
Chapter 157 What To Do . . . ?


Now . . . what to do?

I was pressed into a hard place here. My [Teleport] was in cooldown, and it would take until tomorrow for it to reset. Tomorrow afternoon exactly.

With this Grendelkin\'s speed, it would reach Town in an hour. Or even less.

Not only that, there were numerous tiny dots that suddenly appeared out of nowhere like they were magically transported here.


There were Hobgoblins, and Shaman Goblins, leading a horde of thousands and thousands of normal goblins. Their numbers swarmed the map, and all I saw were red like blood leaking on a white canvas.

Goblins were beginner monsters and weren\'t a threat, but tens of thousands of them could eliminate a town like this within an hour.

What\'s going on here?

Is this an Apocalyptic Event?

No . . . there was no warning. My [Evil Eyes] should have detected it.

With this sudden threat that appeared out of nowhere, it was impossible to even [Teleport] out of here. I would just be in the line of those goblins open for their attacks. Running away was already too late.

We were surrounded from all sides!


<Yes, Host?>

Could this happen? Even though there weren\'t any Teleportation Gates in the surroundings, these things could be teleported here.

<Yes, Host. Teleportation\'s gates aren\'t the only thing that could teleport large armies from point to point. Someone must be behind all this. A powerful Magic user that\'s capable of teleporting these large of a number>

<But to do that, he must have exhausted all his strength and mana>

That\'s not important. I have to get out of here.

A strong thud of my heart made me gasp and pause. Without thinking, I gaze at Amara. I was sure that it was my other self telling me to protect her.

That idiot. I couldn\'t even guarantee my safety here. His kindness and his feelings were beginning to annoy me.

I wonder if he was secretly evil deep inside.

<Host is right. Boundless kindness is also a form of Evil~>

Are there other routes out from here?

The [Evil Eyes] could find nothing. Not even an underground escape tunnel into the others side of the mountains.

This is bad.

"Hey you, gil guy!" Teacher Fey called. "It\'s time to go back!"

I caught Amara\'s worried look in the corner of my eyes when I wasn\'t budging from where I stood.

I ignored them.

I was thinking about my options here. We were surrounded from all sides, and I wasn\'t naïve to think that those goblins would simply gloss over this Town and continue forward.

Based on their movements and the Grendelkin\'s movement, their target was Castle Rock Town.

There was no going out since everywhere I looked, only goblins swarmed the area, so the only option was to hide in the safe walls of Castle Rock and hope that reinforcement would arrive.

But . . . how long the Town would last against this siege, that was another matter entirely.

I could summon Yuko here to fight. She was enough to handle the Grendelkin and the goblins here. The problem was . . . someone would surely investigate about Yuko. And if worse comes to worst . . . the God that after her might come at me.

Yuko wasn\'t strong enough to defeat that God yet so that would spell another trouble for me.

I decided to put Yuko as my last resort.

<How about Little Piggy?>

Forget about that pig. He would rather whine and laze around.

Sweat tickled the side of my cheeks, and my brain pounded hard against my head. I was pressed for time and could only warn the higher-ups to barge the Town and prepare for war if we wanted to have a chance to leave here alive.

Looking over at the teachers who were going back to Town, I didn\'t know how to tell them without divulging my skills.

These goblins halted their movement just out from the range of the Town scouts prompt on each towers of the gate.

The goblins suddenly stopped, and I knew that this Grendelkin was on their side since once the goblins stopped their advance, it stopped moving as well.

Were they waiting for night to attack when the others were asleep? It would make sense if the inhabitants were caught off guard to lay the siege for a swift victory.

Meaning I still have at least four to five hours before that happens.

But once I entered the Town with the others, my plans went down the drain.

The city where the inhabitants were supposed to guard this Town was drunk and partying in the streets and plaza. The bards were singing and playing instruments, and the inhabitants and players were dancing and drinking to their heart\'s content.

"OH! A party?"

"I thought that the celebration was tomorrow?"

"Why wait for tomorrow if you can start tonight, right?"

I didn\'t know when they started their merriment, but almost half of the Town was already drunk. Even the guardsmen and patrols.

Who would be left to take up arms and protect the Town now?

Bunch of . . . ! My anger rose before I sighed over the sky.

Getting angry right now wouldn\'t help my situation. I didn\'t have time to waste. The earlier the Town knew the impending attacks, the sooner the party would stop and arm the castle for attacks.

I didn\'t know who the mayor was or the high-ranking nobles in this town. But there was one person here that could very well be our salvation and ace in this battle.

But before that, I needed this town to wake up and prepare for war.

I went to the Merchant\'s Guild. Upon entering their doors, they told me that they were closed. They only stopped barging my way when I flashed the VIP card that Perry handed to me.

I went inside the office, and Perry welcomed me with open arms and a very wide smile.

"Ah! Cross! Just the man I wanted to see! Your lamp is a hit! Even across the sea and the other Kingdoms! We need to mass produce these lamps as soon as possible! The numbers who wanted those lamps keep increasing every second! They don\'t even care about the price! This thing only happened once in the entire history of the Merchant Guild!"

I stopped him from rattling on and on with a strong grip over his shoulders.


Perry shrunk under my intense gaze and stammered, "Y-yes?"

"I need you to listen very closely."

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