
Chapter 116 Journey Through The Dark

Erwin was soaring like a maniac through a never-ending tunnel of blinding light, with the wind battering him and his hair flapping like a possessed mop. At first, he was freaking out, trying to escape the claustrophobic confines of the tunnel, but no dice. The darn thing went on and on, with no end in sight.

Just when he thought he was gonna lose his mind, Erwin stumbled upon a remarkable discovery - he could touch the light without getting his fingers vaporized. Sure, he had to sacrifice a chunk of his finger to figure it out, but hey, a small price to pay for the sake of science, right?

And the weirdest part? Erwin\'s finger grew back, good as new, right before his astonished eyes. \'Talk about a trip, man.\' He couldn\'t wait to see what other tortures the universe had in store for him.

\'Oh boy, this is better than a rollercoaster! I mean, who needs safety belts when you have the Grim Reaper as your co-pilot, Am I right?\' Erwin chuckled to himself, trying to ignore the fact that he was hurtling towards the great unknown at breakneck speed.

As the tunnel of light began to fade, Erwin couldn\'t help but feel a sense of disappointment. "Well, that was a short and sweet joyride," he sighed, before adding with a smirk, "but hey, I\'m sure the afterlife has plenty of other exciting adventures in store for me."

Erwin\'s journey through the tunnel of light had been a dizzying experience. The rush of wind and the blinding brightness had left him disoriented and exhilarated. Just as suddenly as it had begun, the tunnel vanished, leaving him standing in complete darkness.

Erwin tried to steady himself as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He could feel a chill in the air and a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of his stomach. He looked around, but all he could see were three eerie pathways leading off into the abyss.

Erwin\'s heart was pounding as he found himself standing in complete darkness, with three ominous pathways leading off into the abyss. "Well, this is just fantastic. I finally get a chance to go on an adventure, and it turns out to be in a pitch-black room with a one-in-three chance of death. Talk about a lucky break."

Erwin peered into the darkness, trying to make out any details of the eerie pathways. The symbols etched into the walls seemed to pulse with a strange energy, and he couldn\'t shake the feeling that he was being watched by some malevolent force.

"So, let me get this straight. I survive a trip through a tunnel of light, only to end up in a spooky room with no exit and three scary paths to choose from? Someone up there must have a sick sense of humor," Erwin quipped, his nerves fraying.

As he contemplated which path to take, Erwin couldn\'t help but wonder if he was in some sort of purgatory. "Well, I guess this is what they mean by \'the road less traveled.\' Although in this case, all roads seem equally deadly," he joked darkly.

Taking a deep breath, Erwin steeled himself and took a tentative step forward, hoping that his next move would lead him to answers rather than to his demise. "Here goes nothing," he muttered, bracing himself for whatever lay ahead.

Erwin\'s footsteps echoed ominously as he made his way down the chosen path, his heart racing with every step. He couldn\'t shake the feeling that he was being watched, and the silence was making him increasingly paranoid.

"Okay, Erwin, just keep calm and carry on. You\'ve survived a tunnel of light and a room with three spooky paths, so you can handle whatever\'s waiting for you," he muttered to himself, trying to stay positive.

Erwin contemplated as he ventured deeper into the obscure trail, \'What kind of world is this where women are easily seduced? One minute, you\'re living it up with two gorgeous babes, and the next, you\'re stuck in a creepy maze. And people say life is unpredictable. I just hope there are no nightmare creatures lurking around to take advantage of me.\'

Thinking about this, he rounded a corner. Erwin froze in terror. In front of him was a hideous creature, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Erwin could feel its hot breath on his face, and he knew he was in deep trouble.

\'Great, just my luck. First, I get ditched by the girls, and now I\'m about to become monster chow,\' Erwin thought, his heart pounding in his chest. \'I always knew I should\'ve taken those self-defense classes.\'

Erwin\'s heart was pounding in his chest as he slowly backed away from the monstrous figure. The creature\'s features were deformed and twisted, with long, spindly arms and sharp, pointed claws that glinted menacingly in the dim light. Its eyes were a sickly shade of green, and seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy that sent shivers down Erwin\'s spine.

Erwin tried to stay calm and think of a way out, but his mind was racing with fear and confusion. He didn\'t know how he had ended up in this place, or what this creature wanted from him. All he knew was that he needed to get away, fast.

He braced himself for the worst, but to his surprise, the creature did not attack. Instead, it sniffed the air around him, as if trying to catch a whiff of something.

Erwin\'s heart pounded in his chest as he stood there, frozen in fear. But to Erwin\'s surprise, the creature simply turned and slunk away into the shadows, leaving him alone and unharmed. "Well, that was...anti-climactic," Erwin said, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. "I guess even monsters have standards, huh?"

Erwin persisted on his quest to discover an exit, yet for hours. He roamed aimlessly and couldn\'t spot any hint of illumination in this infernal maze. The place resembled a dark labyrinth, and to ensure that he wouldn\'t take a break, the incessant howls and screeches of monsters kept him alert.

He trudged on through the darkness, his heart racing with fear and exhaustion. Every step he took felt like a gamble, unsure if he was moving closer to his goal or simply wandering deeper into the abyss. The air around him was thick with the stench of decay and the occasional drip of water echoed through the corridors.

As the hours passed, Erwin began to wonder if he would ever find a way out of this nightmare. His legs ached and his throat was dry, but he refused to give up. He had to keep moving, keep searching for a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

Finally, just when he thought all was lost, he spotted a faint glow in the distance. It was like a beacon of hope, drawing him closer with every step. With renewed determination, he pushed forward, his heart pounding in his chest.

Erwin hastened his pace, he soon spotted the source of light emanating from the keyhole of an ancient, rickety wooden door. The door appeared so fragile that it could disintegrate upon the slightest touch, with visible signs of rust around the keyhole that bore testament to the ravages of time.

Erwin approached the dilapidated door with caution, mindful of its delicate state. With a gentle push, the door let out a haunting creak, revealing a dark room. The only source of light emanated from a ceiling window, casting a faint glow on the door.

As the door creaked further open, the sound of rusty hinges groaning and metal grinding against metal pierced through the silence, causing Erwin to flinch. He paused for a moment, his ears ringing from the noise, before mustering the courage to step into the room.

Erwin was relieved to find that the room was not as dark as the eerie path he had come from. "Finally, some light," he whispered to himself.

The dim light from the ceiling window allowed Erwin to survey the room without difficulty. He could see various objects scattered around, including an old wooden table and a few chairs, all covered in a thick layer of dust. He walked further into the room; he noticed another door, similar in appearance to the one he had just entered, situated on the opposite wall.

The old furniture that was still standing but had seen better days. As he approached the door on the other side of the room, he couldn\'t help but wonder where it would lead him. "This could be the way out," he thought to himself, his heart racing with excitement and hope.

Without hesitation, Erwin strode towards the door, eager to explore further. He tried the handle, but it was locked tight. Erwin frowned, considering his options. He could try to force the door open, but he didn\'t want to risk making too much noise and alerting anyone or anything to his presence.

"There has to be a key around here somewhere." Instead, Erwin decided to search the room for a key. He scanned the surfaces of the table and chairs, hoping to find something useful. After a few minutes of searching, he noticed a glint of metal beneath a pile of papers on the table. He brushed away the dust and debris, revealing a small key. "Bingo," he said with a grin, carefully retrieving the key.

He hurried over to the door and inserted the key into the lock. With a satisfying click, the door opened, revealing a narrow corridor leading off into the distance.

With a steady hand, he pushed the door open, revealing yet another hallway. "Another door," he muttered to himself. He couldn\'t shake off the feeling that he was getting closer to the exit. As he stepped into the hallway, he felt a cool breeze blowing from the other end, giving him a sense of direction. "I think I\'m on the right path," he said to himself, determined to keep going.

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