美味的工作女孩 电影

Chapter 316 Monster

At this moment, another police officer looked back at the house door and said loud, "We caught the patient, Madam and Sir, you can come in to see your daughter."

After the permitting words, a figure quickly rushed into the room.

That was Mrs. Maggie.

She searched in the room with a limp; when she found her daughter sleeping on the sofa, she was relieved, walking to her and taking her into her arms.

"Mom..." Lena rubbed her eyes and woke up; as seeing her mother, she shouted happily. Meanwhile, the little girl also heard the voice beside.

Her father’s voice, "Lena!"


Another figure came in---he was the father of the little girl Luo Qiu saw on the train--- He had been scratched on face and his forehead was bound up by gauze. Blood could still be seen.

He was dirty, as if he had rolled on the ground.

He quickly came to both his wife and daughter, hugging them with happiness, "Great! I was so scared for you! Good to see you’re safe!"

He also wept.

"Don’t move!" The police officer, who was holding Allie, shouted at this time. "Do you want to add more trouble?"

Allie was struggling with agitation, but could only make ’wuwu’ sounds at this point.

"Can anyone explain the situation to me?" Luo Qiu asked softly.

Another police officer came up and took a glance at him. "Are you the owner of this house?"

Luo Qiu nodded.

The police officer pointed to Allie, "This woman went mad one year ago, and stabbed several classmates with knives; then she was diagnosed with a serious psychological disorder and a propensity for violence. She has escaped from the hospital several times, including this time."

Luo Qiu nodded.

The police looked at the time, "Well, she successfully escaped yesterday afternoon and knocked out a driver in the gas station, then drove his car away. We located the car after we received the call and found this place. And incidentally, we found this Mr. Markem."

The police shrugged, "But Mr. Marken was pitiful. He had been knocked out by the women he met while answering the call of nature. But you know, that woman has a serious psychiatric disorder, so it’s useless to prosecute her."

"It’s okay... at least they are safe." Mr. Marken shook his head and glanced at Allie, before sighing, "The girl is pitiful, I’ll look it over."

"Oh, thank you for your magnanimity, sir." The officer suddenly smiled.

Because it also reduced his workload.

Marken didn’t say anything, but just combing his daughter’s hair, as if being afraid of her being scared.

Mrs. Maggie looked around and curiously asked, "Oh, where’s Mr. Arex? I fell into a pit and sprained my foot while we walked out for looking for my husband, but fortunately we met these two policemen who followed the trail here. I only knew the matter that Ms. Allie was a patient after having a talk with them."

The two policemen were worried that their direct intrusion would cause Allie run away, so they asked Arex to come back first to check the situation... but they didn’t get any information after waiting for a long time."

For his safety, they had to quietly come back with Marken and his wife.

The two police officers stooped over at the window to peep inside and saw Allie was chatting with the young owner of this house peacefully, so they decided to knock the door and arrest her.



"Officer, my wife and I are taking our daughter to visit her grandma during our vacations, we don’t want to waste time."

Marken sighed, "Besides that, I don’t want to investigate this matter. After all, she’s just a patient. So can we exempt the inspection procedure and just do the record here? I don’t want to waste one day for traveling around the police station."

The police considered for a while, "OK, but you have to write a letter of guarantee, that all of these are of your own accord and you will not find us accountable later. Is that OK?"

Mark nodded briefly after thinking for a moment.

"Now let’s do the detailed record." The police officer took out a pen, paper and a voice recorder, "Tell me the course of the incident again."

Mark said slowly, "It was around sunset and I was going to the bushes to... Oh, then I suddenly saw and a shadow flitting past and was shocked, thinking that had met something bad. However, later on, I figured out it was a woman, who was walking alone. She looked weird, as if something was on her mind... Anyway, she looked to be in a terrible situation. I tried to call to her, but she didn’t react. So I walked up but unexpectedly..."

Marken touched the wound on his forehead, "She suddenly pounced on me like in a frenzy and I was struck by a stone, then fell unconscious."

The police nodded and seriously recorded his words.

"Officer, can you untie the cloth strip on Ms. Allie? She might want to say something." Luo Qiu looked at Allie.

The police officer blurted, "No, what if she bites her tongue?" According to the hospital record, she had attempted suicide several times and the words of a psychopath have no force of law at all. "

The policeman was right.

Suddenly, Allie broke free from the control of the other cop. She could only give out groaning sound because her mouth was gagged. Her hands had been handcuffed at back but she crazily dashed against the door with her body.

She probably wanted to say something, but no one knew what she talked about due to the strip of cloth.

Soon, she was pressed down by the two cops again.

Allie twisted her body madly on the ground; looking up fiercely and gnashing her teeth against the cloth, with frenzied eyes and red cheeks.

She just stared at Luo Qiu.

Endless demands hid in her eyes.

She kept her eyes open wide, until she was dragged out of the door by the two policemen.

"Mr. Marken, I am done with the record. Please keep your phone turn on, we may contact you if necessary." A policeman turned around, "We’ll have to take this patient back, and return the car to the owner. Have a good holiday."

When Allie was pushed into the police car, she still struck the car window...as if trying to break through.

She still had her eyes wide open... Until the car was driven far away and disappeared.

Then the servant girl gently shut the door, with only slight lamplight reflecting the lawn.



"I didn’t expect to see you here."

After a long while, Marken broke the silence. He smiled, "Originally, we should have just passed by this road but didn’t expect to stop halfway."

Mrs. Maggie glanced at the wound on her husband and quickly inquired, "Excuse me, is there a medical kit here? I need to clean the wound on my husband. And... may I stay up for tonight here? Both of us are fine, but the daughter... "

She glanced at her daughter, who was totally scared. She need to be comforted in a quiet and comfortable environment.

"Let me go take the medical kit." You Ye left with smile.

At this point, Marken found that the owner of the house was gazing at him all along.

It made him suddenly nervous... As if he was watched with a weird look and a fake smile.

"Excuse me... can I use the washroom?" Marken pulled his collar up, "I think I need to have a wash."

Luo Qiu smiled, pointing to it with soft words, "Right over there... I’ll prepare a towel for you, sir."

Marken nodded.

He felt unwilling to stay by the Eastern young man any longer... So he lowered his head, walking quickly to the washroom.

"Maggie, come have a wash with Lena," he turned around and said.

When all other people left the living room, Luo Qiu sat down again and tore the black envelope Arex left.

Luo Qiu took out a palm-size black card.

The black card was rotating on Luo Qiu’s palm on the axis of one angle... Upon seeing it, Luo Qiu was lost in thought.

Suddenly, Boss Luo’s look turned sharp.

The dark black coating fell off the surface, and it turned into a...Gold and Silver Card.

"The second one."



The police car in front stopped suddenly, so the latter one had to stop too.

The police officer in front pulled Allie out of the back seat.

And cops in the car behind came up to her.

It was a quiet place, and the road was endless. They carefully checked around.

The police officer in front sneered, then turned to look at his colleague, who nodded as well.

They dragged the girl deep into the forest, and tied her up with a tree trunk, ignoring her struggling.

One of them started to take off his trousers and the other one started to disrobe the clothes of Allie... but he stopped halfway, "Wait..."

"What? I’ve taken off my pants. Do you want to enjoy her first?" The other one said with dissatisfaction.

"No no no... Look at her, don’t you think her face was kind of weird?"

From the beginning... To be exact, since they tied her with the tree, the girl stopped struggling.

She just opened her eyes wide, but didn’t blink, as if she lost the ability.

"It feels like something wrong with her..." the one stopping his action frowned, "This woman’s eyes is giving off an uncomfortable feeling."

The other one taking off his pants blocked Allie’s eyes with his pants, while patting her face. Grinning hideously, he said, "Done, let’s quickly do her, and clean her body before taking it back! Don’t worry, she’s just a mental patient, nobody will believe her words."

Then, he got close to Allie, starting to suck her neck... He was getting excited.

He became more excited when touching the forbidden area.

Suddenly, an unprecedented pain could be felt from his ear!


He screamed and couldn’t stop it; he painfully covered his right ear--- the whole ear had been bit off, blood flew over half of his face.


The girl spitted out the cloth, soon blood flew into her mouth... She was...

She was chewing the broken ear.

And the handcuff hand been broken free. The girl tore the pants off and a pair of scarlet eyes opened.

Her mouth was opened too.

"Mo... monster!"

They were really frightened, collapsing suddenly on the ground with both legs backpedaling and attempting to head back.

But she rushed at them, both hands ripping into one’s chest and tearing it.

The other policeman was too frightened to think it over... He didn’t even notice that an old goat skin scroll opening behind the monster girl.

Perhaps he couldn’t see it.

Because this wasn’t something he was suppose to see.

The sky, turned even darker.

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