
Chapter 180: Studying?

Chapter 180: Studying?

(Zrudread University- Biology Department)

(Forest Lord Kingdom Park)

Squeak! Squeak!

“I am not going to tell Cleo to move out!” 

Squeak! Squeak!

“And that reminds me…. why has three months worth of pet food just magically disappeared without any trace.”

Squeak! Squeak!

“I call bullshit! We did not get robbed!”

Squeak! Squeak!

“So, they just broke into our house and took nothing but pet food?!”

Sophie was cheerfully arguing with Moon as the little Frostwing bat flapped his wings excitedly and continued to squeak loudly.

They attracted strange looks from the nearby students, but Sophie was too engrossed in playing with her baby bat that she paid the stares no mind.

She had really missed spending time with Moon while on her mission and apparently the feeling was mutual as the Frostwing bat had not left her side since she returned.

It appeared that Moon’s intelligence had grown quite rapidly while staying with Astrid and her siblings and now Sophie could hold conversations with him through the blood bond.

She still could not understand everything as the images and words being transmitted via the mental link were a bit fragmented at times, but it was enough to get the general gist.

The pair were currently walking through the forested area of the park on their way to class as it was the last day before the midterms.

Sophie smiled as she felt the warm light of the red sun hanging overhead and the cool breeze gently hitting her face.

Moon was perched on her shoulder and nuzzling her neck with adorable purrs to get her attention. 

Sophie and Cleo had returned yesterday but took the day off to sort out some important matters. 

The bounty had been processed and a decent sum of credits had been sent into their accounts. 

Unfortunately, after including the costs of buying all those slave girls and giving them an additional sum of money…. 

This adventure turned from a profit to a loss.

Well at least on the plus side, Sophie and Cleo’s ranks in the Black Rose guild had risen and they were now qualified to take on harder missions.

It seems that only a handful of freshmen had decided to take up bounty missions before the first midterm. 

As for the matter of the symbiote, Cleo had contacted her mother who told her to come visit the imperial palace after the midterm.

She did not reveal any details about Sophie’s abilities during her conversation and simply used the excuse that somehow the symbiote could be seen using her mental force.

Cleo did not want to lie to her mother, but Sophie’s true identity and special powers needed to be kept secret.

Apparently, Concubine Sisrelis was very concerned about her daughter’s wellbeing and wanted to see her as soon as possible.

Cleo could feel the raw emotions in her mother’s voice when talking to her over the communicator and it brought a tear to her eye.

Maybe deep down her mother was still the same warm caring person from her childhood.

Sophie had offered to bring Cleo to the Peterlor estate to undergo a medical scan there, but Cleo politely refused at least for now.

She planned to first have the royal doctors who were sworn to secrecy perform an in-depth scan for the symbiote and only if nothing were found would she then go with Sophie to see the duke. 

Sophie spotted a familiar acquaintance walking ahead with a gigantic three headed wolf-like creature at her side.

The surrounding students were giving the pair a wide berth as the enormous twelve-foot dog was occasionally exhaling flames from its three mouths.

“Hey Luna!” Sophie called out and gave a wave.

The blonde-haired girl wearing an expensive red dress stiffened in shock as it was very rare for anyone to address her so casually.

Luna had spent the last couple of weeks gradually assimilating into the campus lifestyle but had yet to make any friends.

The noble girl’s arrogant nature and aura of dignity made it hard for any of her fellow classmates to interact with her.

The only person willing to talk to her was the hybrid girl in her combat pet training class but she had never attended a lecture after the first day. 

“Oh? How have you been Blackie?” Sophie walked over with no fear and gave the hell hound a gentle pat on the leg.

Woof! Woof!

The middle head bent down slowly and tried to lick Sophie on the cheek, but the size of his tongue meant that Sophie found herself covered in saliva.

Squeak! Squeak!

Moon found himself also covered in the disgusting liquid and angrily shook his wings at the giant combat beast.

(Stupid mutt! I’ll cook you and eat you alive!)

Blackie gazed at the small furry bat scolding him relentlessly and whimpered quietly. 

Somehow this tiny creature was emitting a very dangerous aura that made his hair stand on end.

“Greetings Sophie of the Peterlor house,” Luna was a bit surprised but bowed politely.

“No need for the formal talk. How have things been?” Sophie wiped the saliva off her face with a grimace.

“I have been preparing for several weeks to perform well in the midterm exam and take my rightful place as head of the elite class,” Luna responded in an even tone.

“How has your studying been going?”

“Err…. I….” Sophie stammered with a guilty look on her face. 


She did keep up with all her assignments during the trip to planet Calypso but in terms of revision….

Sophie mainly spent the nights sleeping or performing other activities with Cleo. 

Luna observed the changes on Sophie’s faces and concluded that the hybrid girl was probably ill prepared.

“Well, it does not matter. Theory is just a small part of the marking scheme, the main bulk of the marks are from the practical exam.”

“Oh yeah! Did they reveal any details about it or is it going to be a mystery?” Sophie asked.

Luna shrugged her shoulders helplessly and shook her head. 

The lecturers were notoriously tight lipped and refused to give out any details during class.

Talking to the upperclassmen was of no use as well because the contents of the midterm exam varied each year.

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