
Chapter 103 A New Life Begins

Erwin felt like he had just woken up from a weird dream. The girls had vanished into thin air, leaving him feeling disoriented and confused. He rubbed his eyes, hoping it was all a hallucination, but alas, they were still nowhere to be seen. As he searched for any clue, he noticed a peculiar circular pattern on one of the bookshelves nearby. It was like something straight out of a conspiracy theory - four-pointed stars arranged in a perfect circle.

Just then, Valara appeared behind him, startling him out of his thoughts. "What are you doing here, Erwin?" she asked.

Erwin felt like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Uh, I came here to read some books, but the girls who were here earlier disappeared into thin air," he stammered.

Valara raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "Disappeared, you say? How mysterious. Did they leave any clues?"

Erwin shook his head, feeling embarrassed. "No, nothing. Just this weird pattern on the bookshelf."

Valara leaned in, examining the pattern. "Hmm, interesting. Could be a secret message, or just a weird decoration. Who knows?"

Miss Valara, I visited your house this morning to request permission to read here, but you were not available. After that, I went to Professor Adelaide\'s place, but she was also out. So, I decided to come here and read. I hope you don\'t mind,

Valara nodded. "Of course, I don\'t professor is not that strict like other masters, you\'re can read here. And if you\'re interested, I have a little job for you. You see, I\'m part of the Alchemist Association, and we need someone to gather herbs for our experiments. It\'s not too dangerous, and the pay is decent. Are you up for it?"

Erwin grinned. "Heck yeah, I\'m up for it. I\'m tired of eating rock-hard bread and drinking ocean water every day."

Valara looked amused. "I see your taste buds are as sophisticated as your fashion sense. Alright then, follow me. I have some books that will help you get started on your herb-gathering journey."

They made their way to Valara\'s house, where she handed him a few books on herbs and their properties. "These should provide a good starting point for your herb-gathering endeavors," she said. "Take your time reading through them and let me know if you have any questions."

Erwin took the books, feeling excited about his new job. Who knew? Maybe he\'d discover a rare herb that would make him rich and famous. Or maybe he\'d just get a rash from touching some poisonous plant. Either way, it was better than doing nothing all day.

Valara began to explain some of the magical herbs that could be found in the nearby forests and meadows.

"Well, here\'s one that\'s quite popular among alchemists," she said, pointing to a picture of a bright yellow plant. "This is called the Sunflower Root. It\'s said to have the ability to absorb and store sunlight, which can be useful in creating potions that require fire Energies ."

Erwin looked intrigued. "That sounds fascinating. How would one go about harvesting it?"

"It\'s best to harvest the root during the summer solstice, when the plant is at its peak of energy absorption," Valara explained. "But you have to be careful, as the roots are extremely sensitive to light and can be easily damaged if not handled correctly."

She flipped through a few more pages before stopping at a picture of a deep purple flower. "And here\'s another interesting one. This is called the Nightshade Blossom. It\'s known for its powerful sedative properties and is often used in potions that induce sleep or calm nerves."

Erwin nodded, taking note of the information. "Are there any other magical herbs that are particularly rare or difficult to find?"

Valara thought for a moment before answering, "Well, there\'s the Starlight Herb, which only grows on the highest peaks of the nearby mountains. It\'s said to have the ability to amplify the magic of other herbs, making it a valuable ingredient in many potions. But it\'s incredibly hard to find, and only a few skilled gatherers are able to harvest it without damaging the delicate plants."

Erwin listened intently, fascinated by the magical properties of these herbs. "I can\'t wait to start gathering them and learning more about their uses," he said with a smile.

Valara began to explain the magical properties of the herbs, her voice as warm as a winter storm. Erwin listened, trying to absorb all the information like a sponge. He was determined to become the best herb gatherer in all the land, or at least better than the squirrels who were constantly stealing his lunch.

As Valara spoke, Erwin couldn\'t help but notice the icy coldness in her demeanor. It was like she had a heart of ice, which was ironic considering she was teaching him about herbs that absorbed sunlight.

Erwin tried to break the ice by cracking a joke. "So, if I accidentally harvest a Starlight Herb, does that mean I\'m a skilled gatherer or just lucky?"

Valara didn\'t even crack a smile. "It means you\'re lucky you didn\'t destroy the plant and ruin the entire ecosystem," she replied coldly.

Erwin felt a chill run down his spine. He didn\'t know whether to be impressed by her dedication to nature or scared of her lack of humor. Either way, he decided it was best to stick to reading his books and not make any more jokes.

But he can\'t help and tries to sneak a peek at Valara\'s large bottom and chest, hoping to catch a glimpse of her meat mountains. However, his attempt was thwarted by her frigid gaze, which seemed to pierce through him like an icicle. He quickly averted his eyes and tried to focus on the task at hand.

"Well, let\'s get started. You can begin by gathering these," Valara said, interrupting his thoughts and handed Erwin a piece of paper with a list of herbs and their specifications. "This is the current list of herbs that the Alchemist Association needs," she explained. "You can search for them and submit them to them in exchange for payment. They will pay you a fair price for each herb, and the better the quality, the higher the payment."

Erwin gazed at the herb and began perusing the list. Valara added, "These are just the most commonly used ones. If you happen to come across a rare herb like the starlight herb, let me know and I\'ll ensure you receive its true value." Erwin then focused his attention back on the herb and continued reading the list.

Having read it entirely, he inquired, "Where exactly can I locate them?"

"You could venture into Ardorin Forest, but be careful not to go too deep, for there are mystical beasts lurking within. Don\'t give in to your greed, alright?" Valara said.

Erwin gave a nod said. "Mind if I burrow this book?"

"Sure, you can take it," Valara said with a nod. "But if you\'re planning to gather herbs today, it\'s best to head out in the morning or afternoon and be back before sunset. The forest can be dangerous at night."

Erwin looked up at the sky and noticed that the moon was still low in the sky, indicating that it was still early in the morning. "Then I should get going now?"

Valara nodded and added, "Just make sure you don\'t wander too deep into the forest, and please be careful. If anything happens to you, I\'ll be in trouble with the professor."

"I understand," Erwin replied, nodding. "I\'ll be careful and won\'t go too deep into the forest. Thanks for the advice, Valara." With that, he turned and began making his way towards the forest, eager to start his herb-gathering expedition.

As Erwin approached the edge of the forest, he noticed that the trees were not the only thing that was tall and dark. The underbrush was thick and tangled, and he could hear the rustling of small animals scurrying through the leaves. He also caught a glimpse of a colorful bird perched high up in the branches, its feathers shimmering in the sunlight.

Erwin took a deep breath and stepped onto the dirt path that wound through the forest. The path was narrow, and the trees crowded in on both sides, casting dappled shadows on the ground. As he walked deeper into the forest, he noticed the air becoming cooler and fresher. The smell of earth and leaves filled his nostrils.

"I see. So that\'s where the forest is," he remarked, taking in the sight. The trees were tall and dark, their branches stretching upwards to the sky. A sense of mystery and danger seemed to emanate from the forest, and Erwin couldn\'t help but feel a shiver run down his spine.

He chuckled to himself and muttered, "Well, nothing like a good adventure to start the day." Erwin took a deep breath and walked towards the forest, ready to gather the herbs that he needed.

He took a deep breath and said to himself, "Okay, Erwin, you can do this. It\'s just a forest, not a haunted house."

As he approached the edge of the forest, a squirrel suddenly darted across his path, causing him to jump back in surprise. He chuckled to himself, "Well, that\'s a great start. Just a little adrenaline to get me going."

Erwin carefully made his way into the forest, trying to avoid stepping on any twigs or crunchy leaves. "Stick to the path, stick to the path," he repeated to himself.

As he walked, he couldn\'t help but feel like he was being watched. He turned around quickly, but only saw a group of butterflies fluttering about. "Oh, it\'s just the butterflies," he said with a grin. "I guess they wanted to join me on my herb-gathering adventure."

Erwin continued on his journey, feeling more and more confident with each step. "This isn\'t so bad," he thought to himself. "Maybe I should come to the forest more often. Who knows, maybe I\'ll even become a forest expert!"

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