
Chapter 209 Lady Of The Night (33)

(Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Storage Room)

As the blade in Mary\'s hand sliced off a piece of the vampire\'s ribcage, the world seemed to slow down to a crawl.

The background noise slowly faded away and all she could focus on was the enemy in front of her.

She needed to defeat... she needed to kill.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Mary could hear her heart pumping furiously in her chest as she flicked the blade upwards and sliced off the vampire\'s remaining hand.

This was her first real battle and yet...

She felt nothing.

There was no fear in her heart as she tilted her head to the side and narrowly avoided the vampire\'s desperate attempt to headbutt her.

Why? Why was she not afraid?

Why did she not feel even the slightest trace of fear?

Mary\'s eyes shifted colour and began to shine with a golden luster as she activated her pupil technique.

She could see an expression of terror surface on the vampire\'s face as he realised that he was not dealing with an ordinary blood slave.

He was facing a vampire hunter.

Mary\'s body moved automatically as she adjusted her posture and continued to strike down the vampire with meticulous blows.

First, she sliced off the remaining lumps of flesh that used to be his arms.

Then she took his legs.

Then she pierced his eyes.

She slowly tortured the vampire by carving out parts of his body piece by piece until he was nothing more than a sobbing wreck.

The young woman leaned in closer until her lips was mere inches away from the mysterious vampire\'s right ear.

"Tell me... who sent you?" Mary whispered in a calm voice as if talking with an old friend about an insignificant matter.

The vampire shivered as he heard the human\'s calm words. He served one of the princes and had witnessed many sights of fear and terror and yet...

This human frightened him.

There was no emotion in her gaze as she cut him down. No trace of sadistic pleasure or righteous condemnation.


It was like he was an insect that needed to be crushed.

"I... I... was sent to deal with Camilla... you are here for her right?" the vampire quickly began to speak as his body trembled.

"We... we can team up! My master... he... he works with the Hunters Organisation! We both want Camilla dead!"

"Oh? And why does your master want Camilla to die?" Mary asked calmly with an unreadable smile on her face.

"She is too powerful! She will upset the balance between the vampire factions... listen don\'t you humans want to weaken us?" the vampire explained in a frightened tone.

Mary did not speak and allowed the silence to linger on until the vampire began to wriggle around uncomfortably on the ground.

He could slowly feel his flesh beginning to regenerate but the rate was much slower than before since there was an energy inside his body interfering with the healing process.

"And who is your master?" Mary finally asked as maintained the same expressionless mask on her face.

"I... his name is..." the vampire began to speak but coughed out a mouthful of black blood for several minutes until he almost passed out.

Mary watched him struggle on the ground but did not step forward to help.

This bloodthirsty monster would have happily drained her body into a lifeless husk if she had been the weaker one.

She needed to remember that.

All vampires were monsters. Even...

"I... cannot say... taboo... spell..." the vampire groaned painfully as his terrible coughing fit finally stopped.

"But... we have a way to bypass the witch\'s wards... an ancient anti magic technique... please lend me your strength."

"You know that the Hunters Organization will want her dead."

Mary lifted up her longsword and gently rested it against the vampire\'s chest. What he was saying was absolutely correct.

The Hunters Organization would undoubtedly appreciate one less powerful vampire in this world.

Especially one who was so skilled in blood magic and possessed stolen knowledge of ancient vampire hunting techniques.

"Camilla is a terrible woman..." Mary whispered softly, and the vampire nodded along to her words in apparent agreement.

"She can be short tempered and enjoys giving me orders. I cannot understand her private thoughts and it makes me feel... very angry."

A confused expression flashed across the vampire\'s face as he could not comprehend the strange meaning in the young human\'s words.

"And most of all... I want revenge. I want her to obey me. I want her to be the one to serve my every whim and desire," Mary darkly spoke as her lips slowly curved upwards.

An ordinary vampire hunter would have accepted the monster\'s offer and worked together to bring Camilla down with an unexpected blow.

It was just a shame... Mary wasn\'t finished with Camilla yet.

Her beautiful mistress could not die... at least not before she had gotten her revenge.

The vampire lying helplessly on the ground gasped in shock as a longsword penetrated his chest in one smooth motion and tore apart his heart.

He did not have to suffer for long as Mary lifted up her weapon and brought it down on his neck with immense force.

She separated his head from his body with a single swipe of her blade.

Mary watched coldly as his body began to shrivel up and turn into nothing more than dust that slowly spread across the floor.

She glanced at the longsword and saw that it was covered from tip to hilt with black blood and guts

The young woman let out a heavy sigh as she walked towards the open window and peered at the night sky.

She had always assumed that this castle was safe and that Camilla\'s desire for a bodyguard was clearly nothing more than a whim.

She was wrong.

Camilla\'s enemies were powerful, and they were able to bypass her wards without being detected at least when she was not in the castle.

This would be a dangerous place to stay in the future.

As Mary looked out of the window, she was suddenly struck by the urge to leave this place.

Camilla was clearly gone, and she would at least be able to get a day\'s worth of a head start since dawn was soon approaching.

No... she still had unfinished business to do here.

Besides Mary glanced at her trembling fingers and knew that she still had quite a bit of training left to do.

Despite the ease at which she dispatched the would-be assassin... her arms were now aching, and she felt an overwhelming wave of exhaustion.

And that was from fighting off just one vampire. If she tried to leave the Northern Region, she would most certainly encounter multiple bloodthirsty fiends.

There was a quiet peacefulness in the air and despite the blood slowly dripping down from the blade in her hand...

Mary felt the tranquility of the night.

She barely even noticed the cold chill in the air or the strange golden runes that briefly appeared on the surface of her skin.

The nature of the Sun-Born was slowly awakening...

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