美味的工作女孩 电影

Chapter 719 - Volume 9 – Chapter 94: Mysterious Movie (Part 1)

The rise of this civilization brought about significant changes in the environment, which was a substantial factor in the decline of the demon beast clan today.

However, not to mention the superior race of demon beasts like Zixing, even ordinary demon beasts rarely come to the movie theater, not to mention the thrillers that felt like a kid show to demon beasts.

No matter how scary the horror movie was, it would be incomparable to the demon beasts’ personal experience. No matter how realistic the special effects were, it couldn’t be compared to what the demon beast had experienced for patrolling the living world and the death world.

But looking at Windchaser appearing expectant, Zixing didn’t say anything.

At this time, she saw Windchaser with a feeling of looking at the younger generations. She felt close to him, too, due to his kindness.

In general, it was probably the adoration of older generations to younger generations. But, Zixing paid more attention to Mo Xiaofei at this time.

How could an ordinary person persuade Master Long to acknowledge him as an apprentice? What was unique about him?

“It’s going to start!” The class president brought by Mo Xiaofei looked slightly nervous and expectant at this moment. Her beautiful eyes stared at the screen without blinking, as if she didn’t want to miss a minute and a second.

This movie about Pen Immortal was not made in China. Many domestic indexes and standards were not required. However, a good ghost theme movie would inevitably become an ambiguous and suspenseful film. A good story on reflecting the darkness in the human heart allowed its debut.

However, despite this, its content was quite horrifying. It was rumored that when it was released abroad, there was news that viewers were scared to death on the spot. It became a hot topic for a while, but it seemed that there were speculators behind it. People thought of another Japan’s movie that scared many people to death more than ten years ago.

In the beginning, the movie theater was shrouded in an atmosphere of tension and silence. Before watching the movie, many people had already read film reviews and knew the direction of the story and the relationship between the characters. Those who had watched it would guarantee the horror contained within the movie and asked the newcomers to be mentally prepared. In the end, the background music that appeared at the beginning put the viewer in horror.

The atmosphere control was excellent. Zixing, who watched a movie for the first time, analyzed the meaning of each shot and the information given from the pure artistry aspect.

As the Greedy Wolf Clan’s priest, she initially needed to deal with the stars. She would connect her soul to the celestial. Hence, it was easier for her to see the essence of worldly affairs. In addition to being on the plateau, she was also influenced by Buddhism. She understood the karma theory. The storytelling technique based on misdirection and obstruction did not appeal to Zixing.

Unknowingly, Zixing gave up to analyze the final direction of the story. She just experienced the feeling of watching the movie as a typical movie viewer. Otherwise, it would seem too dull.

The dialogue between the characters in this movie was quite lacking. Most of the shorts were silent. The environment was not bad. It took place in a remote village that looked like a paradise. In the first ten minutes, it was even acceptable to describe it as a scenery documentary.

Knowing that a sudden rainstorm was coming, the heroine was trapped in the rented house and accidentally found the writing brush, ink, paper, and inkstone above the attic.

When the heroine grabbed the writing brush because of boredom and wrote on the rice paper suppressed by the stone, an eerie palm seemed to stretch out from the void, but it clasped between the heroine’s fingers. It waved the brush with her. A piece of peculiar music suddenly sounded at this moment, tensing everyone’s heartstring.

However, the heroine seemed to have not felt anything for having her palm tightly grasped by ten fingers. A queer smile appeared on her face.

When the film came here, Zixing suddenly frowned. Her lips moved slightly, and she muttered, “This is Fuji [1]? How can there be a demonstration of this Fuji technique in an ordinary human movie? At first glance, the writing pattern is meaningless, but it is mystifying in a closer look.”

She became more surprised. Her eyes became more focused as if something was attracting her. Gradually, all her mind was drawn, as if she was about to be pulled out of the body without noticing it.

But after all, she was a priest. Even if she was seriously injured at this time with her strength regressed, there was still a warning sign raised in her spirit. She had begun to regain herself from this suction.

“Wake up, wake up!”

Zixing’s gaze returned. She was about to ponder the details of the forces involved but suddenly found something amiss. At this time, she was no longer in the movie theater seat; a dark environment did not surround her, but a bright environment. In front of her was a kind-looking woman looking at her with an anxious face.

Zixing’s lips moved slightly, but she found herself lying in bed, surrounded by wooden beams. She immediately sat up, only to realize that she was not lying on a bed, but just a thick quilt on the tatami.

Next to her, there was a small cabinet for women’s dressing, and there was a bronze mirror on it. She was slightly surprised by the figure reflected in the mirror.

Zixing frowned. The reflection on the bronze mirror was her, but it wasn’t the original appearance.

At this time, she only heard the woman next to her even more worried, “Miss Tsukihime, are you okay? Please don’t scare me...”

Tsukihime... Tsukihime Kondo?

This body’s message suddenly appeared in Zixing’s thoughts – Tsukihime Kondo, the Hongye City Lord’s young lady.

Here... This place is the world in that movie!

But how did I get involved in such a weird place? Is it only me? Or is it everyone in the movie theater has the same experience?

Is it because of the Fuji painting that appeared in the movie?


Wang Yuechuan was from the provincial bureau. This city was not the province’s capital but an ordinary prefecture-level city, but its economic development had always been among the best. Nonetheless, a provincial bureau official like Wang Yuechuan conducts special investigations. As a member, it was natural to be one level higher than the others. He had many privileges too.

The request to enter the morgue would naturally not be hindered much. As for the foreign elder who was not an official, it could be a little troublesome to get him in, but it was not too difficult.

After all, people were visiting the morgue typically – the deceased’s family members or friends who came to claim the body.

Professor Trevor came in with Wang Yuechuan with a similar identity.

[1] Spirit writing – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuji_(planchette_writing)

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