
Chapter 132 - Maiden Of Wind(2)

"That ring shows that now we are contracted to each other," Feng Po Po explained calmly upon seeing the surprised expression on Le fang Ling\'s face.

She scanned the scrawny girl in front of her with a meaningful gaze.

"Are you…well never mind," she shrugged as she cut her sentence midway. She decided to wait until later to ask her questions. As for now, she was just going to go with the flow.

Le Fang Ling heard the subtle hint of doubt and suspicion on her voice but she too did not dare to speak any further.

She was not worried about it. She was more worried about the scroll she had just lost. There were no more letters, only a real life fairy who popped out of the scroll.

"So, young maiden, why are you here?" Le fang ling asked.

"Now that the scroll had completely disappeared, I am wondering how am I supposed to answer to Elder Mo if ever asked me about the scroll," she sighed in a dejection.

Nagina had not comments to make. After all, the fairty herself had said she was going to explain everything by herself. She did not want to trespass boundary that belonged to someone else.

"You do not have to worry about anything at all," Feng Po Po patted her chest to show her credibility.

"The scroll is me, now that the scroll is gone, I will be the one who will help you enrich your spiritual roots," she said with a calm expression as if she had done this hundred and thousands of times.

"Like I said, I am the wind spirit, the wind maiden or whatever you want to call," she sighed while slightly flipping back her hair.

"That scroll was just like 30% of total wind technique that had been passed from centuries ago you know."

Le Fang Ling was surprised with this new set of information.

"You mean, the ancient texts that was in the book, those were much more important than the ones written in simple language?" she asked with a bit of curiosity.

If what the beauty was saying was indeed true than she could only thank the fate and er good luck for making the wind maiden appear out f the scroll. She had no idea as to why or how she was able to wake the fairy up from her deep slumber of years.

Anyway, she was not going to send away the help that literally came knocking at her door. She was going to make use to sue it to the full of its extent.

Thinking about this a wide Rin lighted up on her face. Meanwhile, a cold shiver ran up Feng Po Po\'s spine, making her shudder as if she was hit by a frosty breeze.

"So, my fair lady, when can we get started?" she asked without a moment\'s delay. She was not going to waste even a moment of her precious time. The 6 month was just a façade. It was going to pass away in the blink f an eye and so, if she was not to be more aggressive for her training, she was surely going to fail her exam then.

She could not afford that at any cost.

"I mean, we can get started now," she suggested with a smile on her face a she continued rubbing both of her palms, looking like a shrewd businessman.


"Cough," Feng po Po coughed a bit when she was faced with the energy and enthusiasm of Le Fang Ling.

"Whoa whoa, hold your horses girl," she said with a glare directed towards Le Fang Ling.

"I can teach you the heavenly art of refining your wind spiritual root but since I have been out of touch with the real world for a very long time, I will need to get familiar with everything at first," she said as she looked around. She was an immortal but she too needed some time to get used to the changes that had occurred when she was in seclusion for all those times.

To this neither Le fang Ling nor Nagina had any problem. They even proposed to give her a tour of the near the place. To this proposal, Feng Po Po agreed readily. She would be an idiot to not accept it.

I mean who wouldn\'t\' love a free trip while chilling in the breeze?!


"Why are you staring at us like this?" Nagina finally said when she could not take the inquisitive look of the wind maiden who was floating right next to them. They had been walking for around three minutes but the eyes of the lady never left them.

"I was not trying to be rude," Feng Po Po said while raising her arms to show her innocence.

"I am just curious you know," she added with a nod.

"What kind of curiosity?

"Well you know, you two are really suspicious," Feng Po Po said as they were walking away from that place.

Both Nagina and Le Fang Ling paused in their step when they heard what she head to say. It was the second time today when both of them had heard the same thing but from different person.

It was at first Master Yi Feng and now it was Feng Po Po, the girl that they had met just a few minutes ago.

The only thing that could be considered a secret about her and Nagina will be that they are Transmigrator and reincarnates. In other word, they were fake spirits on this world.

But from the way they said, it seemed to her that they had different kind of dirt on them . What would that be? She had no idea.

"I think you are thinking too much," Le fang ling answered calmly. She looked at the wind maiden and nodded her head.

"There is nothing sus about us at all," she smiled nriefly before tuning around. she stsared to elak agaim with Nagina following her right behind her. As for Feng po Po, she was still not happy with the answer she got.

She was the wind, she was the wind maiden and also proabaly a powerful one. But seeimng as to hoe noth Ngaian and Le Fang Ling were strinly denying the calims from her, she knew it was not with tying to ask.

Still, her curiosity level was equivalent to a small kid. She was not going to let go of this thread easily.

"I have been keeping my eyes on you ever since you first came heres," she flew towards Le Fang ling and stopped only when she was right next to her.

"I thougt yu were just a brttay kid when you first appered in this realm," she strate dto at;k about the time when Le Fang ling came here to the sect only to be unconscious for a long period of time.

"So, I do not appear bratty anymore?" Le Fang ling voiced out her answer.

"For an immortal like me indeed you area brat but, in a good way." She said with a flattering smile.

"I mean I still think of you that way but in a good way you see." She snickered a bit even though she was covering her mouth with her palms. Her squinted eyes gave a really beautiful shape when they narrowed down.


What was that even supposed to mean? Le fang Ling wanted to shake her head and also shake the wind maiden until she got an answer that was straight and pure and not gay.

"Cough, forget I said anything," she quickly changed her topic. She did not want to get stuck in a topic that was this unimportant.


Shaking her dumbfounded face, she continued walking as she decided to ignore her for the rest of the journey until and unless if it was something important.

"Tch," she clicked her tongue in displeasure and dejection.

With the last word, only silence permeated among the three girls.

"Wind maiden, are there other elemental spirits too?" she asked when the walk was unbearable and too boring.

"Indeed there are," Feng Po Po who had been flowing with an aura of droopy ghost around her lighted up immediately when she had someone to speak to finally. Her 500 years ling of seclusion handmade her feel like she was losing a bit on so much fun outside of writing.

"I am the wind maiden," she said with a pride unknown.

"There are the fire spirit, water spirit, metal spirit, land spirit and wind spirit," she said with a bit of thoughtfulness as if she was remembering something.

"Hmm, but I am not sure where they are hiding?" she mumbled lightly.

"I think they will show up when needed," Le Fang Ling added which was quickly approved of by the wind maiden.

"Not really, they are scattered in the whole continent," she added with a smile.


"But their characters are really different from on another." Feng po Po added with a bit of clattering teeth.

"You will know what I mean, soon," she smirked with a gummy smile.

"When you meet them, you will get it all."

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