
Chapter 45 - 45

Chapter 45 - 45

We didn\'t encounter any trouble on the way back to the camp, and we split off when we arrived. Those in need of healing went to the healers while the elder would meet with elder Darin to figure out what best to do with the supplies we now had.

Some of the people headed off to celebrate with a drink or two, and Misty, Sandra, and I were invited, but we begged off, instead Sandra headed off to her own tent, while Misty waited to see what I would do.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"I don\'t—"

"I don\'t mean for normal food."

She stopped and hesitated, but then she nodded. Zirani had informed me that she\'d need to feed regularly for the first few weeks before things stabilized and I\'d wondered how we were going to get her fed, but Zirani had a suggestion and a quick look at the bounty board had got that figured out. There were open bounties for members of the twin horn and other missions to raid small outposts. Normally I\'d be hesitant, but Zirani had assured me that we would be fine as long as I chose the right missions and that once Misty\'s inner beast was let out, there was little chance of a first core arcanist matching her.

Apprenyl aether vampires were ridiculously strong. In fact, they were stronger, faster, more agile, and had better natural sense than humans. Misty was still in shock and didn\'t know what to do about her situation. If she\'d been a normal vampire, then she\'d be ripping through first core arcanists with ease and probably be on a feeding frenzy. Thank god she wasn\'t, since I had no doubt she\'d be caught if she did.

The bounty system the steel heart had was quite simple with bounties ranging from simple escort missions to hunting and gathering missions. Of course, due to the war, most missions were twin horn bounties, but that also meant they paid better. The bounty building was located near the northside of the camp and even at night was bustling with activity. It didn\'t take me long to choose a bounty to take.

All I needed was some weak twin horn disciples and a newly created outpost had been spotted close to the edges of their territory. It had been discovered by accident and was only managed by three lower first core arcanists. A perfect target.

We left immediately, and to my surprise a few minutes into our trip, we were caught up by Sandra, who didn\'t look too happy.

"Why didn\'t you tell me you were going on a mission?"

I shrugged. "I thought you were asleep."

"I rested before the raid, I\'m not really tired, besides why are you going on a mission this late at night?"

"To feed her," I said, pointing at Misty who seemed to hunch in on herself.

Sandra opened her mouth to say something, but then must have thought better on it.

She licked her lips nervously. "Is this Zirani\'s plan?"

"Somewhat," I said. "It was her suggestion, I just chose the bounty."

"Just tell her to come along," Zirani said in an exasperated voice.

"Zirani said to come along," I told the black-haired teen.

"Ok," She replied, still seeming nervous about something. \'`Do you mind if I see the bounty?\'

I pulled it from my pocket and handed it over.

"Oh an outpost raid," She mused. "And not too far. I\'ll lead the way, I\'m better at navigating in the dark."

I shrugged and motioned for her to take the lead. I honestly didn\'t mind if she came along. I just sort of wanted to get this over with so I could have a day to just rest and process everything that had happened.

We moved quickly together, and I could see Sandra\'s surprise that Misty could keep us so easily, in fact, I\'m pretty sure the blonde was holding back. She was also dodging the trees, branches, and anything else that would get in her way with ease, and she seemed to now possess a preternatural grace and elegance. I wasn\'t sure, but I swear her hair seemed paler and she seemed taller to me.

"It\'s the changes," Zirani explained. "Over the first few weeks, she is going to change as she fully embraces what she is."

"Embraces? I don\'t think she wants that,"

Zirani sighed. "That\'s what I\'m worried about. There is still a lot I haven\'t told you about aether vampires. These weeks are going to be rough on her. I hope this war ends soon, or I\'m going to have to think up something."

"How do you even know so much about them," I asked.

"I\'ve met a few, in combat and outside of it," She said. "Despite the hate they get, they are not all bad, just most of them. Their culture is for the most part a beast-eat-beast world and then you have their politics. The younger vampires aren\'t much to worry about, though still dangerous, it\'s the older ones that are the problem."

"Didn\'t you say they were kill-on-sight?"

"For the most part, yes, but there are a few groups that do business with them and they have some cities where all are welcome, though you do have to pay a blood price most of the time, to enter."

"Blood price?\'

"It\'s complicated. When we get past the scar and we\'re more likely to encounter them, then I\'ll explain further about their society."

Sandra suddenly stopped and motioned for us to wait. "I think it\'s up ahead, under that cliff to the right, do you see it?"

I looked up and just faintly I could see the glow of firelight and hear very faint voices.

"I can see it. We just need to knock them out or injure them badly enough so that Misty can... finish them off."

Sandra grimaced and nodded, but didn\'t comment, which was a surprise, then again she probably thought Zirani was listening in, and by now she knew better than to piss her off.

"You ready, Misty?" I asked, turning to the blonde.

She nodded hesitantly, and there was conflict in her eyes. There was fear, and disgust, but also hunger and that bestial side that I\'d seen before. She was fighting herself.

"Let me handle this," Zirani said and she appeared next to me before heading over to Misty. They exchanged a few hushed words before Misty finally nodded.

"She\'s fine now, she knows what to do," Zirai said, moving back into her core.

I chose not to comment.

"All right then, let\'s move closer."

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