
Chapter 142 - Broken Pieces Together

The weight of his words seemed to crush down on her chest, restricting her breathing as her heart pelted against her ribcage. It instantly made her think about her mate. Xander died because of an attack from some rogues, rogues that were led by her sister. 

She clenched her teeth together and held back the tears that filled her eyes. She could see every emotion flickering across Ajax\' eyes. The pain. The guilt. Everything she had felt since her mate died.

Chiara swallowed past her feelings and managed to whisper, "How?"

"Why.. none other than the hunters themselves," He grimaced and dropped his eyes before they wandered around their surroundings. Chiara could see how hard it was for him. There was strain behind his eyes, memories he wanted to stay hidden. 

Those eyes were now dilated as she imagined he was reliving that day. She knew that look. It was one she gave herself each morning in the mirror after a night full of nightmares, no, the memories she relived each time she fell asleep. 

Ajax released her from his grip and turned away, wiping his hands over his face and through his hair. When he turned back, Chiara wanted nothing more than to run into his arms; he looked so lost, so broken. But she stayed rooted to the spot and let him take his time in explaining further.

"It was before I was taken. The hunter\'s found us. She was a shapeshifter as well. Heck, she was a better shapeshifter than me.." He glanced at her and saw the confusion on her face. He sighed but looked relieved in needing to explain the intricacy of being a shapeshifter. 

"It\'s not easy shifting to different animals. You have to have a lot of concentration and patience. Growing up with Jocelyn, she was always better, where she would change into multiple animals in a row.. I could only shift between a panther and a cat. The shapes are similar, but the size was different.."

Chiara could only imagine. She only had to shift into her wolf, and sometimes it wasn\'t even her leading the reins. Chiara could sit back and watch her wolf hunt for hours if there was a strong need to kill something. 

Ajax smiled, but Chiara could see the sadness lingering behind his eyes. His attention was drawn back to her, and he cleared his throat before continuing. "We lived together away from the other shapeshifters. We stupidly moved away from the others, thinking it would be safe, you know? We aren\'t like werewolves. We aren\'t pack animals. We don\'t need to be with each other.." His brows drew together, and his voice dropped an octave, "The elders warned us not to leave.. it was safer with the others.."

Chiara watched as he spiralled into a rant. She stepped forwards and grabbed his hand into hers, squeezing gently. His jaw muscles ticked, and after a few moments of recollecting himself, he told her what happened.

"I don\'t know how long the hunters have been around for.. but the elders knew what was best. They said if we didn\'t stay together, then they would find us. And.. they did. Me and Jocey lived away from them happily for a year. We started to relax more, becoming more comfortable in our environment. We didn\'t live in any of the vampire territories or the werewolves. We stayed in the humans.. But that\'s how they found us.. we still stood out. I mean.." He scoffed, "I became a model and started acting. It was my fault, bringing attention to us.." 

Chiara\'s eyes widened at another fact no one knew about him. He was a model.. which made sense, and an actor? 

"He is very dramatic.." Gina added. As usual, she was a very quiet wolf observing everything more.

Ajax continued, unaware of Chiara\'s thought process. "One night, they appeared at our door. They took me and kept her locked inside. They demanded to know where the others were.." His voice shook with anger as his nose crinkled and his eyes flickered back and forth at a picture Chiara could not see. "They threatened that Jocelyn would be killed if I didn\'t give the shapeshifters locations away.. but how could I do that?" 

His brows drew together, and his eyes flickered from side to side. It was clear he was at war with himself over his decision.

"How could I give away their locations? They had been in hiding, not attacked once for at least 100 years.. or so the elders made out when they told the children the stories.." He released a long breath, "I didn\'t think they\'d do it," There was panic in his voice now, "I thought their threats were garbage.. Even with a gun against my head..

"They.. they.. burnt the house to the ground.. I tried to get in.. I did.. I took as many of them down, shifted into animals I never had before, but it was no use.. They fucking tasered me, and that was all it took.. They held me down, and made me watch.. and listen as my love, my Jocey screamed in agony.. Until the only thing left to listen to was the flames engulfing my home." 

Chiara gasped and paled at what he said. She knew the ending of the story, but listening to it, hearing his struggle and seeing how he thought he could have done more. It was pulling at her heartstrings. 


His eyes were filled with unshed tears, his face now haunted with his memories. He blinked, and the tear droplets fell down his sculpted face, but he did nothing to wipe them away or look embarrassed. Ajax was true to his word earlier; he would never hide away from how he felt. 

Chiara shook her head in disbelief. In a moment like this, she completely admired him. She was taught to stay composed for most of her life, not let any feelings interfere with her job, and not let any emotions show on her face. 

As a woman, she had to be even fiercer than other Gamma\'s, but here in front of her was a man who had been through hell and back and was still capable of being a good person, making sure his presence did nothing more than uplift other people. Chiara slid her arms around his torso automatically without thinking about her actions, clinging onto his suit while resting her face against his chest. Ajax\' arms wrapped around her immediately. His head hid into the side of her neck, and she felt her neck become damp.

Chiara didn\'t know how long they stood there in each other\'s arms, but she was content. After some time, Ajax pulled back and cupped her jaw with his hands, looking at her intently. "So, I know exactly what you are feeling, Chiara. I don\'t need a mate bond to know that." She grimaced at his words, but he continued, "I am not saying we should forget about them, of course not, but I won\'t throw something away between us out of fear. We could be incredible together, Chiara.."

Her eyes filled with tears once more, and she let the droplets flow as her brows drew together as one word stood out to her. 

"Fear?" She croaked.

Ajax started brushing her tears away with his thumbs, "Do not fear what you feel for me.."

Chiara gazed down at his thick black tie and whispered, "I.. I don\'t know if I can.." She wrapped her hands above his and slowly pulled them down but let them rest at her neck as she looked back at his green eyes. When she saw how open and bare he looked to her, she felt herself crumble.

"Give us.. Give THIS a chance.." He whispered. 

She shook her head. It was too soon. 

"It doesn\'t have to be right away." Chiara looked at him, confused.

"You spoke out loud," Gina spoke up. However, she didn\'t help her with her decision about Ajax. 

"I can\'t do that to you.." Chiara muttered, glancing at the ground. Her excuses were becoming apparently weak.

"I will wait.. however long you need." Chiara looked up with widened eyes before shaking her head. 

"You\'ll be waiting a very long time," She whispered back as her face lowered. Ajax immediately wrapped his arms around her again. He pulled her into his chest, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"I want to be with you, and I know you want.. well, you have SOME feelings for me.. Who wouldn\'t.." There he went; his usual chirpiness was back. Chiara smiled into his pecs at this; she decided she liked him joking and laughing. She was also happy to keep her face hidden from his. "But I\'m serious, Chiara. I like you. It\'s as simple as that. I will keep pursuing you every single day until I have your heart."

Chiara gulped at that. Did she still have a heart to give?

"I don\'t know if we would ever work, Ajax… We are too broken.." She trailed off as he tensed and pulled back to look at her again.

"Then we will put the pieces together and make each other whole again." 

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