boss had summoned more than 10,000 skeleton minions.

The four of them are looking at the field boss in dismay.

"How many will he summon?" DontDie grunted, he has already killed thousands of skeletons together with Ruthless.

Lu Fan, on the other hand, is hanging on a fine line between life and death, he can either die or win by a small margin. Dartz is also trying his best to regenerate his MP, continuously drinking mana and spamming his heal and debuffs.

Lu Fan looked at the boss and spoke: "Well, we\'d need to do something, or else, we will die and fail this field boss, all of our efforts will vanish."

The three, Dartz, DontDie, and Ruthless nodded.

Lu Fan looked at them as an innocent smile formed on his lips and spoke.

"If we\'re to die, why not die with a bang? that would be cool right?"

Hearing Lu Fan\'s words, the tenseness in their body loosened up as they calmed down, although dying would only result in them returning, but the effort that they had put in it would vanish, that is something extremely hard to swallow for them.

"Let\'s go!" Lu Fan shouted as he led the charge, brandishing his Great Spear Ax left and right, injuring enemies for the other two to kill, some mages were even killed by a single slash.

Ruthless and DontDie followed behind him as they killed the leftover, while Dartz continued providing debuffs, buffs, and heal.

Looking at a far away distance, a great chance is being made by only four players against a massive army of at least more than 10,000 skeleton soldiers on their way.

Such a sight is extremely great to behold!

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