
Chapter 109

Within the grave silence, Kang Min-hyuk finally opened his mouth, “As you all know, I was a prosecutor. Since I was a child, I have been wielding my sword, and I started magic at a late age. Do you know what I thought after my initial foray into magic? Magic is a discipline that requires a lifetime of study, but I thought it was less open than fortified warriors – more secretive. The magical academia exchanged with each other but closed their mouths where necessary. The academic conference became a stage where virtually everyone who took the stage did so to boast. A whopping 100 years have passed since monsters first appeared. The fortified warriors developed each other’s strength by fighting and bleeding side-by-side, eventually reaching their present position. However, the sorcerers are trapped in their own bubbles and are unable to escape the frame of oppression.”

It was funny. Just because they were the underdogs didn’t mean they had camaraderie.

Sorcerers were busy keeping each other in check and didn’t want a new force to emerge. Min-hyuk didn’t know if the next 2000 years would play out like Klinssman’s world, but the magical academia of the day was a hideous place. A society in which minorities rejected minorities. Many of them were naturally developing civilizations because many people were concentrated, but the monopolization of power seemed to be a pervasive goal.

Some magical forces retained an essence of purity, but magic wasn’t a field that could thrive on that alone.

“People said it. It’s crazy to present great magical knowledge as a public good. Do you know why I was doing that? I wanted to show it was possible. Don’t just hide the results of studies; open them to the world with me! I hoped that the academic world of magic would develop. But what was the result? From some point on, they demanded magical knowledge, taking it for granted. They didn’t present their knowledge unless it was a place where they could show off their strength, and yet, they were eager to seize mine.”

The original intentions behind magical conferences were good and aimed at advancements, but not anymore. The forces that had won the academic competitions gained a considerable reputation, but the academic conference’s quality was falling day by day.

“Why do we learn magic? For authority? To feel a part of something? Not because of that. Magic is for the destruction of the monsters that threaten the security of this world. So, I want to give you a new path. Rather than presenting magic as a public good, I would like to show you the right way to grow as a wizard – something that I have experienced. Those who are truly passionate about magic are those who will join me in our mission to destroy all monsters in the future. I will provide a place where they can feel at home. The beginning of the new tower, which I want to discuss here, is not born from greed, but from the urge to develop together and annihilate the monsters infecting our quality of life.”

The announcement cut down existing forces, but they couldn’t continue as they were, anyway. Somebody had to do something, and Kang Min-hyuk was the person to step up. The minority didn’t want Kang Min-hyuk to pursue his goal because it threatened their illusion of sovereignty.

Kang Min-hyuk continued, “A week in the future, we are planning to hold the inauguration ceremony of the new tower. Those who agree with my opinion and wish to enter the magical powers or the towers that will form exchanges in the future, please brighten the opening ceremony.”

The countdown began. Meanwhile, Kang Min-hyuk had a lot of work to do.

“See you then!”

The live broadcast ended on that note, and, of course, the world flipped.

* * *

The fire fell on the foot of the magic academia. As soon as Kang Min-hyuk’s broadcast ended, the World Magic Association immediately ordered an emergency meeting. Antoine Ballard, President of the French Magic Association, raged down the phone, his face full of anger.

“This is ridiculous. I admit that Kang Min-hyuk has achieved marvelous things and greatly helped our collective progress, but he has publicly stood against us! He has expressed obvious hostility toward us. He speaks as though it’s for humanity, but Kang Min-hyuk’s true intention is to destroy us and take power eventually!”

“I knew it would be like this. Why would you disclose that valuable knowledge as a public good? Even when he first displayed his skills at the academic conference, his presentation implied dark intentions.”


Other presidents sympathized with Antoine Ballard’s words.

If Kang Min-hyuk did not articulate his hostility, would they have accepted his tower positively? No. A few days ago, at the gathering of key figures, they said this about the future of Kang Min-hyuk:

“Kang Min-hyuk is young and needs to be soothed. Now that we are in a neutral position, we must not suppress him but protect everyone and create an environment where they can continue to present their knowledge. However, if Kang Min-hyuk makes a move for power, we will need to reach a decision. His will is dangerous, and it will destroy the existing system.”

The World Magic Alliance didn’t want him to work against them, nor did they want to work with him. They wanted to utilize his talents without compromising the system. Those at the top were afraid to descend – their wealth and fame overflowing; they perceived anything below themselves as a bottomless drop into a hellish abyss.

Antoine Ballard continued his tirade, “Let’s show Kang Min-hyuk what he should fear. He must pay the price for how wrong he was to create the tower without consulting us and for dropping us like trash. Kang Min-hyuk is a monster who will destroy the ecosystem. Sharing power as we do is to maintain the balance of the world, and his monopoly on power heralds the birth of a dictator.”

Kang Min-hyuk’s unparalleled potential frightened them… Ballard’s reaction seemed extreme from a distance, but he spoke from a place of fear, and many dwelt in that space alongside him. They had to destroy the tree while it was a seed.

Amongst the leaders were those, who stayed silent, wishing to maintain their power, and those who stood by Kang Min-hyuk. Wayne Burns was of the latter group. Seeing the way people raged against Kang Min-hyuk made him ask the question: ‘Why are they so angry?’

Was it because Kang Min-hyuk blamed them? If so, they deserved it. They saw no fault in their perspective that the wizard’s knowledge took precedence over the wizard’s wellbeing. People were angry because his decision didn’t benefit them this time, and Min-hyuk went from being revered to revolted in a single maneuver. Of course, interaction with him would aid magical development, but then it became a power-play – they would have to accept him as superior.

The primary source of their fear, however, was Min-hyuk’s potential. His brilliance would rule over everything else the magical academia had to offer, and the current system would crumble beneath his steps. He strove for peace, and so did they, but their version of peace always had them in power. Where did the nobility of magic go? The wizards before him were fickle as children, just days before they had pampered and pandered to Kang Min-hyuk, but at the mention of the word Matop, they were convinced he was demonic.

Wayne Burns laughed.

“What’s so funny?” asked Antoine Ballard, his eyebrow raised quizzically.

“How dazzling magic is! How lucky we are to know it and use it, and what a shame that it has been so neglected over the years – like a stray dog strolling aimlessly through the streets, just waiting for somebody to see it for what it really is! For its matted fur to be smoothed, its gaze to be tamed; a sharp-toothed, invincible beast. Kang Min-hyuk can bring magic to its fullest potential, and you would stand in the way of that?”

It was then that Wayne Burns knew that Kang Min-hyuk was wholly invested in an unconventional beginning. He expected to be rejected by the majority and extended his hand to the BMA. If they alone were on his side, he could handle all of the other associations in his stride. In all likelihood, he didn’t even need the British magic Association’s help.

After thinking all night, Wayne Burns made a decision, “I have to participate in the inauguration ceremony. If I’m in the way, let me step back.”

When Wayne Burns chose to raise Kang Min-hyuk’s hand, the other presidents were apoplectic.

* * *

Things got noisy. Although the British Magic Association was in, this did not change the World Magic Association’s mind. They immediately contacted the Korean Magic Association.

“In the future, we will accept Korea as an important member of the World Magic Alliance. In return, please use your power to prevent Kang Min-hyuk from creating the pagoda. That’s all we want.”

Park Dong-jin, the president of the association of the Korean Magic Association, laughed at the phone call.

“The Korean magic academia is in my hands. No matter how great a reputation Kang Min-hyuk has, if I see fit, he will never be able to work in Korea.”

He had the opportunity to become a world magic alliance member – greed crossed Park Dong-jin’s face. Unlike the reinforced warriors, Korean magic was unrecognized. It was always being rejected, and the mainstream guys didn’t give it a chance. It was a great opportunity through which the Korean Magic Association could advance to the world stage.

Park Dong-jin had tried to contact Kang Min-hyuk previously, but Kang Min-hyuk never showed a positive attitude. A while ago, Park Dong-jin invited Kang Min-hyuk to a meeting but ignored him. His attitude spawned hostility in Dong-jin’s heart.

He called Kang Min-hyuk right away.


[What is it?]

“I am Park Dong-jin. You know who I am, so I will skip the explanation. I don’t know whose permission you want to create the tower, but you’d better stop right now. This is Korea. The only ruling tower is the one attached to my name.”

It was blackmail, designed to frighten a seventeen-year-old boy.

A leisurely grin came to Park Dong-jin’s face.

Then, laughter came through the phone.

[Hahaha, that sounds interesting. Let’s do it.]


[Please show me how great the power of Park Dong-jin is. I knew very well what would happen if I found the tower. You’ll have to do all you can to stop me. I’ll have no future interactions with the Korean Magic Association.]


Park Dong-jin, who was trying to shout with a scarlet face, threw the phone at a voice that could no longer be heard.

“That cheeky bastard!”

He had no choice but to use his own power. He immediately contacted the government’s link. The reason the Korean Magic Association was so influential was because of its relationship with the government. KMA had been in power for a long time, and thanks to it, established an excellent relationship with the government. Therefore, it was possible to interact with Suhomun. In a political position, he was powerful.

“At such an important time, why don’t you answer the phone?”

The other person did not answer the phone. At first, it was considered insignificant. However, no matter how much time passed, the phone remained unanswered. An ominous premonition passed through him. When he hurriedly contacted the information source, he received shocking news.

[It’s a big deal. The government seems to be trying to side with Kang Min-hyuk.]

“What bullshit is this?!”

[You know the forces that dominate the Korean mana stone market? Now, those guys who entered the world stage and swept away red mana stones turned out to be Kang Min-hyuk’s. So it seems that even now, the government cannot reject Kang Min-hyuk. Since the amount of tax collected from the mana stone market is beyond imagination, the government believes that Kang Min-hyuk’s tower will have a positive financial effect on Korea.]

Park Dong-jin opened his eyes. He judged Kang Min-hyuk by his age. He overlooked what kind of life Kang Min-hyuk lived and the fact that he took lessons as a successor from a very young age.

The live broadcast was planned, trapped and waiting for the opponent.

“What the hell is going on?”

Park Dong-jin’s face turned pale.

Somehow, it seemed that things were going wrong.

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