
Chapter Book 21 10: Back in Yangzhou

From his vantage point at the port side of the ship, Xu Ziling surveyed the big commercial port overlooking the sea in the mist of the dawn; his heart was filled with myriads of emotion. It was as if a prodigal son who left his village, after going through ten thousand crags and torrents, and disaster after disaster, finally returned to his starting point.

The strange thing was that when the last time he was in Yangzhou to see the muddleheaded ruler, Emperor Yang, he did not have the same feeling.

It was the wounding-the-spirit, breaking-the-soul feeling of sea voyage, when they let Susu made the choice that would affect the rest of her life.

Xu Ziling felt a stab of pain in his heart.

Standing beside him, Xing Rong sighed and said, “Sowing one, reaping two. Speaking about commercial trade of the whole nation, our Yangzhou has always been at the top of the list, otherwise our Zhuhua Bang would not be the other big gang besides Baling Bang. Therefore, after moving around everywhere, our zongduo [lit. helms, i.e. the headquarter] has always moved back here. Shao Lingzhou put himself under debt from Li Zitong, this will have its own cause and effects.”

The world ‘sowing’ [yang] referred to Yangzhou, the word ‘reaping’ [or ‘benefitting’, yi] referred to Yizhou, namely, the Shu County in Sichuan.

Yangzhou, Jiangdu, and the likes were like the Luoyang of the Central Plains, which was the hub of the water and land transport connecting all parts of the country, especially the waterway aspect, since it was at the intersection of the Canal and the Yangtze River, as well as at the coast of Yangtze River leading to the sea, hence it’s geographical superiority could be inferred.

As for the land route, from Yangzhou to the east was Shandong, to the west Sichuan, to the south extended to Huguang’s [i.e. Hubei and Hunan provinces] relay stations along the major route.

All these factors combined, Yangzhou became the strategic hub of sea, land, and river transports, the center of distribution connecting the water and land routes of the north and the south. Since the Sui Dynasty, large number of rice, salt, cloth and silk passed by this area on their way north to supply the Central Plains, as well as Ji Shan regions [Hebei and Shaanxi]. Yangzhou was also reckoned to be first or second best metropolitan in the nation. The principal commodity were precious stones, salt distribution, wood, brocade, copperware, and so on.

When Emperor Yang was murdered by the rebel army headed by Yuwen Huaji, Du Fuwei’s Jiang Huai Army was one step too late, so he could only watch when Li Zitong took this most important big city in the south. It was like one move difference in the game of chess.

Such a large river like Yangtze River, which was the convergence of the waterways in the world, no one had the capability to completely seal it off for a long period of time. To heavily besiege Yangzhou was definitely not an easy matter. The reason Du Fuwei was willing to cooperate with Shen Faxing was simply because he wanted to draw support from Shen Faxing’s navy fleet with its rich naval battle experience, plus the backbone of Shen Faxing’s navy was Hai Sha Bang’s huge fleet of warships.

Hai Sha Bang’s Gang Leader was originally the ‘Dragon King’ Han Gaitian. But when they mounted a sneak attack to the newly established Shuang Long Bang’s base camp in Changshu, he was heavily injured by Xu Ziling, and his internal injury could not recover completely, until finally he had to give way to the Beautiful Mermaid You Qiuyan, with the ‘Fat Assassin’ You Gui and the ‘Roaming General’ Ling Zhigao as the Left and Right Deputy Gang Leader, respectively. They reorganized the Gang, and recovered the Gang’s power somewhat.

Jiangdu Yangzhou was ‘governmental city’, with two layers of city walls forming the entire city, linked up by undulating hills.

‘Governmental city’ was the seat of the imperial palace, also the seat of the Zongguan Mansion and other governmental offices, concentrated in one location, much like the Imperial City of Luoyang, which was located on elevated ground; easily guarded, hard to attack. In those days, were it not for Yuwen Huaji revolted from within the nest, he might not necessarily be able to murder Emperor Yang, who was under the full protection of the Dugu Clan.

Under the ‘governmental city’, the commercial and residential area extended outside the second wall built around the main city wall. This rectangular city was inhabited by close to two hundred thousand people, with most residents live in the southern crown of the city.

The main street was lined with willow trees every a thousand paces, the red clouds were reflected on the two layers of city wall. The inner city spanned eleven li from north to south, and seven li from east to west, the perimeter was about forty li.

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong’s struggling and challenging, but precious childhood years were spent in the approximately 80-li perimeter outer city. Reminiscing about the past, all kinds of memory flooded back into his mind; how could he not be overcome by emotions?

Noticing that Xu Ziling’s eyes were gleaming with odd expression, Gui Xiliang, standing on his other side, thought that Xu Ziling felt strange because he did not see the troops and horses besieging the city; thereupon he explained, “This past year or so the war has been stop-and-go; three sides of Jiangdu face river and ocean, the harbor is deep and wide, besieging the city is easier said than done. Plus in the other big city Zhongli, Li Zitong has massive military force, which from time to time raided the besieging enemy via the waterway. Therefore, each time Du Fuwei and Shen Lun finished their turn in besieging the city, they must retreat and regroup to restore their strength; otherwise, how could Li Zitong hold on until today?”

Inwardly Xu Ziling admired Kou Zhong: the reason Du and Shen, two armies were unwilling to siege the city together was because they were suspicious of each other, and Kou Zhong was able to grasp this critical conflict between the two, thereupon he would be able to calmly set up a driving-a-wedge-between-them stratagem. But Xu Ziling did not know that it was Xu Xingzhi who first thought about this crucial point, and not Kou Zhong at all.

Although the pier outside the city could not be compared to its former glory where thousands of ships were docking side by side, their sails and masts covering the sky, but there were at least a hundred ships, big and small, moored along the coast. It appeared that they were taking advantage of this brief period of peace to do business.

Their ship slowly docked. The welcoming committee consisted of Luo Feng and about a dozen Gang members, as well as a small group of troops and sergeants of Li Zitong’s army.

Just by looking at this kind of welcome, it was thus clear that Li Zitong and Shao Lingzhou hardly attached any importance to Gui Xiliang.

Xu Ziling stepped back so that he would not be too conspicuous.

Luo Qifei moved over to his side and said, “Looks like we have a little bit of trouble.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “We have to change according to the situation.”

The ship finally cast its anchor, Luo Feng was the first to come aboard, with a slightly helpless intonation he said to Gui Xiliang, “Da Wang’s [The King] order, all ships arriving at Jiangdu must be inspected, both the passengers and the goods. After everything is verified properly, you may enter the city.”

Gui Xiliang’s countenance changed, he said, “Even we, Zhuhua Bang men are not exempt? On this trip I was on mission for Da Wang himself!”

Luo Feng reached out to grab his shoulder and said, “Be patient a bit! We all know what is going on inside.”

His gaze fell on Xu Ziling, disguised as the ‘Scarface Hero’, and the others, seventeen people in all; he asked, “Are these honored guests brothers from Shao Shuai Army?”

Xu Ziling cupped his fist and replied in hoarse voice, “Xiaodi is the ‘Feng Dao’ [wind saber] Ling Feng of Shandong. I came here to see Luo Tangzhu [hall master/leader], indeed under Shao Shuai’s order to wait on Gui Tangzhu.”

Naturally Luo Feng has never heard that in the Wulin world of Shandong there existed such figure; inwardly he was apprehensive, but on the surface he put on a your-name-has-been-known-to-me-for-a-long-time appearance, and said, “The inspection process should ne reasonable and fair, it is not to deliberately make things difficult for you, I hope Ling Xiong will show understanding, otherwise how could we cooperate with Shao Shuai?”

Turning his head around, he signaled the Li Army troops waiting on the shore to come aboard to inspect the ship.

Xu Ziling sighed inwardly, knowing that the trouble has just begun.

※ ※ ※

Returning to Yangzhou was like returning to a far away, yet forever unforgettable dream. Whether it was inside or outside the city, everywhere he looked, there were traces of the shocking-the-eye, astonishing-the-heart fire of war, collapsed and damaged city walls, charred and abandoned siege equipment in all kinds of shape and sizes, sunken warships, and bloodstain on the streets, which had turned black, the ruins of houses after the fire, crumbling walls and scattered roof tiles everywhere.

But the people were accustomed to this kind of sight; except for the migrant workers who were working on mending the walls, for others, life went on as usual.

Due to lack of warhorses, everybody entering the city must rely on their legs; they walked slowly while carefully observing the desolation of the trauma of war.

The Zhuhua Bang’s headquarters was back on its former site, at the foot of a hillock right next to the inner city wall, but the building was of new construction, the scale was more magnificent than the previous one, the complex was composed of seven compounds, each has its own separate wall, connected to each other by gateways and passageways; four of those buildings housed the Wind, Clear, Rain, and Dew, four Halls.

Before reaching the headquarters, Luo Feng and Gui Xiliang moved to the front of the line, while constantly conversing with each other in low voices. Xu Ziling and Xing Rong brought up the rear. When they were passing the most famous red-light district in Yangzhou, the Willow Lane, Xing Rong whispered in Xu Ziling’s ear, “Madame Yuling reopened the House of Heavenly Fragrance, and nowadays it has become Yangzhou’s most famous pleasure house, and the Two Principals of Heavenly Fragrance are the most famous talented ladies of the south; it won’t be easy for anybody to see them, so let me take you out tonight.”

West of the Willow Lane was the Jiucheng [lit. old city] River that cut across the road going north and south of the city, spanning across the river were two big bridges, Ruyi [as one wishes] and Xiao Hong [little rainbow]; the scenery on both banks was charming and gentle, with long dike and willow branches drooping down, lined with luxuriant fragrant grass.

Further away was the other large river, the Wen River, balancing the Jiucheng River. Along the Wen River going east was the Great South Gate Street, the busiest and most prosperous street in Yangzhou; most shops were concentrated here.

This moment Xu Ziling was overwhelmed with memories, how could he have any interest in visiting a pleasure house? But he was also having a peculiar feeling, recalling that in the past, he could only steal a peek to admire the ladies of the House of Heavenly Fragrance, but now he would be able to enter from the main room, into the inner chamber, as a rich big master. Obviously the past and the present were completely different; they had grown up to become adults.

For the young Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, the city of Yangzhou was a very good place to play hide-and-seek, or perhaps a good place where they could go everywhere to flee for their lives.

Before Emperor Yang developed Yangzhou to become Jiangdu, in the city district, most of the houses were self-developed, which resulted in irregular shapes and layout, with oblique street corners and cluttered intersections; except for several main streets, the rest were mostly nine-crooked, thirteen-bent, streets and alleys crisscrossing each other haphazardly, which also became the special characteristic of Yangzhou.

In the past, the two boys’ favorite place to hang out was the Great South Gate Street, and also the Satin Silk Street, which intersected the Great South Gate Street. This street got its name not only from the brocade, satin, juan [thin, tough silk fabric], and chou [light silk] shops lining the street, but also the shops offering jewelry and arts and crafts, hence many wealthy spenders [orig. with ten thousand strings of cash in money belt] spent their time here. For the young Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling at that time, this was the place where the fat sheep congregated.

Noticing Xu Ziling did not say anything, Xing Rong thought he agreed to stroll into the pleasure house tonight; thereupon he turned to another topic, “Luo Tangzhu can be considered the best in his treatment toward us! He is the only one willing to speak up on our behalf.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling asked, “How about Shen Beichang?”

Lowering his voice, Xing Rong said, “Shen Laotou [old man, usually in disrespectful way] is very grouchy, nobody knows what he really thinks. I’ll say Shao Lingzhou has deep misgivings toward him.”

Frowning, Xu Ziling asked, “Does Madame Yuling have any influence on our Zhuhua Bang?”

“Of course she has!” Xing Rong replied, “She is very supportive of us, but she never intervenes in the Gang’s affair; she does not have any real power within our Gang, therefore, her influence is only from our Gang brothers who show her respects, but in major things, it is difficult to rely on her support.”

This moment the group of more than fifty people have just entered the courtyard gate. Shao Lingzhou and Shen Beichang went out to meet them, to intercept Luo Feng and Gui Xiliang.

The four men stood around to talk, but actually Gui Xiliang could only stood respectfully and answer whenever someone else asked him question, the real dialogue was between Shao Lingzhou and Luo Feng.

Responding to Luo Feng’s beckoning him, Xu Ziling stepped forward from the rear of the line. He was introduced to Shao Lingzhou and Shen Beichang first, and then Shao Lingzhou, with a slight condescending look in his eye, sized him up and down, before asking, “Does Ling Xiong have the authority to represent Shao Shuai?”

Xu Ziling replied indifferently, “Naturally I do! Otherwise Shao Shuai could not possibly send me to come with Gui Tangzhu.”

Revealing a skeptical look, Shao Lingzhou was silent for half a day before finally nodding his head and said, “Very well! In that case, would Ling Xiong immediately follow Ol’ Shao to the Zongguan Mansion to see Da Wang? He wants to talk with someone who can represent Kou Shao Shuai.”

And then, turning to Gui Xiliang and Luo Feng, he said, “Two gentlemen Tangzhu need not join us, only Laofu [old man, referring to self] and Old Shen will do!”

※ ※ ※

Accompanied by Xu Xingzhi, this old friend, Chen Changlin entered the study room to see Kou Zhong. This Shao Shuai was diligently studying Lu Miaozi’s treasured book of ‘Mechanical Equipment’; he looked so enraptured by the book. He was greatly surprised to see Chen Changlin, “Unexpectedly Changlin Xiong is back so soon?” he said.

After the two sat down, Chen Changlin said, “Taking light boat going downstream, it took less than half a day to reach Donghai. On the return trip, we got tail wind, so it took us only one night plus a few sichen. Fortunately Changlin did not fail my assignment; fifteen hundred children and disciples of Jiangnan Army will reach Liangdu tonight, and they are using their own weapons.”

Xu Xingzhi added, “And all of them were forged by Jiangnan’s iron and steel industry; often imitated, never duplicated.”

Kou Zhong put down the treasured book and cheerfully said, “That’s even better. This time we only want to drive a wedge between the enemy, not to really attack Old Du’s Jianghuai Army. What can we do that we won’t damage our own people, but can raise Old Du’s suspicion and his anger?”

Xu Xingzhi spoke leisurely, “As for the details, we must wait for Luo Qifei’s intelligence before making definite plan, but it would be best if we could take advantage of a particular situation to assassinate an important trusted lieutenant under Du Fuwei’s banner; whether successful or not, we won’t have to worry, they will definitely be suspicious and then will become hostile with each other.”

“What particular situation?” puzzled, Chen Changlin asked.

Xu Xingzhi explained, “Presently the Du and Shen, two armies, are taking turns to attack Jiangdu Yangzhou. It can be easily imagined that whoever is doing the siege will make an all-out effort in doing so, hoping to enter the city first to drink that oral soup, the agreement that the two sides made. According to the information we received from Jiangdu, last time happened to be Shen Army’s turn to besiege the city. Both the besieging and the defending armies suffered considerable damage. By the time Jiang Huai Army besieging the city again, their chance of breaking the city will be very high. What we want is precisely this kind of situation.”

Slapping the table and shouting with praise, Kou Zhong said, “This scheme is absolutely wonderful. It is enough to provide the motive for Shen Lun to wreck the collaboration, which is he is afraid that Jiang Huai Army would enter the city first and grab the benefit of the victory.”

And then he called one the guards to summon Bu Tianzhi.

Xu Xingzhi said, “Now the only problem we need to resolve is how to avoid Du and Shen, two armies, so much so Li Zitong’s eyes and ears, because this kind of grandiose military operation involving a thousand men will be difficult to keep a secret.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “The originally mission impossible has now become highly possible. Ha! Our savior is here!”

Bu Tianzhi hurriedly came, and after understanding their mission clearly, he patted his chest and said, “Leave this thing to me, I have more or less friendly relationship with the longtou dage [big brother big boss] of various wharfs across the nation. As long as Changlin’s men disguise themselves as my men, I can transport them in batches to our secret lair in Jiangdu’s vicinity, where they can wait for the opportunity to go into action.”

Xu Xingzhi said in delight, “In that case all things are ready; we only lack intelligence from the east wind.”

Kou Zhong said, “We’d batter change the assassination target to Old Du himself; wouldn’t it be one needle pricking the flesh? In any case, basically we are not looking for success; as long as we could spread a bit of empty prowess, leave behind some Jiangnan trademarked arrows, darts and weaponry, shout with some Jiangnan accent, the mission can be considered successfully accomplished.”

The other three nodded; they all agreed that it was a good plan.

Chen Changlin was concerned about another problem; he asked, “Supposing Du Fuwei really fell into the trap and strike back at Shen Lun, how would we exploit this situation?”

Xu Xingzhi said, “Du Fuwei’s strength far surpasses Shen Lun’s; he will be able to deal heavy blow on Shen Lun’s soldiers and sergeants. At that time Shen Lun could only retreat back to Piling along the Jiangnan canal. We can intercept Shen Lun on the canal, catching him off guard, attacking him without he knowing how to deal with it.”

Kou Zhong looked at Bu Tianzhi; he asked, “Is this feasible?”

Bu Tianzhi cheerfully said, “We know diverse Jiangnan waterways like the back of our hand, so I can guarantee that when our warships suddenly appear in the canal, Jiangnan army will be as if they had just awakened from a dream. As long as we can seize Shen Lun’s command ship, Changlin Xiong will be able to personally put Shen Lun under his blade.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “This matter should not be delayed. We will immediately prepare the mission. When the time comes, I will personally accompany Changlin Xiong to get on board to pay an official visit to that kid Shen Lun, to see if Laotianye is willing to preside over justice.”

Severely shaken, Chen Changlin said, “From this day onward, my life belongs to Shao Shuai!”

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