
Chapter 83 Sold For Gold

"2000 gold coins!" exclaimed the auctioneer with a twinkle in his eye, as if he were talking about the price of a potato. Erwin couldn\'t help but wonder if he was being sold off like a sack of potatoes.

The auctioneer\'s gaze shifted upwards towards the grand ceiling of the auction hall, as if he was asking God for a sign that he was making the right decision. Maybe he was hoping for a lightning bolt to strike him dead before he could sell off poor Erwin.

Erwin followed suit, looking towards the window in the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of the bidder. But all he could see were opaque black mirrors, as if someone was trying to hide their shame at bidding on a human being.

"We have just received a bid from one of our VIP guests. Now, who else would like to make an offer?" said the auctioneer, his smile as fake as his hairpiece.

"Four thousand gold coins!" shouted a bidder from another private room. Erwin couldn\'t help but feel grateful that he was worth more than a measly four thousand gold coins. At least someone thought he was worth more than a happy meal.

"Eight thousand gold coins!" countered another bidder, causing a wave of gasps to ripple through the crowd. Erwin couldn\'t help but wonder if he was being bid on by Scrooge McDuck.

Erwin\'s eyes widened in shock at the exorbitant price being bid for him. He had never imagined that he would be worth so much money. Maybe he should start a side hustle and sell himself off more often.

Erwin\'s heart was pounding in his chest as the bids continued to escalate higher and higher. He had always thought of himself as a nobody, a mere pawn in the grand scheme of things, but now it seemed that he was worth more than he could have ever imagined.

"50 thousand gold coins!" came a voice from the back of the hall, and Erwin\'s heart skipped a beat. The bidder\'s voice was familiar, but he couldn\'t quite place it.

The auctioneer\'s eyes widened in surprise, and he looked around the room, trying to identify the source of the bid. "Going once, going twice..." he began, but before he could finish, the bidder spoke again.

"one hundred thousand gold coins," the voice said, and Erwin\'s mind reeled. Who could have that kind of money to spend on him?

With a thin sheen of perspiration on his forehead, the dashing man gazed upon the seasoned woman and smiled. "Perhaps, Professor, we should consider another option. This one seems to be burning a hole in my pockets."

The price had already surpassed the estimated value of a first-circle mage, and it seemed to be inching even higher with each passing moment. The exorbitant amount being demanded for this particular item had raised many eyebrows and caused quite a stir among the magical community. Some wondered what could possibly justify such a steep cost, while others simply resigned themselves to the fact that they may never be able to afford it.

"Now I want him more than ever," said the woman with golden eyes, her gaze fixated on Erwin, who was visibly excited despite the fact that he was about to be sold as a slave. It was a chilling sight, like a predator eyeing its prey with hunger.

Erwin was rooted to the spot, completely speechless as the words reverberated in his mind. The idea of being valued at a staggering sum of two hundred thousand gold coins was beyond anything he had ever imagined for himself \'I did when I was the prince\'.

Erwin felt a shiver run down his spine. The woman with golden eyes seemed to sense his fear and leaned in closer to the window. "Don\'t worry, my dear," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear. "I will take good care of you. You will be mine, and I will make sure that you enjoy your remains life under me."

"don\'t worry about your marks and you don\'t have to get me another slave. Just buy this one for me. I really want to train him." the woman with the striking golden eyes said reassuringly.

"really? then consider it done," replied the person with a sly grin.please visit

"Two hundred thousand gold coins!" exclaimed the man, his voice echoing through the auction hall like thunder, making the auctioneer\'s eyes widen in shock.

The auctioneer\'s smile widened, revealing a set of yellowed teeth. "Going once, going twice..."

"Sold!" The gavel hit the desk with a resounding thud, and Erwin was officially sold to the mysterious bidder.

Erwin stood there, his mind racing with a million different thoughts and emotions all at once. The words that had just been spoken to him had turned his world upside down, and he wasn\'t quite sure what to do with himself. Two hundred thousand gold coins. The amount of money was so astronomical that it was hard for him to wrap his head around it. He had never imagined himself as being worth that much, and yet here he was.

As he stood there, lost in thought, the man who had just purchased him walked out of the room, a smug grin on his face. Erwin couldn\'t help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. Something about the man didn\'t sit right with him. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, or the look in his eyes. Whatever it was, Erwin had a feeling that he was about to be thrown into a world of trouble.

The man turned to Erwin with a smirk. "Congratulations, my boy. You\'re gonna be in heaven from now on."

Erwin swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in his throat. "What... no, I don\'t want to go to heaven. I am fine on the earth?"

The man chuckled. "Well, tell that to your master, boy. I\'m merely a middleman. You\'re going to be trained by someone who\'s very interested in you." but there was little sympathy in his eyes.

Erwin\'s mind raced as he tried to process what the man was saying. "I am interested in what way?"

The man shook his head, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "I\'m not at liberty to say. All you need to know is that you\'re going to be taken care of. Now come on, we don\'t want to keep the professor waiting."

Erwin felt a wave of shock and relief wash over him as the chains on his wrists were unlocked. He had been sold, but at least he wouldn\'t have to endure the torture of the auction block any longer.

As he was led offstage by a pair of burly guards, Erwin couldn\'t help but feel a sense of apprehension. He had no idea who his new master would be or what kind of life he was about to embark upon.

Erwin followed the man into the private room through halls, feeling more like a prisoner than a valuable commodity. As they rode through the streets of the city, Erwin couldn\'t shake the feeling that he was about to be thrown into a world of danger and intrigue.

The halls were lined with priceless works of art and intricate tapestries, but Erwin barely had time to take in his surroundings before he was ushered into a large room.

Sitting behind a massive oak desk was a woman with striking golden eyes, her long black hair cascading down her back. She looked up as Erwin entered, and a smile crossed her face.

"Welcome, child. I\'ve been looking forward to meeting you."

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