
Chapter 249: An Important Decision Is Made

Chapter 249: An Important Decision Is Made

(Unova Syndicate- Planet Xerciam Prime)

(Rexanera Sea)

“Hmm…. this room seems a little bit small,” Sophie muttered quietly as she placed Lily on the bed. 

The alien girl had given them proper directions to room 528 so Sophie found it without much trouble. 

It was just that the room did not have a lot of space and the only furniture present was a full body mirror hanging on the wall. 

The walls were painted a dark purplish colour and the floor was covered with a thick rug that was made from the hide of a species native to planet Xerciam Prime.

Room 528 was roughly the size of a standard bedroom and there was only a tiny room in the back that contained a shower and what appeared to be a toilet.

At least the mattress was filled with soft down feathers so laying on the bed was a comfortable experience.

“Move over Lily,” Sophie gently lifted the little girl to the side and sat down on the bed with a relaxed expression.

Hopefully the next three months should be completely uneventful, so Sophie was looking forward to getting a chance to unwind and relax.

The stress of being transported to an entirely different galaxy and being forced to evade pursuers was really taking a toll on her mental state.

Sophie could feel her bloodlust state lingering just beneath the surface and it was getting harder every day to keep it under control.

There was no Cleo nearby to calm her down, so Sophie had to rely on her personal willpower to prevent her abilities from going berserk.

Speaking of Cleo…. 

Sophie was really missing her girlfriend. 

It was impossible to tell how long it would take for Lily and her to return home, but Sophie knew exactly what she was going to do once she returned….

Fuck that princess mercilessly until she passes out.

A silly grin flashed across Sophie’s face as she imagined Cleo’s naked body twisting and shaking under the waves of pleasure.

Remembering the sweet taste of Cleo’s beautiful flower or her gorgeous bountiful chest was enough to cause Sophie to drool slightly.

“Big sister what are you thinking about?” a sweet voice suddenly interrupted Sophie’s fantasies. 

Lily was staring at her with an expression of innocent curiosity.

Sophie quickly thought of a reply and then spoke, 

“Cough…. I… I was thinking about the delicious food that we will eat once we return home.”

“Your big sister will take you to the fanciest restaurants on planet Gaia!” 

“If you want… I can buy every single item on the menu!”

Sophie successfully distracted Lily with the beautiful promise of free meals in the future and soon the pair begun to discuss their favourite foods.

It came as a surprise to Sophie to find out that Lily was actually a fan of spicy food and enjoyed dishes that were spiked with the hottest peppers available.

The technology to genetically modify crops had long been perfected so it was a simple matter to create peppers with heat levels that were beyond three million Scoville units.

“And I love to eat chicken and I love to eat hot dogs…. and… burgers and…” Lily adorably started to count her favourite foods on one hand.

Sophie patiently listened as the little girl continued to list off all the food she wanted to eat until the conversation was interrupted by a loud growl.

Lily paused her speech and blushed furiously as Sophie shot her a teasing look. 

“Maybe its time for some food,” Sophie winked at Lily and reached for the communication device placed next to the bed.

Passengers who had bought first class accommodations were entitled to unlimited meals and snacks at any time.

Also, the meals would be brought to their room so there was no need to walk down to the cafeteria level onboard the ship.

Sophie picked up the communicator device that was roughly the size of her palm and weighed as much as a small stone.

It was silvery grey in colour and a prominent red button was displayed on its side. 

Sophie clicked the red button and suddenly a holographic screen was projected in the air.

Numerous pictures and images appeared on the screen as the hologram appeared to act as a menu.

Sophie just needed to click on the options she wanted to order, and then someone would come later to deliver the food.

“Alright Lily… what do you want to eat?” Sophie asked kindly and placed the communicator device in Lily’s hand.

Of course, Sophie did not plan to have the little girl eat the meal when it arrived as what may be harmless to one alien species could be a lethal toxin to another.

Fortunately, there was a molecular analyser kit in her storage device so Sophie would be able to safely test what chemicals were inside the food and if it would be safe to consume.

“Big sister I can’t read these words,” Lily quietly whispered as she glanced at the screen.

Sophie stayed silent because truthfully, she also had no idea what the words spelled out. She was just relying on the pictures to guess what type of food was on the screen.

“I’m not too sure either,” Sophie admitted.

“Why don’t you just pick three pictures at random, and we can try them together?”

“Okay!” Lily replied and studied the different meals carefully. 

She took about fifteen minutes but eventually pointed at three very mysterious dishes.

One dish had what looked like a tentacle covered in green ooze and served with a side of badly chopped vegetables.

Her other choice was a bowl of pinkish liquid that contained miniature fingers that constantly floated around.

Sophie already had a bad feeling about the last choice and her fears turned out to be completely well founded as Lily chose a dish that could only be described as….

Lumps of fleshy chunks that had been deep fried… deep fried a second time and then soaked in a bowl full of oil.

This dish was a greasy mess.

“Are you sure you want to try these?” Sophie hesitantly asked.

“Big sister… these were the only ones that didn’t look icky and gross,” Lily stuck out her tongue in disgust.

These ones didn’t look icky and gross?!

Sophie was dumbfounded and for a few brief seconds she could not think of a good reply to Lily’s statement.

She started to consider whether she should just step in and choose something else. 

Sophie took a deeper look at the menu only to discover to her horror that Lily was absolutely correct.

Somehow those three dishes were the least revolting items on the menu! 

Sophie wasn’t sure if this was a cultural thing, but it appeared that the food consumed in the Unova Syndicate was intentionally made in the most unappetizing way possible.

Ok…. maybe it looks bad but tastes great…

Sophie shakily pressed her finger against the three menu items and a timer appeared in the middle of the screen.

Well, what Sophie assumed was a timer as she only recognised a series of numbers that changed every few seconds. 

Sophie couldn’t tell when the food was expected to arrive, so she just continued to make small talk with Lily as they waited.

Lily’s stomach was giving off cute rumbling noises every once in awhile, but Sophie pretended not to hear to give the little girl some face.

Thirty minutes passed by and then a loud knocking noise was heard from outside the door.

Knock! Knock!

Sophie scanned Lily’s body to make sure that the disguise was still in place and then opened the door. 

A frog-like creature with webbed hands, toes and slime that made his skin seem moist was standing quietly outside.

He held three plates in his palm and wordlessly handed them over with smooth movements. 

Once the meals had been delivered, he simply hopped away without making any noise.

Sophie wanted to give him a small tip, but the alien vanished before she could go get her storage bag.

“Wow the food is here!” Lily shouted excitedly.

“Yes. Go wash your hands and then we can start eating,” Sophie replied with a smile and pushed Lily inside the bathroom to clean her hands.

Sophie uncovered each dish, and a wave of putrid odours assaulted her nostrils. 

She could barely breath under the heavy stench and no emotion other than regret could be felt in her heart.

Why the hell did she give Lily the option to order some food?

Well now there was no turning back, so Sophie reached for the molecular analyser device in her storage bag and then placed samples inside the testing tube.

Two of the dishes contained chemicals that were deemed as lethal to homo sapiens while the last contained a plant that acted as a mild sleeping agent.

Sophie instantly moved the first two dishes to the side and only the chunky flesh meal was deemed safe to be eaten by humans.

Lily came out of the bathroom with an enthusiastic expression that forced the complaints down Sophie’s throat.

Ok… how bad could it be?

Sophie stepped into the bathroom to wash her hands and could not help but feel like a prisoner slowly walking towards their execution.

There were cutlery placed next to the dishes, so Sophie picked up one that resembled a spoon and hesitantly scooped up a large amount of the chunky flesh soup.

Lily followed her lead and also picked up a spoonful of the unsettling mixture. 

Sophie closed her eyes and brought the food into her mouth.

One bite…

Two bites…

Three bites…

Sophie heard a painful cry and opened her eyes to see Lily hurriedly run to the bathroom and spit out what was in her mouth.

The sound of running water could be heard as the little girl constantly tried to wash the foul aftertaste out of her mouth.

Sophie peacefully continued to chew with an expression of zen and tranquility.

How was she not affected?

Well Sophie was using every ounce of acting talent she had in order to not show an unpleasant face in front of Lily.

This was the worse meal she had ever eaten in her life. 

Somehow the meat was both soggy and undercooked.

The sauce had no spices or flavours other than what could only be described as watered-down mayonnaise mixed with oil.






Needless to say…. Sophie made a very important decision after that day.

Under no circumstances would they ever order food again for the remainder of the trip and from now on the only meal would be nutrient vials.

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