
Chapter 209 The Return

Whether Zayne wanted it or not, he was now connected with some people. Even though he and Alice had only met yesterday, she had already done a lot for him, as had Alex and Galahan.

Zayne wasn\'t used to such casual acquaintances, but now it was part of his life, and he had to deal with it, though in fact he was not at all against it or even happy about it.

\'Well... Maybe I\'m too naive at some points, but I feel like we\'re going to be friends, or are we already? Zayne muttered, touching his new capsule.

Before Fallen Fate Online, Zayne was only focused on how to make more money and save his sister. He wanted nothing more than that. For him, curing his sister was his main goal in life, after which he thought he would achieve everything.

"Hah, I guess I\'m not just thinking about Mia now. I guess that\'s a good thing, right?" Zayne smiled bitterly, looked around, and opened the capsule.

He hadn\'t logged into Fallen Fate Online in two whole days, which was very rare for him, he hadn\'t had such breaks before.

The tournament was supposed to start very soon, so Zayne didn\'t have much time to prepare properly.


Zayne sank into the capsule as his consciousness transported to Fallen Fate, at least he thought so.

"Agh... Where am I?" Zayne muttered, looking at the boundless darkness that surrounded him on all sides.

He should have appeared in his room at the academy, but instead, he was nowhere. It was like when he first walked into Fallen Fate, waiting for his character to be created.


Suddenly several red lights whizzed by his side.

Zayne turned around but he saw nothing, there was still only darkness ahead.

Then, the lights did it again. Now they were much bigger and brighter, but all Zayne saw was a flash.

"What the hell...?" Zayne muttered in confusion, "Well, I don\'t know what\'s going on here or where I am, but I think I need to get out of here as soon as possible."

Zayne closed his eyes and inwardly said \'status\' to himself. Thus he wanted to exit Fallen Fate and return to the real world, but nothing happened. He didn\'t hear or see anything as if this way out of Fallen Fate didn\'t exist.


The lights appeared again, and one of them touched Zayne\'s shoulder.

"Shit!" Zayne cried out in pain, quickly patting himself on the shoulder to get rid of the fire. It was more than real as Zayne felt the intense heat.

"Damn... Looks like I\'m not getting out of here just like that, am I?" Zayne frowned, adopting a fighting stance.

He didn\'t understand what was going on and didn\'t know what he had to do to get out of this trap, but if he had to take the fight to do it, he was ready for it at any moment.

The lights stopped hiding as they surrounded Zayne but were in no hurry to attack. They swirled around him in a ring until they stopped abruptly.

Then, the lights transformed into four knights in massive heavy armor, but without weapons and with a completely blank stare.

"That looks serious... I have no weapons either, by the way, what about..." Zayne inwardly muttered as he tried to use one of his skills.

Zayne frowned heavily as he clenched his fists tightly. Scarlet wings should have appeared behind him, and his hands should have been covered in blue energy, but nothing happened.

\'Agh... At least it\'ll be hand-to-hand combat... If they\'re slow enough I can handle them, it\'ll be hard but possible.\' Zayne pondered, looking carefully at the knights who had not yet taken a single step.

The knights were waiting for something, and so was Zayne. He didn\'t want to attack first when he was definitely outnumbered.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Space trembled as the knights\' empty eyes flashed bright blue flames, then huge axes of dense blue energy appeared in their hands.

Zayne had no trouble sensing what it was, as his eyes went wide. At first, he thought he was somehow attacked by Chaos since earlier Chaos had prevented him from being reborn in the right place, but now he saw Fate as well.

"What the hell...? Why are these two fighting together at the same time against me...?" Zayne was completely baffled.

[Complete the trial of Fate and Chaos to fully connect with the two worlds!]

[If you fail, you can try again in exactly seven days! However, in that time you will not have access to your non-native world!]I think you should take a look at

Zayne flinched. He didn\'t know what that meant, since he was already completely dependent on two worlds. If he died in one, the same thing happened in the other, he could also use skills, and all his feelings like hunger, thirst, or pain were transferred from one world to the other.

\'Hmm, if I understand the conditions correctly, I should take this as seriously as possible. If I lose now, I won\'t be able to enter Fallen Fate Online for a whole week... It would be a real disaster for me!\' Zayne internally exclaimed and put his fists out in front of him.

Step. Step. Step.

At the same moment, the knights stepped forward simultaneously. They moved in sync, gradually approaching Zayne.

\'They\'re pretty slow, so I can try to do this, right?\' Zayne inwardly muttered, before jumping back.

The knights didn\'t expect him to do that, as they reacted too late, Zayne was already in front of one of them.


Zayne wasn\'t sure if his fist could deal damage to an opponent that consisted of pure fire, but he had to try since it was his only option.

The knight tried to defend himself, but no sooner had he done anything than Zayne\'s fist destroyed his head, exploding it due to the powerful pressure.

The huge axe disintegrated into pieces as well as the knight\'s entire body, completely disappearing.

Zayne smiled contentedly as the trial was easier than he had anticipated. He had just defeated one of his four opponents in just one blow, so he had nothing to worry about.

At least, he hoped so.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Suddenly the bodies of the other knights burst into bright flames. They grew a little larger, their armored shoulder pads appeared, and their axes became more massive.

"Fuck... Looks like I made a serious mistake... I should have tried to destroy them all at one point to prevent this, but now I have no choice but to work with this." Zayne gulped, staring intently at the knights.

They were all the same, but that didn\'t mean they were all equal to him. Some were easier for him to get close to in order to deliver a crushing blow, but now he needed a more cunning plan.

\'If I destroy one more, the other two will become stronger, and I might not be able to deal with them.\' Zayne bit his lip, took a deep breath, and rushed forward.

The knights reacted quickly, it seemed that they were no longer as slow as before, and could make sharper decisions.

Zayne found himself surrounded by three knights, but he did it on purpose. Now he had to wait for the right moment to put his plan into action.


The knights swung their axes simultaneously, much faster than before, trying to chop Zayne apart. Each of the axes aimed directly at his neck.

\'Nice! That\'s just what I needed!" Zayne exclaimed inwardly, before jumping up high.

The blades of the axes flew beneath his feet, then, he spun sharply in mid-air and blew the three knights\' heads off in one motion.

Zayne\'s leg burned slightly, but it was only a faint burn that he didn\'t even pay attention to. Over time, the level of pain he could endure increased.

"Phew, that was dangerous..." Zayne wiped the sweat from his forehead, as a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

The three knights were left headless and their bodies gradually disintegrated into pieces. He passed the test and sustained virtually no wounds, which was an accomplishment for Zayne.

"Mhm, now we just have to wait a little longer, right?" Zayne muttered uncertainly as he tilted his head.

He expected a portal or something to open, but along with that, he felt an eerie chill run down his back.


At the last moment, Zayne instinctively jumped forward, but that didn\'t save him entirely as the axe blade left a long cut on his back.

Zayne turned around with trembling eyes. He saw two knights whose bodies were now half covered in blue flame armor. There were only two knights left.

"Fuck!" Zayne cursed, clenching his fists tightly.

He hoped it wouldn\'t happen, and he could cheat the rules of the trial, but he ended up paying for his arrogance. Now he would have to fight strong opponents while wounded, but that couldn\'t stop him.

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