
Chapter 90: University Recruiters

Chapter 90: University Recruiters

(Transport Ship- 013)

(Private Room 105Y)

[3rd Place – Sophie Peterlor]

When Darren saw the line of text on the monitor screen, he could not resist the urge to let out a string of curses.

The best-case scenario would have been that the hybrid girl was eliminated early in the examination so that he would be justified in not sending an offer.

Even if she did make it to the final one thousand, an offer to the side branches of Atlas University would have been a decent compromise between the two factions.

But she made it to third place.

There was no good reason not to send in an offer to Atlas University and the only possible option would be the main branch.

How could Darren explain in his report the decision to send one of the top students in the entrance exam to a side branch?

What was even worse was that many of the noble children on his priority list did not perform as well as expected.

The Tarkkakans were a challenge that very few of those sheltered students were able to handle.

Darren rubbed his temples in frustration before entering a string of text into his communicator device and submitting.

There was one more factor that Darren had to take into account.

This decision was not an easy one to make but the risk of offending a god stage cultivator like Duke Peterlor over this matter…. well only a fool would do it.

That monster had once razed an entire mercenary corps to the ground for attempting to kidnap his daughter for ransom.

It was a well-known fact among the upper nobility of the Earth Federation that Rokan Peterlor was not a man to be messed with.

And his daughter was not someone they could involve in their schemes.

Darren decided to just send an offer of admission and pray silently that the hybrid girl did not accept.

(Private Room 105G)

[2nd place- Astrid Lockhart]

Unlike the Atlas University recruiter, Adriana Greenhorn was ecstatic to see the high magic potential of the Mendolesa girl.

That level of talent was on par with the geniuses of the Servies race and several professors who had seen the footage were now fighting over her.

Race meant little in the face of overwhelming talent and unlike the younger generations, Archmages were more nonchalant about such matters.

Servies may have the best magic potential on average but that did not mean that there were no hidden dragons among the other three species of the Earth Federation.

It was only rare that it was a Mendolesa.

Mer University had a simple approach to their requirements and only took those within a certain grade of mana potential.

Having just one main campus and no side branches meant that their student population was the lowest among the four great universities.

Honestly even the final rankings of the exam were pretty inconsequential as mages usually had a lack of combat experience at lower cultivation levels.

Three important figures had even made offers to take Astrid as their direct disciple before she had even entered the school!

Among the three was a man called Lapis Hollystorm who specialised in spatial magic and was infamous for rejecting all of the students who came to learn from him.

The heavens truly blessed the talented and Adriana could foresee that the Mendolesa girl was certainly going to be a powerhouse of the future.

(Private Room 105F)

Swish! Swish!

A mass of liquid was happily flowing from side to side in a container while humming along to a pop song.

“I can see the wind whistling through the moonlight”

“My love for you sparkles in the sunlight,”

“My beloved, your eyes drown me in the sorrow of the wonder of tomorrow,”

“I will run a thousand yards to save you!”

Bubbling noises were heard from the container as the Quafes recruiter attempted to sing along to the tune in his liquid state.

He could afford to be relaxed as compared to the other three University recruiters, his job was relatively easy going.

Tantibus University would send offers to all students who made it into the top one thousand as their robust departments covered all areas of cultivation.

Some called them jack of all trades master of none, but the fearsome graduates of their campuses would prove those naysayers wrong.

The Nephilim Church was located right in the middle of the Quafes’ zone of the Earth Federation and their influence was not to be underestimated.

Many of the graduating alumni were members of the clergy and the recruiter was happy to see a saintess candidate in this batch of students.

(Private Room 105H)

“The rookies this year have quite a bit of potential,” whispered the Mendolesa warrior lounging casually on his bed while reviewing footage of the exam.

He was very impressed by the few teams that decided to face the Tarkkakans head on instead of hiding or fleeing.

Of course, Selvon was only impressed with those that managed to emerge from the encounter unscathed.

Reckless bravery was nothing more than foolishness.

Most recruiters would be selecting seedlings for both the main and side branches but Selvon was only interested in the top students.

There was no lack of candidates to fill the vacant spots in the side branches, but it was important to select only the highly talented for the elite class to maintain the quality.

Zrudread University prided themselves on producing the fiercest warriors in the Earth Federation so Selvon was interested in both potential and attitude.

He had already made a shortlist of fifty names from the entire batch of one thousand students with the lowest rank among the list being ninety-eighth place.

Not all the students would accept the offer, so he had also made a back up list of additional names from the remaining candidates.

“Those four….” Selvon grinned with his fangs bared as he reviewed the footage of Sophie and her team.

He dialed a number in his communicator and a few lines of text came from the other end,

Selvon: [ I am going to use my authority to send scholarship offers to ten students from site 013]

Head Recruiter: [ You don’t have that authority.]

Selvon: [ Remember that night in Planet Venus when you met those lovely bargirls….]

Head Recruiter: [. .. .. ]

Head Recruiter: [ Alright I can pull a few strings]

Head Recruiter: [Please don’t tell my wife]

The now cheerful Mendolesa exited the chat and accessed the virtual net to watch one of the new romance dramas produced by B.Y.T entertainment.

Anything was possible with the power of a good information network!

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