
Chapter 583: Return To The Underground City

Chapter 583: Return To The Underground City

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(Hidden Location- Peterlor Estate)

The rest of the journey back to the underground city was uneventful and yet Sophie did not relax her vigilance for even a single second.

Her golden eyes kept looking around the interior of the hovercar for any unexpected threats and she kept a firm grip on her blaster pistol.

Cleo tried her best to get her girlfriend to relax but Sophie refused firmly.

The months of living in the Unovan Syndicate meant that her body would easily slip into fight or flight mode.

It didn’t help that the corpse of the shadow guard on the ground was a grim reminder that someone or something was trying to hurt Cleo.

Sophie finally let go a bit of her guard as the hovercar landed on an apparently abandoned field in the middle of nowhere.

“Thank you taking us back,” Sophie spoke politely to the two pilots.

“Our pleasure young lady… but what should we do with…” one of the pilots gestured towards the body on the floor.

“Leave it alone for now… I think my father will want to send people to inspect the body for any clues,” Sophie replied calmly as she stepped over the corpse.

She stretched out her hand and Cleo grabbed her palm.

The warmth of her girlfriend’s touch helped to calm down the dark thoughts running through her mind.

If anything had happened to Cleo…

Sophie shuddered as she even imagined such a horrific possibility. She wasn’t even sure how she would react if Cleo died.

Maybe she would go completely mad…

A door appeared in the middle of the wall and slowly lowered to reveal a staircase made from a flexible metalloid material.

Sophie walked down the staircase first followed by Cleo and then Rachel who winked flirtishly at the female pilots.

“It feels good to be home,” Sophie remarked as she stepped onto the solid ground and took a moment to appreciate the grass beneath her feet.

“Definitely… I mean this headache is freaking killing me… I need a nap or a long sleep…” Rachel chimed in with a slight smile.

The saintess reached into her storage bag and pulled out a healing serum which she quickly injected into her body.

This serum was specially modified to work on Quafes physiology, and soon Rachel felt as though her headache had eased somewhat.

If anyone was observing the three girls from a distance, then they would see them standing in the middle of a seemingly empty field.

However, that was not the case…

Sophie’s golden eyes darkened, and she saw a translucent dome projected over a certain area in the middle of the field.

There was a wooden run-down shack in the dome that seemed to be on the verge of collapsing.

Several metalloid scanners were buried in the ground, and they would occasionally sweep

the area for any unexpected visitors.

“Alright let’s go…” Sophie softly whispered as she walked towards the barrier.

The hybrid girl furrowed her brows as she felt a tingling feeling wash over her body.

This was the feeling that one would get when they stepped into the illusion barrier that protected the estate.

Several beams of light shone on her figure before switching their attention to her companions.

These were the first line of defenses guarding the hidden underground city that belonged to House Peterlor.

There were other defenses of course but Sophie wasn’t aware of them yet. She just knew that they existed.

The three girls walked towards the wooden shack and Sophie placed her hand on the doorknob when they arrived.

She felt a light electric buzz wash over her fingers as she pulled the door open to reveal a dusty interior littered with cobwebs.

Sophie led her friends deeper into the shack until they reached a plain door at the end of a long corridor.

Beyond the door was a room with a teleportation pad that hummed softly as the lights slowly turned on.

A holographic screen was projected into the air in front of the pad with instructions to enter a password.

Below the holographic screen a simple console rose up from the ground with a keypad with several numbers to press.

Sophie quickly tapped her fingers on certain keys in a rhythmic pattern and the holographic screen gradually faded away.

A cold robotic voice came from a speaker hidden somewhere in the room.

[Authority Verified- Welcome back Sophie Peterlor….]

[Authority Verified- Welcome back Cleo Sisrelis…]

[Authority Verified- Welcome back Rachel…]

One by one the girls stepped on the teleportation pad that led directly to the city and their bodies dissolved into particles of light.

Sophie opened her eyes and stumbled slightly as she stretched out her hands and placed them on the nearest wall.

Fuck… she hated teleportation…

The hybrid girl took in a few deep breaths and tried her best not to throw up on the spot since she felt quite nauseous.

She shot a quick glance at Rachel and Cleo and discovered that her friend and her girlfriend were both perfectly fine.

This was so unfair!

“Are you okay babe?” Cleo whispered with concern evident in her voice. The princess walked over to her girlfriend and began to rub her back with circular motions.

“Yeah… just give me a moment…” Sophie tried to smile but what appeared on her face was more of a grimace.

While she struggled to recover, Rachel was absentmindedly looking at the massive underground city in front of her.

Tall metalloid buildings that were hundreds of feet tall, androids moving around the ground performing mai

ntenance tasks and the numerous hovercars flying about.

It was a display of wealth that few nobles possessed.

Rachel was well aware of the gap that existed between herself and Sophie when it came to wealth, but she could not help but think about it as she stood in front of the city.

“Okay… I should be fine now…” Sophie’s voice snapped the saintess out of her musings. Rachel turned her attention to her friend whose face looked a lot better now.

The hybrid girl took a few small steps and internally let out a sigh of relief as she was able to walk in a straight line.

It was time to see her father…

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